Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

[NSFW] Guys -- do you have a clear memory of what your partner's private parts look like?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) April 22nd, 2011

I know some guys are gay, so, even if the had experience, they might not be interested. Also, some women are quite familiar with their partner’s genitals, but being women, they probably know it too well, so I’d prefer that straight men answer this.

I was just thinking about my wife’s pussy, a part of her anatomy that I know intimately, and yet, I could not picture it. It’s like one of those memories where you might have a vision of one part, but everything else hazes out. I think this might be because whenever I go down on her, I close my eyes. I work by feel, not by vision.

I could tell you how it feels, but I can’t tell you what it looks like. Maybe I’m so close my vision kind of shorts out? I don’t know.

Do you know what your partner’s pussy looks like? Have you ever observed it? I mean, just observed? Does that sound weird to you? Like why would you want to do that?

Can you picture her pussy in your mind? Do you find it beautiful? What is your emotional relationship to it? Reverence? Businesslike? Purely sexual? What?

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29 Answers

trickface's avatar

A question for your question : why did you not use the word Vagina?

I’m sorry but I can’t answer your question because it’s a little too personal and private to me! Good luck though.

seazen_'s avatar

No, and businesslike.

ucme's avatar

The wife just informed me that if I answer this question, she’ll tw@ me over the head with the monitor. Now, in the interests of self preservation I feel it would be wise to beat a hasty retreat… I will.

wundayatta's avatar

@trickface For me, vagina is too clinical. It’s like a piece of meat. One wouldn’t remember what a piece of meat looks like, I think. Pussy, for me, is very warm and affectionate and appreciative, so that’s my preferred term. Obviously things like cunt and other derogatory terms are derogatory, which is not how I feel at all. They think that pussy is obscene, so I changed it to private parts, which is, of course, a euphemism for prudes and isn’t the preferred term for this question, where emotion is an important part of the meaning.

Of course, others have different associations with different terms, but in truth, this question isn’t really about pussies at all. It’s more about memory and the ways we remember things that are special to us and the different ways we get information about the things that are special to us. Of course, if I had known that when I wrote the question, I would have phrased it that way.

It just surprised me that I had no visual memory of something I was intimately familiar with. Perhaps there are other kinds of things where we do not have visual memories of things we normally associate with visual perception.

I do not mean this question to be provocative or puerile. Nor jejune. This is just a surprising realization I had and I wonder if others do or don’t have a similar experience, and in general, what their relationship to this part of a woman’s anatomy is.

I think that a lot of men just see it as… well, like a piece of meat. It’s just something that is a means to an end, then end being orgasm, of course. I would hope that men see it as a revered symbol of the pleasure one can have with a truly intimate relationship with a woman. I don’t just mean intimate in terms of sexual intimacy, but the much larger intimacy that sexual intimacy can symbolize or express.

Porn tends to depict sex without context. There is no real relationship between these people in most movies. It’s just parts moving. There is some porn that gets at more of a relationship between the people. Sometimes the guy will pick up the supposed stranger on the street and seduce her. Sometimes the photographer will put an add in the paper and then seduce the applicant. Sometimes there are even women who sound like they really are having fun, not just faking it.

However, between lovers who actually love each other, there is an entirely different context. There are strong feelings that send energy racing through their bodies. They gaze adoringly into each other’s eyes and they literally can not think anything negative about the other. For them, sex is the physical expression of all those feelings. It allows the need to do something about those feelings reach a discharge (literally and figuratively) that relaxes and calms… until the next time the energy builds up.

I think that in this type of situation, when people get physically intimate not just with straight sex, but also with their mouths being all over each other’s bodies, that you would get a very intense memory of their body. A visual memory. What I have discovered is that my memory is not visual. I is more kinetic and olfactory. I can remember the smells and the feel—the plasticity of her skin, the scent of her vagina and her sweat, the reaction I get when my beard rubs her neck—those kinds of things. But the closer I get to her pussy, the less I remember visually and more other feelings seem to be what stand in the place of visual memory.

I find this odd, especially when I want to remember something visually and I can’t. And even though I know this, I can go back with the intention of looking, and still the same thing happens. Almost as if I can’t have a visual memory. I suppose I am too much in the moment to remember any intentions I had before. ‘Tis a quandary.

Does anyone else have that same quandary? I don’t know. Perhaps people are unprepared to speak honestly about this. Perhaps it seems too personal. Perhaps it makes people uncomfortable. I hope that if people focus on the issue of memory of something they care about greatly (I hope), it would be easier to talk about it.

seazen_'s avatar

I hear ya buddy. As you may know, I’m not a very visual person. That particular part of the anatomy takes back seat to the boobs, imho. However, if you want an honest answer – I’d know instantly whether it was her next to me – without seeing it – if you know what I mean.

gmander's avatar

Do I need to know, should I keep a picture? I’d rather not.

Blackberry's avatar

I do remember it, it just like a face or any other body part; it is many of those things all in one lol.

Scooby's avatar

There have been soooo many! :-/
Some I can recognise by their hair cut others for being quite bald, I don’t tend to dwell on it though….. :-/

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

LOL, are you just asking men because you think women remember penises without a problem?

ucme's avatar

This would make a great game show, Whose Labia is it Anyway? I’d be sure to spot the wife’s amongst many, her’s would be the one pouting at me ;¬}

Randy's avatar

Oh wow! This is a very interesting question!

I can’t picture any of the girl’s vaginas that I’ve been with. I can picture the area around the vagina pretty with like the hair (or lack of) and the thighs but not the vagina itself. I usually spend quite a bit of time down in there, especially with my latest ex, and on top of that, I’m a very visual person but I probably couldn’t pick her vagina out of a barrel of them to save my own life.

The only explanation I can think is that when I go down on a girl, I’m a man on a mission and the mission has nothing to do with gathering intel on what I’m looking at. I don’t think it’s a lack of intimacy but it almost feels that way. I almost feel shameful for not being able to picture it.

tedd's avatar

@Randy Just to get this clear, and make sure its fully clarified…. You just said.. in a sentence….. “pick her vagina out of a barrel of them” .... or in other words a “barrel of vaginas” ............ I feel my life is now complete.

Randy's avatar

@tedd Bingo! An entire barrel filled with vaginas. I feel like it would be sort of gross to see but at the same time I’d be pretty excited. It would be a nice weird feeling.

JustJessica's avatar

Can I answer the question as a Bi woman?? Yes I remember every detail about every vagina pussy I’ve seen, maybe women are just more detail oriented. I can picture my favorites and do quite often in my mind. I can pick them out in a line up!

wundayatta's avatar

You see, @Simone_De_Beauvoir, women have an unfair advantage when it comes to relationships with vaginas. Their knowledge of their own makes their observations incomparable to men’s. It’s just not fair. Also, I’m not sure they would be as mystical to someone who has one.

Oh look. @JustJessica illustrates my point exactly! (We were writing at the same time).

whitenoise's avatar

Of course I do. To be honest, I love looking at every part of my wife.

But… I can understand what you’re saying. It is not the most obvious part of your wife to look at and in general, whenever I am in a position to have a good look at it, my brain goes onto a side track that leads away from objective observation.

I also think it may be a cultural thing to feel like that is not a part of the woman’s physique we should be studying. It is amusing to see people’s reactions – particularly those from US citizens – to the famous artwork by Courbet that is called The Origin of the World (NSFW)

AstroChuck's avatar

All I remember is that although her private parts have no teeth, her gums don’t look so good.

ucme's avatar

If anyone says there’s a nose up their partner’s pussy, i’m calling the police.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Of course I do. When you spend enough time down there you tend to remember these sorts of things. :P

Facade's avatar

Answering for my SO I definitely know what your pussy looks like. Aroused and unaroused; from all angles.

cookieman's avatar

I could pick it out of a line-up.

Ladymia69's avatar

@Randy A barrel of disembodied vaginas?

Ladymia69's avatar

Or I guess you’re truly speaking of the labias?

JLeslie's avatar

Vagina is the inside part, vulva is what you are looking at. Pussy is fine for the Q in my opinion. Carry on.

Randy's avatar

Eh… Insides, outsides… I still can’t picture any particular lover’s lady parts.

sleepdoc's avatar

I have a pretty good picture of it in my mind. I am not going to comment on the relationship aspect of it though.

Trojans40's avatar

I have a really cleared picture the ones I have been with. I seen it untouched, and touched. I have obseve them a couple of them, only if the partner lets me do that. I guess I am a visual prevert, I have been a porn addicted when I was four, but now that all done for me now. ><! Porn is not the same as the actual experience thou. Even with all the HD and 3D vaginas we get on tv today, the real thing is the one I still worship.

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