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JLeslie's avatar

Do you care about the glass you use with a particular beverage?

Asked by JLeslie (65968points) April 22nd, 2011

I do. I like my Coca-cola in a tall thin(ish) glass. Or, even a wine glass.

I like water and iced tea in a wider glass than my coca cola, it can be a shorter glass too.

I don’t drink wine, but I find it so odd when someone drinks wine in a non-wine glass.

Does your martini have to be in a martini glass?

I just wondered if other people bother to think about the glass they are using when being informal in their own homes?

I think it changes the whole experience, maybe even the taste. It can be part of the ritual I think with certain drinks, playing into tradition and memories.

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39 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I do have a favorite teacup that I made myself,but other than that I don’t…hmmmm…no,wait a minute…I have a favorite beer glass too that a Brewmeister friend gave to me and I will usually use the same coffee mug if it is not being washed.
I guess I am more particular than I thought! I think I hate that! XD

J0E's avatar

I do the same thing with Coke. I will go out of my way to get a nice glass to drink it in, I just feel like Coke is classy and deserves a classy glass.

Randy's avatar

I usually don’t mind what I’m drinking out of as long as it’s not a plastic cup. I HATE plastic cups. HATE THEM! I have one plastic water bottle that I enjoy drinking from but for some reason, plastic cups just bother me. Give me a glass or a ceramic cup like a coffee cup. I can drink anything from either of those.

linguaphile's avatar

My sun brewed tea belongs in a big mason jar with large ice cubes. Anything else is just a poor imitation.

JLeslie's avatar

I should add I never like mega big glasses. These 32 ounce things are ridiculous and ugly, even 24 ounces, too big.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Well, yes, I suppose. I have two cups that are only for tea and one cup that is only for hot chocolate.

zenvelo's avatar

I have my favorite coffee mugs, one I save just for Saturdays when I drink a pot of coffee at home. I have certain glasses that are the best to have with milk if I am eating a cookie.

When I used to drink alcohol, I had specific glasses for specific drinks.

It’s all part of the ritual!

JLeslie's avatar

@Randy Me too. I hate plastic.

Randy's avatar

@JLeslie I seriously would almost rather drink from a bowl than a plastic cup.

SuperMouse's avatar

When I drank, I had to have wine out of a wine glass. Also, I hate drinking cold beverages out of coffee mugs. I cannot stand it and refuse to do it!

erichw1504's avatar

No. Tastes the same to me no matter what it’s in.

erichw1504's avatar

I could drink coffee out of an empty Spaghettios can.

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Cupcake's avatar

I mostly drink water (plastic or glass cup) and tea (any mug).
I don’t drink wine, nor do I have wine glasses.

When clean dishes run low, I’ll drink anything out of anything.
P.S. My glass-glasses don’t match. We don’t have a complete set of anything.

Cruiser's avatar

I drink my coffee during the work week from the largest mug I can find and still carry with me. But on weekends I will seek out my favorite glass coffee mug…there must be something I get out of seeing the creamer swirl around I guess.

I also have a favorite water/juice glass I will fight over and usually win to have next to me as I sit in my recliner and Fluther.

marinelife's avatar

I like a very large glass for my iced tea.

I drink juice in short glasses.

Blackberry's avatar

Yes, I do care, and I don’t know why. It really only applies to alcohol, though. I wouldn’t want to drink a martini is a plastic cup lol.

ucme's avatar

I drink my coffee from a Dad mug (present from the kids) Anything else goes down what it came in, can/bottle. I’m a bit rough I suppose, but i’m happy XD

JLeslie's avatar

@ucme Oooh, I can barely drink out of a can or bottle. Seroously, I just don’t do it well. My husband thinks I am an idiot. Give me water in a bottle and I barely drink half. Same day, same thirst, in a glass, drink the whole thing. Same with tea, coke, everything.

ucme's avatar

@JLeslie I only drink out of a can so I can look macho when I crush the damn thing. You know, like Quint in Jaws XD

picante's avatar

I’m a container snob. My champagne is preferred in a crystal flute; my iced tea should be served in a large (Texas-sized) glass; my coffee should be in a cup that fits just right in my hand; and on and on. I can tough it out if I have to, but the “right” container is very much a part of the whole experience of a good beverage to me.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Champagne/sparkling wine in tall crystal flutes.
Red wine in bell shaped goblets.
Whiskey or Scotch in short glasses or shot glasses.
Juice, soda, mixed drinks can go in anything glass.
Hot tea in glass handle tall mugs.
Hot coffee/espresso in anything ceramic.

JLeslie's avatar

Gosh, I had my doubts about asking this question, but turns out I love this thread. Thanks for the answers so far.

MissAnthrope's avatar

My knee-jerk reaction to this question was to say no, I don’t care about the drink container. But as I read along and thought about it, I realized that I do, in fact, care about my drinking vessels.

No matter what, I prefer glass over plastic, paper, styrofoam, and ceramic. I find the taste and smell of things are more pure and unsullied by the container material.

Wine tastes better in wine glasses and I am a little picky about the shape (white wine glass vs. red wine glass), but I am not so insane as to require different bell shapes for different varietals. Well, excepting sparkling wine, of course, which just tastes so much better in a flute. Unless it’s mixed with juice of some sort, then I’m not too picky.

Beer tastes better in a glass, too. I love pint glasses. However, there are some really cool beer glasses out there, designed for a particular brew. For example, we have these tall, skinny Trumer Pils pint glasses at work.. When designing the glasses, the brewery studied the bubble size and figured out that the beer tastes better if you have to tilt your head back as you drink; it allows the beer to hit just the right place on your palate.

I am particular about my coffee vessels. I have a 16 oz, really beautiful Scorpio mug I bought in Scotland ages ago that is my preferred cup. I have a smaller, maybe 10–12 oz Wonder Woman mug (a most excellent present from my friend), and now a new 12 oz Eco One ‘not a paper cup’ travel mug thing that is pretty and cool.

I will drink cold beverages out of mugs if necessary, it doesn’t bother me that much. I’d actually prefer that to plastic, I think.

DominicX's avatar

Not usually, but wine must be drunk out of a wine glass, and coffee/hot chocolate/tea must be drunk out of a mug. :) Anything else doesn’t really matter to me.

dabbler's avatar

here somewhere you’ll find two of those big stainless steel milk shake cups that only ever have filtered tap water in them, Right now I’m hogging both of them on my desk next to me.
some folk won’t drink beer from a bottle but I don’t mind.
I won’t turn down a beverage because it’s in the wrong glass.
But some containers are more commensurate than others for the portion temperature and aromatic qualities. @linguaphile “sun brewed tea belongs in a big mason jar” is approximately perfect.

Rarebear's avatar

Yes! I like my pilsners in a pilsner glass because they promote nice big heads that give off the flowery Saas hop aroma. I like my stouts in a nice Imperial pint ale glass because it promotes the thick creamy heads. I like my Belgians in Belgian glasses because the wide mouth promotes the yeasty fruity aromas.

dabbler's avatar

no styrofoam “coffee cups” ! hideous pleh pleh pleh spit gag hiss

Scooby's avatar

My whiskey tumbler has my name engraved upon it, it was a birthday gift from my ex-wife…. Thirtieth I believe… it’s cut crystal & worth a few bob too, it’s the only thing worthwhile she ever gave me :-/ I’m drinking out of it right now.. Lol…….

WasCy's avatar

I’m not picky. I’ll drink from @lucillelucillelucille‘s right shoe or her left one.

tedibear's avatar

Oh yes, I have preferences. Green tea from one of the Japanese tea cups we have, regular old Lipton from a tea mug that was my mom’s, wine in a wine glass, coffee in any available mug, beer from its bottle, gin and tonic from the biggest glass I can find.

augustlan's avatar

Goodness, yes. I think I’m a little insane about it, actually.

I prefer my main drink, Sprite Zero, straight from the can. Has to be cold. Can’t stand it in a bottle. If I have to buy a bottled drink, I’ll either choose a regular sprite or water. I prefer my beer, Rolling Rock, straight from the bottle, ice cold. No glass, no can.

I can drink things out of a disposable ‘party’ cup (those red plastic ones), but not a reusable plastic cup. Certain glasses are good and certain glasses are bad, in my world. The glass has to be somewhat thick, and it can’t have a taste. For some reason, some glass cups just taste bad to me. If I’m drinking soda or water out of a glass cup, it has to be a big cup. Juice, milk or alcoholic drinks can be in smaller cups. I’ll drink an alcoholic beverage in a glass not specifically designed for that beverage, but it has to fit all of my other requirements.

See? Insane.

dabbler's avatar

@augustlan Egad yes, I mean ‘No!’ to glass with a taste. What is that… hard-water scale ?
I don’t recall whether I’ve tasted that on new glasses which wouldn’t have had a chance to build up a scale. It even smells funny.

augustlan's avatar

@dabbler Yes! They do have a weird smell, too. I have noticed it in brand new glasses, so I don’t think it’s related to hard water. Maybe something different in the manufacturing process?

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe they spray the glasses for shipping from China. All sorts of crap chemicals are used to ship from parts of Asia.

tedibear's avatar

Oh! I forgot about that funky just-out-of-the-dishwasher smell. That’s not what Augie meant, but that comment made me think of it. I also forgot to mention those metal glasses that are wonderful in the summer for keeping cold drinks cold. I don’t own any, but I remember them clearly. They’re aluminum, so I wonder what harm they may have done…

dabbler's avatar

@tedibear those are gorgeous, I remember that fabulous iridescence! But ya… don’t drink out of aluminum anymore, make lamps out of them or something.


Sometimes, especially if the beverage was milk——I don’t like drinking milk out of a cup. I prefer a tall glass, but since glass is harder to clean after drinking milk, I usually use a cup instead. With other beverages, like juice, I use any sort of glass or cup. But with alcoholic beverages, it is almost always glass. Hard liquor is usually served in small shot glasses, and I drink wine out of wine glasses, and brandy out of a sniffer.

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