Who would be some of the most/least fearsome villains in cinema history?
Asked by
ucme (
April 22nd, 2011
Probably been asked before, at least a variation thereof. A ton of “new blood” has arrived in recent times however, so I think it’s fair game. Basically, this question does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s intent therefore should be clear, go for your lives jellybots!
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32 Answers
Most fearsome? Linda Blair in The Exorcist.
Least fearsome? The two villains in Home Alone.
Gotta go with Hannibal.
Least? I hate to even bring up Batman – especially the crappy ones with nipples – but their villains were so bad – they were almost good. Whatsherface Alicia Silversomething? Shwarzenneger? The Penguin? Poison Ivy?
The Dark Knight made the old ones comical to the point of absurdity – they weren’t even fit for kiddie consumption.
Hanibbal Lector,Gene Hackman in Unforgiven,The mean guy in The Good, The Bad and the Ugly,and a bunch of other mean guys whose names I can’t remember.
Chucky. I’d just drop kick that little motherf’er.
Most? Norman Bates, Darth Vader, Nurse Ratched, Hannibal Lecter, and the Wicked Witch of the West are the top 5 of AFI’s list. I’m going to add Voldemort.
@seazen_ I never could take the Penguin seriously in Batman Returns; I kept hearing Danny Devito’s voice and thinking about Ruthless People, Get Shorty, and Twins.
Most fearsome? Gotta go with Darth Vader from the original trilogy. Not whiny Anakin Skywalker from new trilogy.
Hannibal Lecter is the most fearsome villain I’ve seen.
The least fearsome one would most likely be the kidnapper in Dennis the Menace.
@Dr_Dredd Word. Especially about Anakin 15 minutes of fame Skywalker. Almost as bad as – gulp – Jar Jar.
Most Fearsome List -
The ridiculously creepy long haired woman in The Grudge
The psychotic girl ghost in the The Ring
That cold bad ass killer in No Country For Old Men
Henry Fonda’s character in Once Upon A Time In The West
Those mutants in The Hills Have Eyes
The shark in Jaws
Least Fearsome -
Brutus ( Popeye’s nemesis )
@Cruiser I love that you posted a link, like i’d never heard of her!! ;¬} Ironically the video ain’t available in my country. I wonder who she is, I guess i’ll never know :¬)
@Cruiser I remember hearing she was badly burned in the scene where she departs munchkin land. Delayed shooting for a while, she did play that role extremely well. Frightened the beejeezus outta me when I was a kid.
Least fearsome- George Lopez as Mr. Electric in The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
Most fearsome: The Mummy
Least: Cruella De Vile
Most Fearsome: Mary Poppins
Least Fearsome: The Girl from the Ring
Emperor Ming the Merciless in Flash Gordon for both.
Le Tenia (The Tapeworm) in the movie Irreversible. As Most fearsome.
Recently? Most fearsome:
Anton Chigurh from No Country For Old Men – just a force of nature, really
Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex & the City 1 & 2 – equine-faced terror
Least fearsome:
Every villain in Batman & Robin – Poison Ivy actually says “curses!” ugh!
General Grievous from Star Wars ep 3 – An asthmatic robot? Ummm… ‘kay, George
Reading all of the mentions of Hannibal Lecter, I thought I’d add in Francis Dolarhyde of Red Dragon. Creeped me right out!
The Joker in The Dark Knight was pretty creepy, too. The insane ones always are.
Least fearsome? Maybe The Leprechaun.
The most creepy is Hannibal Lecter, but I will add Wez from The Road Warrior
Least creepy? Toe Cutter from the first Mad Max movie.
The most fearsome: Dolores Jane Umbridge. I can’t even think of “least fearsome.” being too busy shuddering at the thought of Umbridge…
I thought Kathy Bates was pretty scary in “Misery.’
Least scary…mmmm…any run o’ the mill zombie.
Yes Coloma, I said word to Kathy Bates. I still feel a pinch in my feet when even her name is mentioned. Out of context. Anytime. Really.
@Coloma I cannot look at a sledge hammer the same way after that movie! HS!
If you might consider Glenn Close as villainous in Fatal Attraction then she was fearsome. Bugs Bunny would have.
Least fearsome- Dr. Evil, Austin Powers
Most fearsome- Predator
As creepy as she was, I love ‘Misery.’
One in my library I watch again now & then,
You dirty bird, I’m your number one fan! lol
Most fearsome is Shiina Eihi is Horror Movie queen of Japan. At “Hellrider”, meteor hit her at chest, tear out her heart, she tear out stepdaughter’s heart use it. She tear husband apart, dismember many more people. At “Audition” she seem innocent, horror gradually unfold, see blanket move at her home, soon see is man under it have feet and tongue cut off. She drug her boyfriend, begin cut off his feet, sing sweetly while she do that. At “Tokyo Gore Police” she is heroine this time, is policewoman chase savage mutants have horns like deer.
Least fearsome are dean and his assistants at Manugurifinu Academy in “Kekko Kamen” series. Their idea of torture young girl students is tickle feet, etc. Shiina Eihi laugh at them.
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