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XOIIO's avatar

How is it that I just know what to do?

Asked by XOIIO (18359points) April 22nd, 2011

I don’t watch romantic movies, or read romantic books, or anything like that, and I’ve never been in
a relationship untill now, so how is it that I seem to just know what would be a good thing to do

I’ll give you an example.

My new GF wants me to kiss her, I’ve never kissed anyone before, but somehow I had a plan that
seems good.

I would do the usual that we do, hanging out for a couple hours after school. Hold hangs, hug, whatever. Then when her bus comes by, before she goes to take it, would grab her by the small of the waist, pull her towards me with a gentle squeeze, give her a quick kiss, and then walk away asif nothing happened. By doing this it seems like it would not give her a chance to say anything or get another kiss, so it would leave her wanting another one, and the fact that she would have to wait a whole day would kinda, idk, build the passion up a bit. The person I talked to said it was a good idea.btw, what do you guys think of it?

How do I know to do something like this instinctively? How do Ijust know what would work well and what wouldnt’?

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32 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It sounds perfect!
How do you know it will work well if you haven’t done it yet?

XOIIO's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I don’t know how, I just… do.

JLeslie's avatar

Sounds good. Don’t be dissappointed if it doesn’t work exactly as planned. These things can be hard to plan. Just remember if she hesitates or pulls back don’t force it.

Cruiser's avatar

Sounds to me like you are over thinking it and kissing and walking away would blow any opportunity for a full on make out session!

bkcunningham's avatar

It does sound perfect to me too. I think finding companionship is instinctive. Go with what you feel is the right thing to do @XOIIO. Spring (or maybe it is just pheromones) is in the air. She’ll let you know if your gut didn’t tell you the right thing. But, I personally, think it seems like the perfect plan.

XOIIO's avatar

@Cruiser but, it would leave her wanting more, and the lust for lack of a better word would take hold much more strongly. I knwo she really, really likes me, so this seems like uit would work. plus, I’m not sure I want to make out at the bus terminal XD

@bkcunningham and @JLeslie She’s said she’s okay if I put my arm around her waist or something.

I’m just wondering how I know to do this shit without any experrience whatsoever. I just get a rush of an idea, and can totally see it happening, and what I would do.

john65pennington's avatar

Mother Nature always has a plan for us guys to kiss the ladies. I really do not think any of us planned a kiss, it just happened.

It has everything to do with timing, location and the mood you both are in.

Your plan seems pretty good, just don’t be surprised if she kisses you back and your toes curl.

bkcunningham's avatar

@XOIIO it is called romance. It is the thing that makes poets write and birds sing. We’ve all felt that feeling of imagining what it would feel like to touch someone else and make them want more (and wanting more ourselves). People were doing it long before movies and romance novels. “Birds do it, bees do it…romantic sponges, they say, do it oysters, down in oyster bay, do it let’s do it, let’s fall in love…”

XOIIO's avatar

It’s also not just kissing, like, everything, including “doing the deed”. idk, if someone who preffers romantic stuff would like to know what i figure I might do and give me an opinion message me. like, if you are experience with that sort of thing and you know what women like, idk

Cruiser's avatar

@XOIIO A kiss and run is playing games and IMO being disingenuous….you want to kiss her…so just kiss her!

XOIIO's avatar

@Cruiser Not really a run, I would totally stay, it just seems like this tactic would make it a bit more.. interesting

bkcunningham's avatar

Please, don’t do the deed without protection from disease and pregnancy. Just saying.

XOIIO's avatar

@bkcunningham of course lol, I’m def not going in without protection. It’s common sense, just saying that its obviously gonna happen sometime or later

BarnacleBill's avatar

I think you intuitively know how to take this in bite-sized pieces. There is no hurry; savor the moments.

XOIIO's avatar

@BarnacleBill that was a long type typing that up lol

I definitely will

BarnacleBill's avatar

Incoherent sentence, cat walking on keyboard, and a phone call

WasCy's avatar

You appear to know what you want to do, but… there’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip, so to speak.

There’s no telling that this is going to go off as planned. If she doesn’t know why you’re grabbing her, then she may resist. If you attempt to kiss her quickly, then you may bump noses (embarrassing) or teeth (could be painful and bloody). If you kiss her more quickly than she thinks is seemly then she may think you don’t care, or you’re embarrassed to be seen kissing her. She may think you cut it off because of her bad breath.

So far this is just a great plan in your own mind. She’s not a machine that will respond just the way you think she ought to.

The best advice I can give you on kissing, and especially a first kiss, is to take your time, do it slowly and savor the moment. Don’t try to rush it and “leave her wanting more” because the first one was unsatisfactory. That’s a big Hell No. If the first one isn’t any good, is rushed, slapdash, painful or embarrassing, then she may not want another.

XOIIO's avatar

@WasCy well I kinda explained the outline of it too her and she liked it, she wants me to do it impulsively, without her expecting it

KateTheGreat's avatar

You’ve grown up in an age that uses sexuality as marketing. It’s hard to go one day without finding something sexually suggestive around you. Therefore, you probably know what to do given what you’ve been around.

Also, you might think you know what you’re doing, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Lots of trial and error, good and bad, and a shitton of giggles is what you can expect!

XOIIO's avatar

@KatetheGreat Actually, I naturally ignore all ads, I barely see billboards or anything anymore, and i’m usually causeght up in my thoughts so I think that helps. The good thing is, she’s pretty crazy for me lol, and pretty much williing tr try anything, also knows what it’slike to be where I am, and is fine with letting me know if I should do anyhting. She’s also apparently “surprisingly flexible”


KateTheGreat's avatar

@XOIIO Even if you don’t notice it, your brain is taking in certain stimuli and you learn from that. I’m sure you’ve seen movies, seen it in public, and giving the amount of time you spend in the NSFW threads, you learn a bit. She might say she’s up for anything, but it might just be because she hasn’t tried much at all. Score? I guess. Just hope she doesn’t get all naggy and clingy.

XOIIO's avatar

@KatetheGreat Nah, she’s a total tomboy and we are really good friends, and she tells the truth.Something she told me she wouldnt lie about.

As for the NSFW threads?I like a laugh now and then.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@XOIIO Alright, that’s good. I guess I kind of relate to her, I’m the “one of the bros” type chick. So hopefully she’s pretty chill. Just don’t hurt her or anything! Good luck!

It’s funny that I notice that you frequent the NSFW threads. Hahahaha.

XOIIO's avatar

@KatetheGreat yeah, why do you spend so much time in there? lol

Yeah, we get along real well, and were super chill, although she says she feels differend about me, like, she;s never been nervous with a guy before me

SABOTEUR's avatar

Stop thinking so much about it…just go with the flow…

XOIIO's avatar

@SABOTEUR I am always thinking, I can’t stop.

SABOTEUR's avatar

I’m sure. That’s the problem.

XOIIO's avatar

@SABOTEUR Yeah, it messes with a few things in my life. I can’t help but over analyze and see dozens of different outcomes for a situation

Aster's avatar

Sounds perfect to me, too. Just make it fast then turn around and cooly walk away.
Great idea.

XOIIO's avatar

@Aster yeah lol, and thanks.

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