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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

What is the secret to wearing high heels?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) April 23rd, 2011

Inspired by this question, how do you wear high heels without having them butcher your feet?

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10 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

You need to get the right size and just practice walking in them.:)

emeraldisles's avatar

Don’t wear the high heels for an extended period. Wear heels that only have a couple inches not 5 or 6 inches and you’ll be fine.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I wear heels between 3” and 4.5” as a norm. Keeping my abs tightened and not swinging my hips side-to-side has worked pretty well as does making an effort to put one foot slightly in front of the other as I stride rather than walking with toes pointed out or walking “over” my feet/putting my weight forward rather than slightly back, hips tucked under. I practiced a lot as a kid and a teen on different surfaces.

The condition of my toes only suffered the times I wore shoes with straps or seams that rubbed the tops of my toes because they are double jointed and the knuckles pop up as I grip and walk. There are amazing little gel sleeves you can buy to avoid that and also little pads to stick to the shoe where the ball of your foot rests which acts as a nice cushion and grip to keep from sliding forward in the shoes.

dxs's avatar

@emeraldisles one of my family members broke her feet because she used to wear high heels so much. Even when her doctor told her not to, she still did on occasion and stil does now.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Here’s a not-so-secret- you don’t have to walk in the high heels in order to wear them well ;p

gailcalled's avatar

Have a very high tolerance for pain.

gailcalled's avatar

More answers here

jca's avatar

Everyone that I know that’s elderly and wore high heels “in their day” has hammer toes, bunions, etc. I don’t know why young women all think they can wear them full time and not be affected.

The secret to walking in them is to make your ankles relaxed so your foot moves naturally. It’s comical seeing someone walk with their ankles tense. They look stiff and stilted and the key is to walk as naturally as possible.

mcbealer's avatar

If I could… I would.

Despite having strong legs, I have never been able to master the art of walking in stilettos. I can wear wedges and chunky heeled platform shoes, though.

I would say it is likely because of how far up my foot flexes when I take a step.

I don’t understand how people can walk in them because when I walk my heel strikes down first. How do people keep their balance and how does their foot absorb all the impact of walking in stilettos?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@mcbealer: I’m also a heel-to-toe walker and for me anyway, the higher the heel, the more I have to consciously pick up my knees a little to stride out or else they would make irritating clacking with every step.

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