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Brian1946's avatar

Why are so many people now using Yarnlady's avatar?

Asked by Brian1946 (32750points) April 23rd, 2011

Or is she consuming other jellies? ;-)

Here’s why I’m asking this:

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77 Answers

trickface's avatar

oh god don’t let it happen to me!

wilma's avatar

They like the bunny ears for Easter.

Seelix's avatar

I have no idea how it happened.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Becasue we love yarn.

everephebe's avatar

Yarn and lady appreciation day.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Because bunny ears are rad.

Berserker's avatar

Because she has bunny ears, and she’s epic.

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

rooeytoo's avatar

How the hell did that happen???

Seelix's avatar

Yarnlady is taking over the world. Starting with Fluther.

everephebe's avatar

Janet orgy? Janet MOREgy! [corrected]

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

That’s hilarious.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@everephebe No, Janet MOREgy.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

May Yarn lady outlive us all

seazen_'s avatar

Damn it Janet

Brian1946's avatar

She has yet to consume me! I must flee!

seazen_'s avatar

What do you get when you knit bunny ears? Janet Yarnlady.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Better to live a day as a yarn lady than 100 years as a sheep -

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@seazen_ Didn’t you just leave chat b/c you had to go make money and stop Fluthering? Or are you just a traitor (with a hot avatar…)?

SavoirFaire's avatar

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Everyone seems to have their normal avatar as far as I can tell.

XOIIO's avatar


KateTheGreat's avatar

Don’t be hatin’ on us yarnlady’s.

Berserker's avatar

It’s Night of the Living Yarnlady!!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Because opratives from a secret government group has targeted @Yarnlady for assasination. As long as there are dozen dopplegangers out there they can’t be sure they got the right one. Then the French underground will extract her from her secret hiding place and remove the rice sized implant from her neck that has all the secret files on how the government are going to sell of huge chunks of society to the space aliens for advance technology they and their (the government) families will use to live 500+ years.

Berserker's avatar

That’s right. We got her back, man. Fuck you, government.

KateTheGreat's avatar

YARNLADY will save us from the zombie bunnies.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I always knew that the Easter Bunny was real, despite a sister telling me a different story.

Brian1946's avatar


Yeah, it’s probably an Easter Stuntday prank being played on us. ☼

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Brian1946 Never attribute to cleverness that which is adequately explained by drunkenness.

jonsblond's avatar

You guys are freakin me out with Janet. It’s my real name, damnit.

Bellatrix's avatar

Yarn is the new black. Everyone should wear it.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@jonsblond Well, then, dammit, Janet. We love you.

seazen_'s avatar

Did yarn ever come and see it?

jonsblond's avatar

This is not easy on Fluzzed eyes, let me tell you. Reminds me of Astrochuck day. Can’t wait for it to get back to normal. Don’t know who I’m talking to. :P

jca's avatar

She’s consuming the Earth like The Blob.

augustlan's avatar

Jeez. I get sick for ONE day. What the hell happened here?

KateTheGreat's avatar

@augustlan The frickin’ YARNPOCALYPSE.

SavoirFaire's avatar

It’s Yarnageddon. I always knew I’d have a hand in it.

downtide's avatar

I would change mine if I was sure that Yarnlady is happy about having her picture used by other people. Until then, I’ll stay out of it.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@downtide We messaged her. She’s fine with it.

downtide's avatar

oh good. :)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@KatetheGreat Rats, those French Underground slugs have not moved her to the “safe house” yet!?! Nit wits….

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central that’s what I was saying!

seazen_'s avatar

I have yarnlady tattoos on my arm now.

AmWiser's avatar

Well! this was a fun post to wake up to. I thought my eyes were deceiving me and that Yarnlady was talking to herself on this thread. Way cool.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@AmWiser You should join the fun!

janbb's avatar

Yeah – what’s this all about? Why not choose me?

KateTheGreat's avatar

@janbb Sorry if you feel left out, we had to take on YARNLADY’s identity so she wouldn’t be kidnapped.

janbb's avatar

S’okay, really – I’m making a little joke.

tedibear's avatar

I’ve been overtaken! But it’s for a good cause. :D

Cruiser's avatar

The French Underground has me locked up in the basement of this safe house and despite my proof of ID they insist I am Yarn Lady and wont let me leave! Shit I have a roast I need to get in the oven in 3 hours!! I need some help here!

jca's avatar

@Cruiser: I’m ready to have some of the roast beast.

wilma's avatar

Roast beast and hot cross buns to go with my pies, lemon and Raspberry.
I love Holiday food.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I really have not had enough coffee yet to process this.

You people is cray-cray.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@MissAnthrope Just take it in slowly :)

MilkyWay's avatar

A new addition ;)
Join the force.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m proud of my little queenie! :)

filmfann's avatar

Why do I have this sudden urge to tell everyone to watch their language?

MilkyWay's avatar

@Cruiser Tell em they can have me.

tedibear's avatar

@Cruiser – relax, we got your roast covered.

jca's avatar

Roast Beast.

Seelix's avatar

In case anyone was wondering why they should have a Yarnlady, here are the top reasons:
They’re fuzzy and cute.
They’re much softer and more flexible than your average pet rock.
If your parents or landlord won’t allow you to have a pet, they can’t object to a yarn person!
They make nice good luck charms.
They don’t mind tagging along wherever you go.
They don’t object to your taste in music. At least, not out loud.
They’re non-judgemental.
They’re fun to hang out with.
They can keep a secret.
They make fun gifts for friends.
They honestly couldn’t care less if you haven’t brushed your hair all day.
They don’t take up much space.

jca's avatar

Two more reasons:

They’re Yarn
They’re Ladies

seazen_'s avatar

They’re Non-Judgemental, Jon-Fudgemental, and a little mental.

bkcunningham's avatar

“They” @seazen_? As in, others than yourself? Hmm. Who started that ball of fun? ;)

seazen_'s avatar

Wasn’t me. Really.

MilkyWay's avatar

Oh we totally believe you zen.~

Jude's avatar

OK. I still don’t get why the yarnlady avatars. :) How did this start and why?

Brian1946's avatar


I read that the idea started in chat, and it’s apparently Easter related.

MilkyWay's avatar

It started with squirrels….

Michael_Huntington's avatar

It all started when [REDACTED]

Brian1946's avatar


“It started with squirrels….”

I sit corrected. ;-)

MissAnthrope's avatar

@Jude – drunk chat exploded onto Fluther, apparently.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I’ll never give in to peer pressure again.

wilma's avatar

But @Michael_Huntington you looked really cute with bunny ears.

bkcunningham's avatar

You are all grounded. No drunkeringfluth for two weeks.

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