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jonsblond's avatar

Are you the Easter Bunny tonight?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) April 23rd, 2011

I am. Drinking Mickey’s and watching a crappy alien movie.

What is your Easter Bunny ritual?

Do you have all your eggs hidden yet? What’s in your eggs?

Do you wish you had eggs to hide?

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27 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

Nope, I’m the yarnlady.

Haleth's avatar

Only if the easter eggs are full of vodka.

everephebe's avatar

What they said.^^

Seelix's avatar

I’m not playing Easter. I’m playing yarn.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I’m not playing yarn. This is serious, guys.

jonsblond's avatar

I need you all here now to scare the skunk outside my window. I’m not joking.

everephebe's avatar

Boo! Did that work?

Cruiser's avatar

We didn’t color eggs this year….we knit them colorful sweaters!

jonsblond's avatar

@Cruiser pics or it didn’t happen :P

Cruiser's avatar

I already hid them….I’ll get you pics after they find them tomorrow!! Promise!

Berserker's avatar

@jonsblond You got some drunkass need some takin care of? I’m like the fucking Ghostbusters man, only, with zombies. Let me at this bitch!

Cruiser's avatar

OK @jonsblond…ok….here ya go, I found one and took a pic

Coloma's avatar

I’m the Easter Goose. Big colorful Eggs! :-)

Cruiser's avatar

@jonsblond <<Curtsies and bows>>


I was, for most of the day….hiding eggs around the house and yard for my little kids to find. Had to swap my pair of shiny dress shoes for a pair of big ears. Lol.

jonsblond's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES How sweet. We couldn’t hide eggs outside because of the rain. We also have a skunk out there somewhere. Eggs are in the house tonight. =)

JLeslie's avatar

My Easter Bunny ritual is to go to the stores on Monday and buy half price candy. Can’t wait! I’ve been out of chocolate for a few weeks.

Although, after reading these, I kind of wish I had hidden some eggs for my husband, just for fun.

jca's avatar

What’s a Mickey? I want one.

jca's avatar

It looks very Mickey-ish.

jonsblond's avatar

that’s what she said

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m all ears, what?

knitfroggy's avatar

My kids are getting older, 12 and 8. My son, the 8 year old, kept telling me he thought the Easter Bunny wasn’t real, then he would say, Yeah, he’s real, like Santa. I just agreed. He’s a very smart boy, but I think it’s more fun for them to believe, so he wants to. I sat around, waiting for the kids to go to sleep so I could put out the baskets. I didn’t hide eggs around the house this year, since they are getting older and they didn’t seem to think it was a big deal last year. I finally got tired of waiting for them to go to sleep and told Daddy Easter Bunny to set out the baskets after they went to bed. I got up at 4:30am and found both kids chowing on candy and wearing their sunglasses they had gotten in their baskets.


@KatetheGreat Too funny! Um, sort of like that, but black of course, masculine black, not as dainty! lol ;)

@jonsblond Actually, we still got a bit of snow in the yard, so places were limited out there. I hid a couple under bushes, under the deck, and under pots. The little ones had a ball. And the weather was great!

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