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XOIIO's avatar

I need a portable screen recorder for Mac OSX?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) April 24th, 2011

The Mac Lab in our school is great, however new students don’t know hoe to use many features of the macs. I want to surprise my teacher with several narrated videos that explain the basic to them. What is a portable screen recording software that would work well?I can’t install any software, so it has to be portable.

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3 Answers

starboyg's avatar

QuickTime X can do it.

XOIIO's avatar

@starboyg I doubt we have that, i’ll have to wait

starboyg's avatar

@XOIIO It’s actually just version 10 of Quicktime that shipped with snow leopard. Go to file, new screen recording.

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