@ANef_is_Enuf, @Simone_De_Beauvoir & @casheroo Great answers. Well said.
@john65pennington I suppose. Seems from the answers I’ve gotten, it depends on the individuals involved. To be sure, true love means knowing how your partner feels about the little things in life.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Yep, at my age, I now understand what people mean when they accuse me of being an “old fart.” :-)
@janbb 34 years here and counting. Amen to that.
@wundayatta I could lend my wife to her to give her some lessons. :-)
@Seelix Yeah, if I am out and about, I will look for an abandoned stretch fo sidewalk with nobody close behind me then wait for a truck or buss to come rumbling by.
@bob_ Let’s hear it for Bob. Note that I said for, not from. :-)
@Neizvestnaya Great answer. You have to let your partner be human.
@Mz_Lizzy For shame. I am pretty sure true love is not stealth farting then withdrawing to let your spouse take the wrap for “putting on airs.” :-)
@Seaofclouds Sounds like a pretty healthy attitude toward life’s little “inconveniences.”
@JLeslie Maybe what seems pride is just a way of covering or trying to deflect embarrassment.
@Jude The Flowers? Ha! A likely story, indeed. :-)
@SamIAm Wow. I’ve been married a long time, and I really hate when my digestive tract is torn up at night. I will get up and go the far bathroom to let out gas. Those darned undercover farts stink for hours. You do need to get to the point where you can live within your own body, though. Best of luck on becoming confident enough of your own self worth that it is not based on being completely gas free.
@zenvelo Agreed.
@sliceswiththings So BFF doesn’t just mean Best Friends Forecver? :-)
@DominicX I’m curious about the statement that “Gay people don’t fart?” Is that lack of gas what they are all so eternally happy about?
@klutzaroo The kind do come along that make you both evacuate the area. :-)
@Pandora Don’t you think that a true love would know how their mate regards such matters?
@klutzaroo & @@klutzaroo Dog and cat farts are deadly stinkers. It’s the all meat diet. Not that elephant farts smell all that wonderful either. :-)
@blueiiznh I guess that’s right.
@zenvelo Funny what impresses us as freshmen isn’t it? :-)
@dabbler The office that farts together works off the charts together.
@Vincent_Lloyd Thanks. Makes perfect sense, and I totally agree.