What are the NAMES of the perpetrators in the recent McDonald's beating?
Asked by
Kraigmo (
April 24th, 2011
Why is it that we only know the name of the victim, Miss Chrissy Lee Polis, but that journalists are hellbent on protecting the perpetrators? This isn’t an “alleged” attack. It’s all on video. So who knows where on the internet, the names of the Perpetrators are being discussed?
Addresses are fine, too. But names alone would be great.
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24 Answers
According to what I read, one of the girls was only 14-years-old, so I’m guessing her name is being withheld because she is a minor. Other than that, the only thing I can think of is that until they are actually found guilty, they have only allegedly done it.
Of course their names aren’t mentioned, because this is a crime everyone loves to read about but the ‘alleged’ perpetrators should be treated in a special fashion. @Seaofclouds Watch the video, they’re guilty.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m not saying they aren’t guilty, I’m just saying that they technically allegedly did it until proven guilty in court and that could be part of the reason why their names haven’t been released yet. I read that they are pressing charges on both of them, so I’m sure their names will come out soon.
It’s “alleged” until the perpetrators are convicted. Also, as @Seaofclouds points out, if the “alleged” perpetrators are minors, their names will not be published in the newspapers. And unless they are tried as adults, their juvenile records will be sealed and the public may never know who they. That’s the way things are done here. And addresses? No way, they generally don’t even publish the full addresses of adult suspects, at least my paper will say something like “of the 800 block of 13th Street, something like that. What would you want their addresses for?
@jaytkay There isn’t the option to give a “great question” on a answer so I gave you a “great answer.”
Ohh, and I think we know the name of the victim because Equality Maryland came out and confirmed she was the victim and she came out and made a statement about the attack. That was her choice and her name probably wouldn’t have been out this fast if she had not come forward to make a public statement so quickly.
Here is a link to one interview with Ms. Polis. Based upon the current information at hand, what disturbs me just as much as the actual attack is the fact that some of the people witnessing the incident didn’t immediately intervene in some way.
@Pied_Pfeffer This article from the Baltimore Sun on the incident (2nd page)state that a number of people tried to intervene in one way or another, some of them physically.
and @Kraigmo the article also states that one of the “alleged” perpetrators was 18 and both girls have been charged in the incident, the 14 year old as a juvenile. So, I really don’t know why the name of the 18 year has not been released to the public, or at least not mentioned in the articles I have seen. Either it hasn’t been released to the public or it hasn’t been published in the papers. The reason may be not so much to protect the perpetrators from the consequences of their crimes but to protect them from and pretrial vigilantees bent on some street justice. That is also the way we do things here but bottom line, I don’t really know why they haven’t published the 18 year old’s name.
@lillycoyote Thank you so very much for posting that link. It’s good to know that the employee who did the filming and encouraged the attackers to leave before the police arrived was fired.
@Pied_Pfeffer I’m glad I found that article too. To be honest, I didn’t really know much about the incident and was hoping to find something that would indicate that it wasn’t as bad as you said it was because that kind of thing is incredibly discouraging. And, personally, I would rather know the identities of the employee and particularly the “older woman” who both, at one time, tried to stop it. Sadly, vicious, hateful little punks are a dime a dozen and they will face the consequences, but individuals willing to step up, physically, and try to stop a vicious two on one beating, those are people worth knowing about if you ask me.
I read a “story” news report that the victim was a transgendered “male” who got a “street schooling”...and the hair you see on the floor at the end was his wig they ripped off. Apparently these women did not appreciate this dude using their bathroom. Almost looks staged as you never get a clear shot of the victims face….how convenient.
Story here
@Cruiser two people beating one person, including kicking that person in the head, to the point that he or she has a seizure is not “street schooling.” It is a vicious, criminal assault and should be treated as such. That you somehow feel that what happened was somehow a justified or acceptable response for using the “wrong” gender’s bathroom is really, tremendously, I don’t know what to call it. I really, honestly, thought you were a better man than that. That kind of vicious assault isn’t justified under any circumstances except self defense, possibly. And maybe she wouldn’t have been trying to shield her face if her assailants hadn’t been conveniently and repeatedly kicking her in the goddamn head!!!
@lillycoyote Maybe I am misunderstanding your response but I don’t think that what I initially posted “wasn’t as bad as you (me, in this case) said it was…” Two people physically attacked another while at least one of the McDonald’s employees stood by, and not only watched it taking place, but video-taped it and encouraged the attackers to leave before the police showed up.
Another thing that piques my curiosity is if this is really a trans-gender issue that generated the attack. From the few articles I’ve read, several of the headlines reference that Ms. Polis is trans-gendered, yet in one video interview, she claims that she was attacked because one of the females felt threatened by her boyfriend’s attention. I’ve been in many McDonald’s restrooms, and the ones designated for females have enclosed stalls, so unless Ms. Polis still has a penis and displayed it, or did some other type of personal attack on the 14 year-old, there seems no reason to bring up this fact.
@Pied_Pfeffer Sorry about the confusion. The “wasn’t as bad as you said it was” comment wasn’t referring to the attack itself but to what you said about the response from the crowd, I was hoping to find something that said people tried to do something to stop it. Sorry that wasn’t clear or that my comment was misunderstood.
And I will reserve judgement as to what exactly happened. None of the things mentioned would justify the attack and it can very often take a while to sort out what actually happened in these sorts of brawls/attacks. The victim has a story, the assailants have their stories, the witnesses have stories and since the victim was transgendered some people involved may have biases and the police will have to take statement from everyone and sort it all out. The media can sometimes have a tendency to sensationalize these sorts of things and I will wait for a full accounting of the facts as best they can be determined.
There’s no reason to bring up facts or fail to mention them until we know exactly what the facts are and we don’t.
Duh, of course it was justified. Some it tried to use the wrong bathroom and deserved to get beaten up to the point of having a seizure. Maybe this incident will teach people in the future not to choose to be transgendered.~
Conservatives just seem to love victim-blaming, don’t they?
@DominicX So do plain old run-of-the-mill dickheads, love blaming the victim, that is. Is that what makes you a man? Is that what makes you tough, what makes you a bad ass, or a bad ass chick? To beat up someone vulnerable and weaker than you, or at least applaud it or blame the victim if you don’t do it yourself? You fucking little scaredy-cats, so afraid and ignorant you have to beat up on some poor vulnerable “thing.” Or at least that’s how you see her, isn’t it. You want to prove you’re tough? You want to prove you’re a man or a bad ass chick? Then beat up on somebody who can fight back, someone who will give you a run for your money. Otherwise you’re just a bully and an asshole and someone who isn’t man enough or bad ass chick enough to take someone on in a fair fight. Sorry about the rant, @DominicX, and I’m ranting on your dime, at that.
In a story I read here, the victim stated it started because a guy approached her as she was walking to the bathroom, she brushed him off, and then when she came out of the bathroom, the girls got in her face and started the fight because she was talking to ‘their man’. Then it all escalated from there. Nothing justifies what happened. It would be nice to get the whole story though, but I doubt it’ll all ever really be clear.
Here’s a story about the 18-year-old suspect
I doubt they’ll release the name of the 14-year-old since she is a minor, at least, not until later on.
Because in US law there is always the presumption of innocence before conviction. Sure there is evidence of the assault taking place but we have absolutely no idea what may have transpired beforehand that led up to it, so until that’s all sorted through they are entitled to their right of anonymity until they are judged against.
Especially when generally speaking, jackass vigilantes like to shoot first and ask questions later.
@Seaofclouds I saw a similar story and has a lengthy interview with this “woman” victim telling her side of the story. When she/he went to the bathroom this “guy” approached her as asked her “how she was doing” and her reply was “not now” and went to use the bathroom and that is when those girls started in on her.
Such a sad, pathetic story.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I apologize…not familiar territory for me and thanks for your guidance. I read an interview with her grandma who told how worried she was about the many time he got his as beat and how bad she felt for him. So I thought using quotes was a safer bet and not meant to demean of disrespect. Kind of the same way people seem to be more comfortable to refer to Obama as “black” instead of the ½ white that he is.
@Cruiser Yeah, :), I don’t get that either. I think it’s my bias but every time I see air quotes like that, I take that to mean a mocking tone. I’m sorry.
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