Meta Question

Does someone read everything here?
I know of the Founders pretty much having left here – but I remember abd reminisce when they would interact almost every day – as regullar jellies. We’d laugh at their low lurve, remember? They’d be yapping away and we’d lurve them to pieces guiltily everytime Ben or Andrew would ask anything – becasue they “joined” here with the same zero lurve as the rest of us – the silliest question – and when they’d post we’d all jump all over them – happy to have them around… their profiles saying the same as everyone – communism style – except for a little banner saying “founder.” We loved them, not lurved them, for this. Deservedly so, IMHO. It was like a little Kibbutz here.
Every new jelly was an event.
When I came, half the jellies gave me a “NORM” on my first stupid question; lurving me to bits and hi ^ me – which was exciting – as it felt like some actually lifeted their hand and high-fived me every time.
In chat, as a moderator in a speedy MSN room – I thrived. I can be a real dick and slightly less than intellectual – but boy can I type. Chat, for me, is easy.
They’d PM us, the dear founders, they’d reply to posts – they’d act as mods – but they were total gods. I almost felt like asking them for autographs… and in a way, through questions, was doing just that… it’s all written here as it is, right?
Then the changes came – and the awards were introduced… the place became a kind of video game – with lights and bells everytime a noob asked a first question, got a first answer and OMG – perfecto fish – wrote while another few were also writing…
I found it distracting – visually. My old, slow pc and my eye that can see a little didn’t take well to the changes. And they were abundant and plentiful – and not always spot on initially, to say the least. PC’s would freeze a lot. The questions started pouring in about when the fuck would this shit end? When could we just have a little more conversation?
I left. I protested. I came back and started an anti-lurve/award protest wherein I’d come back just before the lurve parties 10k, 5k and sometimes on a whim at 4 or 7 k. Not that everyone gave a shit about this: it was my own private war. Me, and the mirror.
Then I got used to it. And now, I understand and appreciate the system.
I find it less visually distrurbing, and though I do not check the awards – I don’t even play games so much anyway – and I have real life war games – I do lurve people a lot – I congratulate in the lurve parties – and I am even aware of my pending 5k again – and promise not to leave. Again.
My question is: does anyone read these anymore?
Wundayatta – our beloved Daloon of the famous atlas ass tribe – has asked well over 1000 questions. Astrochuck has replied to us over 12,000 times. I have asked – rough calculation of all things zen here – over 1000 questions as well – mostly crappy ones – and while we had a crazy Yarn party this weekend – Auggie was sick for a day – no-one seemed to be around to mod anything – it was like Animal House…
I know Lisa tries her best to read things – flagged stuff for sure – and there are a few mods about – but – does anyone – one person – actually read every single question and post in every single thread here?
In case this is modded – meet me in chat and I’ll post it there. Chat has become alive again – and I lurve it. I used to be a chat moderator and feel at home there.
And welcome to you, oh newbie jelly of the last month, year, whenever: you are a valuable member of thei community; and thoughit might seem like Community sometimes, Harvard at others – it’s just, well Fluther. And you, my friend jelly, are a Fluitherite. Wear it with pride – now go buy a T-Shirt and bumper sticker.
Lurve you guys.