General Question

ninjacolin's avatar

What is knowledge?

Asked by ninjacolin (14252points) April 25th, 2011

Not looking for a dictionary reference here. I’m looking for your personal experience expressed technically or even poetically in words.

Thanks! :)

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21 Answers

cloudvertigo's avatar

A perch of self from which the places below are just different angles on the same big view of the abyss. It’s a spot where you have balcony seats to watch yourself and others do the same things you have done before and from where you can choose to describe the action or inform those that you are watching.

Falling from grace through “knowledge” see: Adam and Eve
Falling gracefully for knowledge see: Newtons apple
Knowledge that falling is ok: find somebody to love

Knowledge is the difference between knowing if something exists or not but experience is the state of being in which you know that it’s not worth doing and it’s going to take a while. Jk

gmander's avatar

Really? Haven’t a clue.

Otherwise, it really is a ledge of know. It’s the place where I put ideas that I agree with. It is my worldview. Those things that I hold to be true. I built my own ledge of know without any help from anyone else, my ledge is quite narrow but absurdly long, and a lot of things fall off it and smash to bits, but it still holds a lot of know on it. Others have wide ledges, usually built by their parents and community, that are very wide but extremely short, and support objects that are very wobbly and insecure, no matter what. They do not have much room to add new things to it. If they try to it turns out, it wasn’t really their ledge after all, it was a shared ledge that they have to follow the rules if they want to use it.

EtherRoom's avatar

I don’t know or care about what other see knowledge as, but to me knowledge is a deeper understanding of yourself that takes time, observation, and persistence to attain. You can’t wake up with it. It’s not something everyone has. It’s precious. Wish I could explain it better, but I am only going by my own definition.

To me knowledge is people who educate themselves about subjects, and contribute that knowledge to society—like teachers, writers, monks, therapists, etc. Knowledge is understanding the world, wisdom is understanding yourself with the world.

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thorninmud's avatar

Knowledge is one’s mental model of reality, one’s conceptual map of things, how they relate to each other and how they work. Being a model, it suffers from inherent limitations. It can be “good enough” to serve as a reliable guide in getting done what needs doing, but there will always be a level at which the model is insufficient. Reality is more subtle than any model can account for.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Knowledge is placing new information into one’s mine. It is a way to form new neuronal pathways.

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downtide's avatar

Knowledge is having a head full of information. Wisdom is being able to use that information well.

jlelandg's avatar

knowledge is power, at least that’s what school house rock told me, and I still know how a bill becomes a law!

MilkyWay's avatar

It is power and understanding. It is the base of survival.

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LostInParadise's avatar

This is a deep philosophical question. I will interchange truth and knowledge, as I think they amount to the same thing, though perhaps some may disagree. The temptation is to say that there is an absolute body of truths. The problem with this is how to test what is true. In the end what we have is a pragmatic test. If something works then it is true, and I think this is the best that we can do. This is basically the philosophy of the pragmatic philosopher William James. There are some obvious objections, but I think that we have to just live with them. For example, what works for one person may not work for another. Does this mean that what counts as knowledge differs from person to person?

Blondesjon's avatar

Knowledge is something you know that others want to know.

it works the other way as well

YARNLADY's avatar

Knowledge is the sum total of everything your brain takes in with all your senses.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Experience (as opposed to the accumulation of facts.)

A good example is driving. A person may have studied a driving manual to the point that he knows the driving manual backward and forward, but he don’t know jack about driving until he’s had a few hours behind the wheel.

You know what an orange tastes like, yet that realization cannot be obtained from a book.

People ask what love feel like.
No description compares to the overwhelming feeling of it. Once you experience it…

…you know.

flutherother's avatar

@SABOTEUR I was going to write that knowledge is experience but you got in first. Knowledge can also be gained from the experience of others through teaching and books.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Excellent point @flutherother.

tonyabarrz's avatar

This answer is based soley on personal experience. I feel that knowledge is taking your mistakes and learning from them. Dont beat yourself up about past failures, set backs or mishaps. Take all of those things and use them as a base for what you WON’T do in the future.
Hope this helps
Many Blessings

ninjacolin's avatar

Don’t mind the dissection, tonyabarrz. I just realized I haven’t contributed to this thread yet and I’ve finally got an opinion that I like.

@tonyabarrz said: “This answer is based soley on personal experience.”
Which seems synonymous with: “This knowledge is sourced from what I remember from my past.”

I’ve decided that knowledge is most appropriately defined as memory of true propositions. That is, knowledge is what a person remembers being true.

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