If you were insanely rich, what crazy things would you do?
If you had a boat load of money, what is something ridiculous you would do?
Go all Ri¢hie Ri¢h on us and let us know what you would be capable of, what you would create, what you could set up, what you would buy, etc…
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41 Answers
I would buy new dishes every time I use them for dinner instead of having to clean them.
I would take an aviation course,buy a small stunt plane and pick up Vunessuh for a joyride. XD
I would buy Fluther and fire all the mods so we could have some real fun for once!
I wouldn’t do anything ridiculous or wasteful. Truly.
I’d go crazy and spend most of it on charities and ecological restoration. So many land trusts.
While I was sailing in a yacht around the Mediterranean, I’d hire some people (people I know and who would be disinclined to screw me, who I would pay very well so that they themselves would be able to get into better situations) to give money away to people that needed it. Half for me, half for everyone else. Homeless shelters, school programs, job training, that little old grandma down the street that needs a wheelchair ramp… The list of needs not being met is endless.
Take a grand or so to the shithouse &.....well, do the math!
I’d spend half of it on trying to make the world a better place, like feeding the starving, getting rid of poverty, sorting out social services. For fun I’d buy my own place, a mansion in the English country side with acres of land and my very own stable with beautiful horses. I’d also get a motorbike. I love them!
Visit every country on the earth.
I would buy all countries and become supreme ruler of the planet.
I’d buy a house in every state and live in a different one each year.
@Cruiser, O rly?
To answer the question, I would buy this house, move it to this land, fill it up with stuff like this and this and I would drive this every day and this on special occasions.
I’d also travel the world and buy a lot of shit for my friends and donate a lot of shit to charity and invest in a lot of other shit.
I would quit my job and go back to school full time.
I know @erichw1504, but right now all I can think about is how long it’s taking me to finish up school, and how much I’d like to not have to worry about working and taking classes at the same time…
I’d buy Ireland and Scotland, find myself a lovely old castle and fix it up, put a few of my fellow jellies in the dungeon, and feed them chocolate while I tease them with Auggie’s whip.
@queenie Don’t worry, it would be a very comfortable dungeon, with soft pillows and lots of food and drink, and partying. Just with chocolate and a whip.
I’d hire someone to find me the perfect place to live based on my specifications– on the coast, warm all year, free to smoke weed, few children and elderly people, great view, few natural disasters, etc. Then, I’d hire an architect to design my dream home and a construction crew to build it. Then I’d hire a decorator, and a masseuse, and a chef.
To start with, I would buy this 13th Century village in Umbria, Italy and then I would buy Goat Island. It’s on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Then I would think what the hell am I going to do with this village and this island? What was I thinking?
I would, of course, have some serious investments, maybe help some startups, some occasional angel action, and do nice things for my friends and give a bunch away. I’m always reading and hearing about little non-profits and community centers that to good work but have to shut down because they need some relatively small amount like $75,000 to $150,000 or a little more or a little less to keep operating. To a filthy rich person that’s not a lot and I have this fantasy that if I were filthy rich whenever I saw something like that I would send off an anonymous donation for whatever they need plus some more. And I would lend huge chunk of money to Kiva entrepreneurs.
I also have a feeling I would buy a lot of cars. Nothing special, or maybe they would be special, classic cars, truck and vans of the 30s and 40s or just if I saw a car or truck or vehicle that I wanted or liked, if I was filthy rich I would just buy them all and build a huge garage, or several to keep them all in. And I would hire a couple of full time, kick ass personal assistants to help me with all the stuff I don’t like to do. And maybe I’d have a small, hand picked entourage though the people I would really like to have in my entourage I don’t think would care to be part of an entourage, mine or anyone else’s, the individuals I know that I would want in my entourage are too independent for that kind of thing; not really followers and sycophants, that’s kind of why I like them in the first place so maybe I’m out of luck with the entourage.
Oh, and buy a new car (since mine is being difficult right now), and hire a personal mechanic, so I would never have to worry about car repairs again.
I’d buy a walled estate in some third world country and buy a harem of female sex slaves :-p
I’d install a moat and a draw bridge. Nothing beats that.
I’d set up some foundations to fund scholarships, the search for a clean form of renewable energy, and help with getting some of these third world places sanitation and education. I’d buy a lake in the Adirondacks and have a place built with a view of the water and the mountians. And have a barn built and some horses. Then I’d buy the Playboy Mansion and throw Hef’s old ass out of the place and throw a wild jelly party.
Buy a plane and get my pilots license and fly myself and my friends and family to crazy locations all over the world.
If I was insanely rich I would:
1. Buy a yacht. More specifically, a Burger Boat. They are super luxury yachts. I would also be sure to hire staff for the boat—housekeeping, chef, maintenance and the like.
2. Buy a private jet. And hire a pilot because I don’t feel like flying my own plane.
3. Buy a villa in the Greek Isles.
4. Buy an penthouse apartment on Park Avenue in New York City.
5. Cars aren’t really my thing, so I’d probably just get an Audi of some sort.
6. Pay off student loans.
7. Pay my parents back for every little thing they’ve ever done for me.
8. Buy fun gadgets like a Segway etc…
9. Travel, skydive, shark diving, scuba diving, windsurf…
10. Maybe buy an island in the Maldives…
11. Share with my family, charity.
I would buy an acre of land and have it dug out and lined with mesh wire, then refill it with the wire in place and fence it off aboveground and put two rabbits inside and crops of vegetables, so that I have a huge cage filled with rabbits.
I have a list of things that I could post on her somewhere, but I can’t find it…
@deni – One of the things I’m tempted to accomplish in my life is to learn to fly a plane. But I’d probably kill myself in it the first time I fly solo :-p
I’m a pretty frugal and practical person, so I probably wouldn’t go hog wild.
The first thing I would do is hand over some of that money to a few of the charities that I support. Farm Sanctuary, The local Humane Society, ASPCA, The Red Cross, The Salvation Army and the local Food Bank.
Then I’d probably buy a particular house that I’ve had my eye on for awhile.
My dream vacation is to take a few of my close friends on a cross country trip in one of those really big, cushy motorhomes while stopping at National Parks, thrift stores and vegetarian restaurants along the way. Maybe if we got lucky, we’d bump into Guy Fieri along the way.
But just for the fun of going along with the thread, the craziest (but funnest for me) thing I can think of is to rent out an ice rink for just my friends and family, every now and then.
And something real, that I would probably like to do is bring my friends and family for a 2 week long stay at the Ahwanee Hotel in Yosemite.
I would rent Disneyland and send buses to Central LA to pick up kids who had never been there for a free day, all expenses paid trip to Disneyland.
Travel—I have always wanted to travel the world.
I’d rocket to as close to the sun as I dared and take pictures.
I would rescue all the homeless dogs and then match each one to its perfect lifelong human. And buy some politicians who would make it a law that all dogs and cats have to be desexed unless you qualify for a breeder’s exemption (I wouldn’t want dogs to become extinct). I would have said politician also make it illegal to factory farm any creature, all must be free range and killed mercifully at home. I hate seeing the terrified looks or hear the terrified sounds that come from the damned animal haulers.
And buy myself all the new toys I could possibly want, the biggest iMac, a new Vespa, a Seadoo, a new Sunfish.
I guess I should do something for kids too, I’m just not sure what.
That’s right… I still am deprived of pancakes…
@Cruiser – Aw, thanks. It’d be a big rocket. I’d take other people along who wanted to go.
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