Should I stay or should I go (to class, because I'm sick)?
I’ve been sick since Friday with a cold. I’m doing better today, and could go to class, but I’m not sure if I really should. Sure, I’m only blowing my nose every 5 minutes instead of at least 3 times a minute, and I’m not coughing that much, but should I tough it out, or contain myself within my home?
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17 Answers
Depends on the class. Is the professor uptight about people missing class? Is attendance important to the grade? Can someone give you notes?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Yes, yes (but I’ve already missed 3 classes, which deducts 10% from your grade, missing a 5th won’t change anything), and yes (but I don’t trust anyone to take good, proper notes except me).
My advice: Take care of yourself. If you’re sick, you need to rest and let your body heal itself. See a doctor afterward. If your school has reasonable policies, you should be able to get excused from class with a doctor’s note.
@MyNewtBoobs I see, though I think it would matter how many more classes you miss beyond the 3 that you did because the professor will remember that you didn’t put effort after missing 3 classes and will grade you down (ze will find something, trust me). If you don’t trust someone to take good notes, I’d go. If you can, you must.
Wash your hands thoroughly and go to class.
I (somewhat reluctantly) agree with @nikipedia. Then again, the importance of the class might factor in to how strongly I think you should go. If it’s a class in your major, for example, I would definitely make an effort to get there. If it’s Basket Weaving for Science Majors, maybe not so much.
This is why I have no attendance policy. I think college students are adult enough to know when they cannot come to class, and missing class takes care of itself with regards to grades.
@SavoirFaire Agreed, that’s how I’ll be when I’m a professor.
@SavoirFaire It’s not, but rather it’s the class that is so bad I’m trying to get my money back.
In that case—hold on, I don’t think I’m allowed to be wearing my professor glasses while I say this—I might suggest it is worth staying home.
If all you’re trying to do is get through this class with a B or higher (or whatever your goal is), ask yourself if missing today’s lecture will seriously impact on your ability to achieve that grade. If not, then sickness + general apathy towards the class + minimal long-term consequences = stay home.
My apologies to the Academy, but I just can’t hold to the “go to class at all costs” rule.
@SavoirFaire I have an A on all my exams, so this is the only part of my grade that’s failing. And when I missed a week of class from my grandmother dying, she literally (correct use of the word) did not move the material forward even a teeny tiny bit. So with this teacher, I think I’ll be ok.
@erichw1504 Ok. And, do other homework.
@MyNewtBoobs Yeah, I think you’ll be fine. Stay home, rest up, and feel better.
I agree with @erichw1504 infact, just quit school altogether and just Fluther….everything you need to know is right here.
Wash your hands always
have a hand sanitizer with you in your school bag or pocket so that after you wipe your nose while in class you immediately sanitize your hands.
Get ya ass up n go to school man.
First of all, I would take into consideration the attendance policies of your school and take it from there.
I personally do not like it when my students attend my classes when they are sick or not totally recovered from a cold, flu, or whatever. I think it doesn’t show any consideration with the teacher and classmates. I am very funny when it comes to germs and do not like to hold papers or even stand close to a student whom I suspect has a little bit of a cold or something.
Learning takes a lot of energy and concentration, and if you are not strong enough you will not be in the best disposition to learn which is ultimately the whole point of attending class.
Missing a few classes will not affect your grade considerably as long as you know what the objectives of the course are and also if you have not missed any graded activity, quiz, etc. before you got sick. Explaining your situation to your instructor and requesting for a makeup of any acitvity missed is the course of action when you resume your classes.
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