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What can you tell me about "The End of America," and the details in the attached video?
I was recently introduced to this video, which documents “facts” about Porter Stansbury research showing the end of the US Dollar’s status as the world reserve currency and the repercussions it will have.
I would like to know what you know about the information provided (warning, the video is over an hour long, but very interesting).
I asked this question in the general section because I am not looking for “Down with America, they get what they deserve” or “I’m glad this is happening.”
I’m looking for things along the following:
1) Have you heard of Stansbury research, and can you validate his claims about correctly predicting other occurences (as mentioned in the video)
2) Have you learned about supporting claims from credible resouces that fortify the statements made in this video.
3) Were you living in other countries (Britian for example) that he mentions having experienced the financial downturns. If so, please share your experience.
4) For the Flutherites in other countries, how much press did the “secret meeting that didn’t include the US” receive?
5) People in the Midwest? What’s up with this “new” type of money popping up? Does it exist? If so, what’s been said about it locally?
Any other knowledge you have to support this video, or dispute it would be greatly appreciated.
Toward the end, he’s obviously trying to sell his company, but all the facts that lead up to that point sound like good info to be savvy to and that’s what I’m curious about.
Thanks guys!
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