Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

If Fluther was a relative of yours, what relative would it be?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) April 25th, 2011

Mom, brother, crazy uncle, grandpa with his pants down?

Fluther is my sister. I go to her for support, giggles and sometimes to get farted on.


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17 Answers

rooeytoo's avatar

A favorite uncle (or the one who is a dirty old man, sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart)

everephebe's avatar

Brother Fluther.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’d say that it’s like a cousin, at least mine. We aren’t in communication on a regular basis and don’t know everything about each other’s lives, but there is a kinship. If one of us were to reach out and ask for help, the others are there to assist to the best of their ability.

anartist's avatar

an older cousin, not living nearby

zenvelo's avatar

The fun smart cousin who is fun to hang out with, but doesn’t play a lot of family games.

seazen_'s avatar

My cousin Lady Gaga.

augustlan's avatar

As a member, it would be better than family… it’d be one of my best friends, my chosen family. As the manager, my children. Mostly awesome, but a bit unruly at times. :)

ucme's avatar

A reclusive cousin from out of town that we barely mention…..except on bank holidays.

erichw1504's avatar

My funny cousin Florence who always asks about her dreams.

AmWiser's avatar

Mother Fluther – one who has all the answers.

Cruiser's avatar

My female stand up comedian twice removed step cousin who has a PHD and briefly worked as Lady Gaga’s first costume designer.

erichw1504's avatar

@Cruiser Hey! That’s my mom.

dxs's avatar

my uncle

lillycoyote's avatar

It would be several of my favorite cousins.

Cruiser's avatar

@erichw1504 I guess that would make you a blood relative and a “Son of Fluther”!!

ratboy's avatar

Fairy godmother.

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