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gorillapaws's avatar

After the war that ends modern civilization as we know it...

Asked by gorillapaws (31028points) April 22nd, 2008

After the war that ends modern civilization as we know it, where is all the studded leather, S&M outfits, hair gel, and neon-colored hair dye supposed to come from? Apparently when all of the world’s resources are incredibly scarce, there seems to be ample supply of these things. It’s in all the movies of this genre just about and it’s never made much sense to me. I realize that most of them came from the 80’s culture, but come on, couldn’t they have had a bit more creative?

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22 Answers

wildflower's avatar

You’ve been watching mad max, haven’t you?

I wouldn’t take Mel Gibson as a good indicator of how things should/will be…...

gorillapaws's avatar

That’s one of them, but there’s a TON of crappy movies like that out there.

robmandu's avatar

With 98% of the human population wiped out, abandoned supermarkets, tire stores, and beauty salons will likely be able to provide all of the raw material needed to dress ourselves (yah, I’ll be there!) egregiously bad for the following 100 years.

wildflower's avatar

I guess you’d imagine the survivors will be pretty tough or whatever to get by in those surroundings… I guess that’s how the director portrays that….

syz's avatar

That’s the same movie mentality that allows people to wake up and have hot morning sex (no full bladders or morning breath, perfect hair and makeup).

iwamoto's avatar

hahaha, so true, well, in movies no one goes to the bathroom anyway, unless it’s plot related, like when butch blows away vincent vega while he’s on the can :D

syz's avatar

Morning breath, eck!! No tongue for me without brushing the teeth first!

gailcalled's avatar

For a novel-eye POV, read THE ROAD, by Cormac McCarthy (2006) about his fictionalized vision of the post-apocalypse

robmandu's avatar

@syz, in your quip, you talkin’ to the tiger in your avatar icon? :-P

syz's avatar

Lol, that’s a different smell altogether.

iwamoto's avatar

can you describe it?

Babo's avatar


syz's avatar

Actually, they tend to have fairly fresh breath. They don’t develop tartar as readily as domestic cats (probably because of their diet), so they just smell like saliva.

gorillapaws's avatar

@gailcalled: I’ve read “blood meridian” by him, and it was pretty amazing. He’s got an incredibly unique writing style in that novel, I’ll have to check that one out.

judochop's avatar

I guess all the survivors are supossed to raid the existing hot topics and pacsun outlets. I know if I survive I am going to get a mohawk mullet and just spray paint my face.
Ps-start saving your scrap metal now!

peedub's avatar

Don’t listen to Wildflower, Mad Max is the all-knowing. Save your metal and your Gasoline.

wildflower's avatar

One way of saving metal is to stock up on studded belts and chains….........

judochop's avatar

@wildflower: I am going to link together every chain wallet I have ever had and make a fence lined with switchblade combs to protect my hybrid battery chargers!

wildflower's avatar

And just in case all those other folks are a bit undead…..better start reading this

robmandu's avatar

so you like zombies, eh? check out this link which simply brings you back here to this page, but with a twist.

wildflower's avatar

hahahaha… I guess I’ll need some barbwire and stuff around the display of my laptop….

judochop's avatar

Cheers my friend that is a good laugh.

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