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6rant6's avatar

Need help with punctuation on this...

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) April 26th, 2011

How do you punctuate this? It’s for a book cover. Below is the way it was sent to me, which is clearly wrong, but I’m not sure what’s clearly right. The hard returns are actually used.

Joe Shmo
Featured on ABC’s TV
“Whatever”, Founder

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12 Answers

Seelix's avatar

What’s the “TV” represent? The name of a show?

I’d say:
Joe Shmo
Featured on ABC’s “TV Show”
Founder of “Whatever”

picante's avatar

I’m not the smartest in the collective, but if the hard returns are staying for purposes of layout, I’d add a comma and move one, and change the ABC thingie a bit:

Joe Shmo,
Featured on ABC TV’s
“Whatever,” Founder

beckk's avatar

I’d say:

Joe Shmo
Founder of
Featured on ABC

I have no clue if this is correct, but I think it could work.

deni's avatar

I don’t think the word TV is necessary.

Joe Shmoe
Founder of ABC’s “Whatever”

Seelix's avatar

Having read the other two answers, I’m not sure now. Could you be a little more clear? Without giving away any information, of course.

What’s Joe the founder of? A website?
And is TV meant to represent the name of a show?

This is driving me nuts now :)

picante's avatar

And with the intelligent answers I’ve now read, I’ve completely changed my mind. I like:

Joe Shmo
Founder of
Featured on ABC’s “Oprah”

deni's avatar

OH. This is confusing. I get it….I now agree with @picante

6rant6's avatar

Aside from the obvious substitutions, that is literally how it appears, no additional context. I’m guessing the “TV” was the result of some previous incomplete edit. Also, I wanted to get some backup for my thinking that the comma after the closing quote was wrong. I think Joe is the founder of the business that has the same name as the website.

The line break after “Founder,” is ugly, ugly, ugly. But you can see how line length might become a problem otherwise. I would suggest some grander rediddling, but I’m coming in late and would prefer to appear “anal but helpful,” than “brilliant but a pain in the ass.”

@Seelix, I think your original post spot on.

Seelix's avatar

@6rant6 – Okay, my apologies – I thought you were leaving out names, etc. yourself; I didn’t realize that you literally had those words in front of you!

Without any other context, then, I stick by my original suggestion.

auntydeb's avatar

Joe Shmo, Featured on ABC TV’s “Whatever”: Founder

Porifera's avatar

I agree with @picante‘s second entry.

It was sent to you like that because of space and editing purposes, and line lengths are probably an issue.
If you can change the space thing as well as the order of the info, then:

Joe Shmo
Featured on ABC’s Whatever
Founder of


Joe Shmo
Founder of
Featured on ABC’s Whatever

The use of quotes for titles, films, TV shows, etc. is usually substituted by italics.

Jeruba's avatar

Like @Seelix, I don’t think this can be punctuated for accuracy without knowing the sense of it. The question of what “founder” means (and why should it be capped, anyway?) is pivotal there. Do you call yourself a “founder” of a website? I own several websites, but I’m not a “founder” because there isn’t anything there but my own posted content.

“ABC’s TV” doesn’t make sense in any case.

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