What articles of clothing hold sentimental value to you?
I’ve been meaning to replace my black cardigan, which is pretty threadbare now.
However, I was looking through pictures and was reminded that this cardigan was my first make-shift sling when I broke my arm.
Now it has sentimental value for that, so there’s no way I’m getting rid of it.
What garments of yours, Jellies, must you hang onto?
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19 Answers
I bought this really cool leather jacket when I first moved to the United States and I cannot bear to get rid of it. It has so many memories and it looks sooo cool!
Mostly coats.
And clothing that use to belong to other people, that they gave to me. Or clothes I look really good in. :D
I have this one coat that smells like adventure. One of my friends got in some European thrift store practically new. It’s a nice suede leather jacket. And he then gave it to another one of my friends. One night I was really cold. It became mine, because it fit me best. And I’ve worn it for years now and sewn it back together and put in on my girlfriends when they were cold. It’s been to hell and back this coat. In the jungle it saved my backpack from getting soaked it the winter it kept me warm. It smells like campfires, cigarettes, and adventure.
I have a leather bomber jacket from my early 20’s that I can’t get rid of. Good memories.
I was wearing the jacket when I met this guy in a local band. We dated for a couple years. I’m sure it was the jacket that attracted him.
@sliceswiththings That jacket was with me for everything. I wore it to my first day in an American school, I wore it on my first date, I was wearing it before I lost my virginity, and I used to pretend I was in the movie “Grease” in the hallways of my high school, singing “You’re the One That I Want” at the top of my lungs. Those were the good days!
The only thing I can think of is my wedding dress.
My husband however has several articles of clothing he is sentimental about. A few years back I had to replace the elastic in a pair of shorts (casual just worn around the house) because he would not throw them out, the fabric is frayed, but at least they stay up on his waist now. He is senimental about many things; it’s sweet.
I have dozens of aloha shirts that all tell a story and are special to me.
I have a dress that my father had given my mom when he was stationed in Japan.
It is a beautiful black and turquoise silk that I’ll wear on special occasions.
I also still have my first suit.My grandfather bought my sister and I each a suit and shoes.He thought every young lady should have one.
My husband’s old, ratty, holey GAP sweatshirt. I wore it after we’d made love for the first time, and I wore it a lot when I was pregnant with our first daughter, because I was huge, and it’s an XXL. Plus it’s warm. I stole it while we were dating, and I’ll never give it up! He just smiles every time I wear it.
I also kept the clothes my daughters wore home from the hospital when they were born, along with special little cute things they wore, like booties or dresses, or little Disney onesies. I’ve also saved their favorite blankies. They’re all in their baby boxes, for when my girls are grown.
I have a black silk top hat (that collapses) and a silver-tipped black cane that were my father’s. (My nephew has the tux, white silk scarf and gray gloves.)
I also had a large collection of ball gowns my mother wore in the 1950’s. I just recently gave them to the costume department of our little summer repertory theatre. It is fun to see the dresses (or the fabrics) appear onstage.
I have three dresses my mother sewed for me when I was about seven years old. I also have a wool dress my
mom got when she was
about seven. It has been around as long as I can
remember. We always called it the Paris Dress because my mother got it when her family
traveled to Paris while my
grandfather covered the Nuremberg Trials in Germany.
I have five hats our dad owned and wore. When he died, I asked Mom if I could have them. They still had the scent of his hair tonic. One has a custom-made band of pheasant feathers that he got on a hunting trip. The hats were hung on a wall in a display.
While not an article of clothing, I have a quilt that belonged to our grandmother, and a sister recovered it using scraps of material from a box in Mom’s attic. I can look at each patch and name what article it came from by seamstress Mom’s creations. One patch is from an old set of kitchen curtains; another is from matching pink Easter dresses she made for my sister and me.
I have my dad’s summer jacket, my mom’s blue suit, my bathrobe and blanket from when I was a baby that my kids used, my grad dress and my leather jacket that I bought with my own money when I was 16. The style is back, but my body isn’t. I have several lovely, good quality dresses that don’t fit my fat, bought them 3 yrs ago when I was slimmer. I wore them in Greece when my son got married there.
My Robin Hood tee-shirt & my Batman underpants. The wife bought them for my just this last xmas, sentimental fool that she is.
I have a band hoodie that I got when I was 17, and I was wearing it when I met Mr. Fiance. It’s pretty ratty and the cuffs are full of holes, but I still love it and don’t ever want to get rid of it.
That’s about it, I think. I did have a leather jacket from my punk rock days that my ex-boyfriend gave me, but I got rid of it when we moved last summer.
And I know it’s not clothing, but I still have my baby blanket. I’d like to make it into a pillowcase, but I can’t sew.
My boyfriend bought me a Kimono back from China 5 years ago. We had just got together after a two month seperation and things were still shaky for us but I remember being so happy that he had actually thought to bring me back something so beautiful. I very rarely wear it but it’s one of the most sentimental things I own.
@Seelix Ha, a pillowcase is so easy to sew! Just fold the blanket in half and sew one long side and one short side!
I’m currently working on a project sewing all my oversized t-shirts together into a blanket.
Thanks for all the answers!
@sliceswiththings – I know it’s easy, but seriously, you don’t know me. I’d find a way to screw it up!
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