Why do people still take glutamine even though it's proven to be ineffective?
I’ve argued about this on my blog I’ve argued about it on the BodyBuilding.com forums (which is an excellent resource)....
It is flat out ineffective for muscle building and weight training, but people still swear by it.
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Removed the link and here is the text….wasn’t trying to spam; It was just already formatted on my blog nicely:
In regard to bodybuilding, it is useless. All studies since the 90’s have shown that it is only beneficial after severe muscle destruction caused by trauma…not minor destruction caused by even a hard work out…
example (and there are countless more): http://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/ab...ion_on.25.aspx
The purpose of this study was to determine if high-dose glutamine ingestion affected weightlifting performance. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, 6 resistance-trained men (mean +/- SE: age, 21.5 +/- 0.3 years; weight, 76.5 +/- 2.8 kg-1) performed weightlifting exercises after the ingestion of glutamine or glycine (0.3 g[middle dot]kg-1) mixed with calorie-free fruit juice or placebo (calorie-free fruit juice only). Each subject underwent each of the 3 treatments in a randomized order. One hour after ingestion, subjects performed 4 total sets of exercise to momentary muscular failure (2 sets of leg presses at 200% of body weight, 2 sets of bench presses at 100% of body weight). There were no differences in the average number of maximal repetitions performed in the leg press or bench press exercises among the 3 groups. These data indicate that the short-term ingestion of glutamine does not enhance weightlifting performance in resistance-trained men.
another: http://www.springerlink.com/content/pxccrbfa5m3hjxy8/
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of oral glutamine supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults. A group of 31 subjects, aged 18–24 years, were randomly allocated to groups (double blind) to receive either glutamine (0.9 g·kg lean tissue mass–1·day–1; n=17) or a placebo (0.9 g maltodextrin·kg lean tissue mass–1·day–1; n=14) during 6 weeks of total body resistance training. Exercises were performed for four to five sets of 6–12 repetitions at intensities ranging from 60% to 90% 1 repetition maximum (1 RM). Before and after training, measurements were taken of 1 RM squat and bench press strength, peak knee extension torque (using an isokinetic dynamometer), lean tissue mass (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) and muscle protein degradation (urinary 3-methylhistidine by high performance liquid chromatography). Repeated measures ANOVA showed that strength, torque, lean tissue mass and 3-methylhistidine increased with training (P<0.05), with no significant difference between groups. Both groups increased their 1 RM squat by approximately 30% and 1 RM bench press by approximately 14%. The glutamine group showed increases of 6% for knee extension torque, 2% for lean tissue mass and 41% for urinary levels of 3-methylhistidine. The placebo group increased knee extension torque by 5%, lean tissue mass by 1.7% and 3-methylhistidine by 56%. We conclude that glutamine supplementation during resistance training has no significant effect on muscle performance, body composition or muscle protein degradation in young healthy adults.
(C) 2002 National Strength and Conditioning Association
People will not accept the fact glutamine is ineffective as they expected. So they will keeping taking it until it’s worked, which will never happened.
It isn’t FOR body building. It’s for making joints that have grown difficult to move, move with ease. It was discovered when a pet dog which had been crippled by arthritis was rejuvenated when given glucosamine chondroitin. The woman wondered if it would work on humans. She tried it and it did. I was having a problem doing knee bends in a dance class. After taking the glucosamine chondroitin, I could do a grande plie without pain. If you don’t have a problem with your joints, don’t take it, but don’t say it doesn’t work where it’s supposed to. Antibiotics won’t cure viral infections either, although some people expect them to.
The same reason people still think megadosing with vitamin C cures a cold? Once people believe something it takes a lot to change their minds usually.
I don’t know anything about this particular product you mention, so I cannot argue for or against it, but I could name a dozen other things that many many people think works, and it has been shown not to. Like they did a very large study about fiber reducing colon cancer, the study showed it doesn’t. Doctors for a long time thought hormone replacement therapy for women reduced heart attacks, it has been shown not to be true. Many think soy reduces hot flashes, that has been shown not to be true in studies. The vtamin C I mentiined above, and on and on.
Gee, taking vitamin C has stopped me from getting colds I know I’ve been exposed to. Mega doses for 3 days because that the usual incubation time for a cold. It doesn’t do anything after I’ve got the cold. As long as it works, I’ll use it.
Well, every study done trying to repeat the one vitamin C study that supposedly shows it helps has shown the C does nothing. They have never been able to repeat the claim that C helps cure a cold.
The problem is that because people thinks since EVENT A happened before EVENT B, then A must have caused B….When Z happening at the same time as A actually caused B….you just didn’t know about Z
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