How do you soothe leg cramps?
My girlfriend says that she gets leg cramps a lot so, I want to be able to help her with it. Any idea on how to soothe it quickly? Is there any special techniques?
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12 Answers
She probably needs some more potassium in her diet. Here are some good sources.
There are no easy ways to soothe leg cramps. The best solution is to prevent them.
Is she drinking enough water? Is she getting enough electrolytes? Anti-malarial drugs and products which are high in quinine can also help with cramps, so make her a Gin and Tonic.
I am going to assume you are talking about a charlie horse in her calf, and not soreness after exerising. The two are very very different.
If she feels her leg about to cramp she needs to flex her foot and she might avoid it.
Also, she should be sure to stretch AFTER exercise.
Have her potassium checked at the doctor in a blood test. In the meantime eat bananas more often and other fruits. You can google to find foods high in potassium.
The other blood test she needs is TSH, to check her thyroid. Muscle cramps are very common with thyroid trouble.
One last blood test for her iron level.
If she is a young teen it is likely it is related to growing, and she might have all tests coe out normal, but if one of these is abnormal it is very important. Low potassium is dangerous, and your thyroid affects your whole body. Iron carried oxygen to the muscles, and every other part of the body. It is likely that if it was one of these things she would have muscle trouble in more parts of her body.
if she is sore for a long time after a bad muscle cramp she can take ibuprofen to help, but it is rare the pain lasts long after something like this. She should be careful not to point her foot, which could create another cramp.
I know how painful those cramps are, hopefully they will stop happening soon.
@JLeslie Actually no she’s been saying she gets cramps while sleeping….? or waking up after and she gets cramps…I’m guessing in her leg? But okay I have a feeling later on it won’t happen any more.
Very common for a calf cramp to happen while sleeping. All those tests I suggested apply.
If she doesn’t get tanned in the sun, meaning if she protects her skin from tanning, she could add testing vitamin D to the list.
Wait, it isn’t menstrual cramps right? You said you assumed in her legs.
I get these occasionally and find that putting the stressed muscle against something cold gives some relief.
If she gets a cramp in her leg at night standing up and putting weight on the leg usually relieves it.
@marinelife I don’t think it is the weight, it is keeping your foot flexed.
Whenever I get a cramp, I stretch it and it goes away. You may think stretching it hurts, but you can feel it get better.
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