Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me______ Part 18?
Asked by
AmWiser (
April 27th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Thanks to the Mods, we can continue this thread weekly. Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully all most Jellies will join in.
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521 Answers
TJBM is racing to post first…
False. I’m taking my time posting second!
TJBM thought yesterday was a slow and boring day on Fluther.
TJBM has gotten wet.
Yes.I was out in the rain this morning.
TJBM knows how to weld.
Why don’t you? XD
False i’m afraid i’ll singe my tip :¬(
TJBM rides horses regularly
TJBM rides alligators regularly.
TJBM drives a Delorean.
False I drive a Lotus
TJBM will be taking a trip in the next week or so.
False, It’s a couple of months away and I can’t wait.
TJBM has ridden a cow.
True…. no it’s false, a load of bull you could say.
TJBM ate a pizza last night
TJBM a fan of fans.
TJBM has picked their nose in the past 10 minutes.
False although I have scratched an arse cheek!
TJBM owns a treadmill
TJBM pumps iron to get swoll.
Yes,and I also like good health.
TJBM likes gardening.
I love to make things grow. Nothing better than that first tomato
TJBM loves BLTs
Yes, but not as much as bacon & egg sarnies (which I just ate)
TJBM wishes they could take some time out to star-gaze
TJBM wonders why Fluther has been so barren the past two days.
Partly true.
TJBM is freezing right now!
True, I woke up and I didn’t have the blanket on me, and now I’m suffering. It’s really cold.
TJBM still has their heater turned on
Today I do, but the past few days we’ve had the air conditioning on.
TJBM is bored.
Not really, just procrastinating.
TJBM was crafting a response at the same as I…
Um, false?
TJBM thinks TJBM stands for The Juggling Bear Massacre.
Yes!! Bingo!
TJBM hates goat’s milk!
TJBM sports a goatee beard.
False, but I do have a soul patch.
TJBM sports a unibrow.
False, but my pubic hair extends all the way around my waist and up my back.
TJBM enjoys nude jello wrestling with midgets.
True, but they must be from Belgium.
TJBM likes to play the odd practical joke
Love it.
TJBM likes beer for breakfast.
Gross. I did that once back in the high school days on a camp out. That was the only beverage we thought to bring.
TJBM enjoys a good buzz.
TJBM enjoys a good Bud.
True I do enjoy good bud.
TJBM has a pineapple in their house.
My house is a pineapple, under the sea!
TJBM thinks that Spongebrian is related to Spongebob.
False Spongebob has only one cousin.
TJBM is releasing his/her birth certificate.
True, everyone needs to know that I am a Fluther citizen!
TJBM is sick of all this rain and stormy weather.
False. It isn’t raining, but it will be soon! And I have a ton of indoor projects to do, so I won’t mind the rain when it starts.
TJBM sometimes pretends she’s a baby bear curled up in a cave when he/she can’t sleep at night.
I haven’t done that for ages but I used to pretend I was a baby wolf curled up in a warm den when I couldn’t sleep as a child. It was comforting.
TJBM has or has had a pet tortoise.
TJBM likes to use multiple
text styles.
True, if I had the time. Generally, I’m too busy thinking about my answer to get too fancy. :)
TJBM can name all of their first cousins in both alphabetical and birth order.
Perhaps true, but I’m way too busy to actually attempt such a Herculean task at this time. ;-p
TJBM is ambivalent about jellyfish, especially the kind that go around stinging poor Squidward, Spoonbob, and Patick.
True. I’m not too thrilled with creepy underwater things that sneak up on you.
TJBM thinks @ucme‘s avatar reminds them of Mick Jaggars mouth. lol
TJBM is soooo excited about the Royal Wedding!! eeek!!
Um, wouldn’t put it that way, er no, really. Want to see the dress, that’s about the extent of it.
TJBM believes Elvis is still alive.
True, I saw him just yesterday walkin down my street ;)
TJBM believes ghosts exist….
@queenie I saw him in the pound shop just last week, he didn’t look too well XD
TJBM is too honest for their own good.
True, most of the time.
TJBM has been known to tell a little white lie, now and again…
False, I try to be always truthful
TJBM hates to be lied to
True, very true.
TJBM does not like hypocrites…
False, each to their own
TJBM loves watching cartoons
True, but only some of them.
TJBM likes watching cartoon movies…
Sometimes depends on the movie if Shrek the True
TJBM know what it means when they hear “better out then in”
True (usually heard by my mum when my sister hurls)
TJBM likes pineapples…
TJBM is allergic to some sort of food…
False, I don’t have any allergies.
TJBM is allergic to peanuts…
False. Only Oak pollen, weeds and poison Oak. I have the worlds biggest poison Oak bush across the road from me, I am in fear about snuggling my cats right about now. lol
TJBM is planting a garden this year
TJBM has seen a rainbow in the last week.
False but was hoping to see one today until the rain started after it got dark
TJBM would love to find the pot of gold under the rainbow
Absolutely! It sure would beat finding another bowl of friggin’ Lucky Charms..
TJBM has seen a foreign language film within the past couple of days.
True, Japanese.
TJBM likes Martial Arts films…
False, they bore me to death.
TJBM likes oatmeal raisin cookies
TJBM would eat teleported food.
True, so long as it was teleported from a reputable place.
TJBM knows a few butterfly knife tricks!
Lol! False!
TJBM wishes they knew Kung Fu…
False, again, not interested.
TJBM does yoga everyday.
I try to, but I definitely do it when I’m feeling any substantial and/or persistent physical discomfort.
TJBM does Yogi everyday.
TJBM has an avatar that looks like green angry eyes…
Sorry a rose
TJBM likes to stop and smell the roses
TJBM has been awake for 18 hours straight and must get some sleep now. nite nite jellies
False. But I’m stoned on allergy meds so it’ll be an early night.
TJBM knows that your nose never stops growing
Yes and your ears too.
TJBM was early to rise this morning.
True, I had a callback for round 2 of the interview process
TJBM likes to watch bumblebees navigate traffic.
they fly above the cars it’s really funny to watch
False. I’ve never witnessed such a thing..
TJBM has an affinity for anything and everything you’ve never heard of
So true
TJBM doesn’t like learning about new things they’ve never heard of before
False. Nothing ventured nothing gained, right?
TJBM is a poet and they know it.
True, as are you!
TJBM has a cool ringtone.
I think so, yes.
TJBM is honest to a fault.
True, sometimes.
TJBM can’t believe the devastation caused by yesterday’s tornadoes.
True. So sad. :-(
TJBM ate something NOT normally a breakfast food for breakfast. I had home made Ravioles, haha
Does a candy bar count, it was leftover from Easter.
TJBM has driven more than 500 miles in a single day.
True, about 900. From Illinois to New York, at least five times.
TJBM loves to drive.
True. I live in a really scenic area and driving relaxes me and clears my mind.
TJBM is behind on their laundry
False, I leave all that business to the washer woman…..I mean, the wife ;¬}
TJBM dunks biscuits in their tea/coffee
False, I hate soggy food. I can barely eat cereal with milk.
TJBM is wondering what ucme stands for.
False, I know what it stands for & i’m not telling, so there!
TJBM enjoys staring at boats
TJBM thinks ucme stands for Ultra Cool and Manly Earthling.
Now, accurate as that description is i’m going to have to say false… doesn’t actually stand for anything. Just random letters, I was lazy & couldn’t be bothered to think of a name.
TJBM has been a member here for over a year
Joined January 2010.
TJBM has written their name in the snow while urinating.
TJBM would like Paul Ryan to be their servant (or Pinata).
TJBM think ucme stands for Unicorns, Candy and Magical Emotions!!! :D
Nah, I reckon it stands for Uninterruptedly Cool, Mad Englishman…
TJBM loves Southern Fried Chicken….
starts praying he isn’t actually scotch
TJBM likes deep fried burritos.
No, I don’t
TJBM has had a deep fried twinky or candy bar
the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach
Nope- there are plenty of delicious foods that won’t trash my circulatory system or my internal organs.
TJBM couldn’t care less about the royal wedding.
Very true
TJBM has never owned a pet.
@The_Idler You’re fine, English, mad & damn proud! Oh & 2 Kool 4 Skool man ;¬}
Now, where was I? Never owned a pet…..false
TJBM can swim about as well as a housebrick
False. I am a strong swimmer, grew up rafting and swimming on a big river, now though, I just float down stream on my inner tube. lol
TJBM is looking forward to something right now
True, my fiancée keeps telling me he has a surprise for me but I have to wait until 5 to find
out what it is.
TJBM likes surprises.
True. Unless it’s the bad surprise, like finding out that someone has a girlfriend they never mentioned….hypothetically speaking, of course. :)
TJBM plays video games often.
@The_Idler – ‘scotch’ means Whiskey, the term is never used to describe the natives of Scotland, who are of course, Scottish!
No, rarely, having had far too much of them back in the 1980s.
TJBM has made love in the open air.
Lol! False. I haven’t been brave enough to do it inside…
TJBM will tell us when they lost their virginity…
True. 1983.
The person below me will tell us what they had for dinner on Tuesday night.
True, Spaghetti :)
TJBM loves Italian food
True. And pasta, and stuff like that in general. I’m really hungry.
TJBM is eating dinner soon.
False, though I wish I was…
TJBM is gettin ready to go to bed…
False. Only 4:41 on the West Coat. Baking some chicken, having a Corona and getting ready to finish up my housework before company tomorrow.
TJBM loves Carrot Cake OMG..I am sooo weak, just bought a giant carrot cake, it’s for the company, yeah, right!
@auntydeb I know, I am being deliberately offensive, because that’s just what we do in this country…
Carrot Cake is the only cake I will eat. Yum.
TJBM owns a Panama hat
True! It is straw and has a silver sword with a chain on it. It belonged to my deceased uncle. I LOVE that hat, it has character!
TJBM likes diverse ethnic decorating
Absolutely….....and have different skin toned angels on my mantle. Monet, wicker and keyboards with plants
TJBM loves german chocolate cake (got one for my company)
Oh, I’m sure I would, if I ever got near one.
dribbles, unable to get rid of image from brain, especially as Prince Wills wants Chocolate cake for today’s celebration… urg
TJBM is already glued to the TV, watching with the World…
False, not interested.
TJBM likes pancakes
Pancakes are great, but not American ones…
TJBM likes tea & crumpets
TJBM is eating a banana.
TJBM is not familiar with Kate Middleton’s royal wedding dress.
False. I am not ashamed to say that I watched and enjoyed the royal wedding and it was a lovely dress.
TJBM does not have a problem with the royal family.
TJBM once drank 12 beers in one night.
False. Maybe 6 or 7 while dancing it off. My limit is 3–4. I;m a lite weight.
TJBM sings in the shower
TJBM dances in the shower.
False – too slippery in there to dance.
TJBM loves the smell of bedsheets hung out in the sunshine to dry.
TJBM has relatives coming to visit soon.
False. But, have friends coming at 11:30 for a picnic on my hill. :-)
TJBM just bought new shoes
False, but I do need new ones.
TJBM is or knows someone who is graduating from college in May.
False. But I know someone who is getting married.
TJBM wears glasses or contacts
True, both.
TJBM wants to get laser eye surgery.
Nope don’t need it
TJBM only wears sunglasses and doesn’t need to wear glasses
TJBM has something they need to get off their chest.
Not right now, but I imagine if I ever tried to lift weights, I’d need to get those off of my chest, after I drop them on my chest due to the nonexistent muscle in my arms.
TJBM is Fluther-ing in class (I got to class really early and am doing so now. I feel so rebellious!)
false, school is behind me.
TJBM can’t figure out their home entertainment system.
false, do you need help with yours?
TJBM has an internet tv
Nope…. :-/
TJBM is full of cold just as I am :-( again!!
Nope its warm and beautiful out and I am not sick
TJBM know what the TJAM means when he says full of cold.. I wasn’t sure
Don’t go near him unless you want his germs.
TJBM wants a hoverboard.
TJBM wants a portal gun.
True, but I suspect GLADos would actually kill me because I’d think the cake was real. I totally need to get that game and start playing it.
TJBM has been playing Portal 2.
False, I wish.
TJBM has no motivation right now.
Oh, so true…it’s been one of those days, the motivation-sapping ones.
TJBM has a hot date tonight.
TJBM is watching FRINGE tonight.
False, not my show
TJBM dislikes getting their picture taken.
True, not a very photogenic person anyway…
TJBM is filled with happiness to the brim by looking at the picyures of the Royal Wedding!
be nice
I hope these two can be real enough to live the ’ happy ever after’ fantasy. I’m a big girl now and don’t get all mushy over fantasy weddings. I wouldn’t want the pressures of that lifestyle.
TJBM is enjoying a frisky, windy afternoon.
TJBM will try to catch part 2 tomorrow night.
Part two of what?
Well, If I don’t know what part 2 is I won’t watch it.
TJBM is dressing warm for the incoming snowstorm.
True-sorta. We’re only going to get slush. But still. I cannot get over what a crappy late spring we’re having here.
TJBM wants to move to a warmer climate.
True dat give me warm and sunny anytime
TJBM needs a tropical vacation
True, this spring weather sucks
TJBM has a trophy of some sort.
True. Don’t laugh. I used to show Chinese Geese and have a best in show trophy.
TJBM is starving right now projection, time to eat!
Falsies. I just had some almonds and an avocado with salsa.
TJBM would only go to see a royal wedding if it was for free.
False, not even then
TJBM is going to make calzones tomorrow.
don’t do calzones, mind might be changed though
TJBM wants to work out in an clothing-optional gym.
False…I think? I don’t really do the whole “physical activity” thing… :[
TJBM can’t help but wonder if Minecraft is actually worth playing.
Um, true. I’ve only heard a little bit about it. I only recently started playing games in general (I started with Assassin’s Creed and am having so much fun), but I’m wondering what else is out there, and I’ve heard about this game…
TJBM has played Assassin’s Creed before.
TJBM want to play a simcity game.
True, I would play any Simcity game.
TJBM is jonesing for a game of RISK.
False, not much of a gamer, me.
TJBM likes Adele’s music…
Hmm, it’s okay. My fav is To make you fell my love…
TJBM likes the Violin…
love the sound
TJBM will join me in a game of RISK
Hmm, not sure what that is. Will you tell me?
TJBM will tell me what RISK is
It’s an ancient game from the 50’s and 60’ but..I can’t tell you what the objective is.
Never played it.
TJBM worked today projectiion
sigh…yes working and fluthering as i type…
TJBM had at least one piece of fruit today
True, I had a kiwi
TJBM can’t stand anything on the Disney channel.
it all sucks
True, it’s all gone downhill since Even Stevens went off the air.
TJBM would like to inform @queenie that RISK is a phenomenal board game wherein you and your friends compete for world domination over the course of 4–6 hours. Also, they prefer their coffee black.
True on Risk but False on prefering my coffee black
TJBM enjoys a good stradegy board game
TJBM will name their favorite stategy board game
I’m a Monopoly fan, have had some great games in my day. I am usually highly successful and end up being a slumlord as well as holding the high end properties too.
I give my broke tenants a break though. In real life I’d be a terrible landlord, I am shrewd but way too soft. lol
TJBM loves Reggae music
True, but it depends on the band or artist. I’m not much of a Marley fan
TJBM has pressed replay more than once on one of the songs they listened to today.
True, I can obsess on one song for a few days at a time. Can’t we all?
TJBM has a secret recipe that they they covet
TJBM has a weird collection.
I collect salt crystals
true. art glass
TJBM has a vacation planned within a month
TJBM is in the middle of planning a vacation for when school ends.
False, I take life as it comes ; D
TJBM likes to eat jelly sweets whilst revising…
TJ will be more than happy to eat some sweet jellies whilst you revise. ;-p
TJBM lives in an area that gets an occasional monster-ass tornado.
False, thank goodness.
TJBM is sad for the people in America who got hit by the tornado.
True. Very. Then again, the risk comes with the territory, just like I live in a very high risk forest fire zone. Many scares over the years, but so far, so good. Any disaster lends itself to compassion.
TJBM took a little Sunday cat nap. Bliss…lying on my bed with the curtains fluttering in the breeze.
True :)
TJBM can go to sleep anywhere whenever they want like me.
TJBM is a college student.
False, secondary school.
TJBM is in college…
False. That was about 30 years ago now.
TJBM has a lot of lizards around their house projection…GAH..just rescued another one in my living room
TJBM is bored and thier head feels numb. Like it’s been stuffed with cotton wool.
False. I feel good today after a high stress 6 weeks or so. Finally letting go of some drama, as in….flush! lol
TJBM loves authentic mexican food…mmmm chile rellano!
Oh, so, so true. Any Mexican food, really, I’d eat that stuff any time of the day.
TJBM is happy that R.E.M. is putting a new album out.
not sure
TJBM has a weird mustache/beard.
False, I’m a girl
TJBM has some massive allergies
True. Better today but the lizard eyes are the bane of my existence.
TJBM is swatting the first Mosquitos of the year
Nope and if I see one I got a mosquito stinger to get them.. I have no intention on getting bite this year if I can help it.
TJBM is enjoying the wonderful spring weather we are having
True, true true! Amazing day here almost 80! Sat on my deck with a freind til the evil first Mosquitos showed up. haha
TJBM likes scary movies
Troo, I doo.
@Coloma What do you think the source water is for those skeeters?
TJBM lives in an area that has skeeters.
Yes I do but plan to rid my area of them this year
TJBM is planning a skeeter attack of their own
No, I live in apartments. The landscapers use something to lower the numbers though.
TJBM can tell me a good allergy medicine that won’t make me sleepy.
Yes, its Lohist D, the most dowsiness I ever felt on it I solved with a cup of coffee but if you take it a while you don’t feel it. Its a combination of 2 allergy meds and works great, but you will need a prescription in order to get it in the US
TJBM know how awful it feels to suffer from allergies
True. I have several – and have developed severe asthma, too—all in my mid-thirties after delivering my third child (who knew – pregnancy can bring on allergies)! I use Zyrtec-D, Nasacort and Symbicort. The last two require an Rx in the US.
TJBM celebrated May Day and/or received a May Basket. (I got a May Basket)
False. What’s in a May Basket?
TJBM is happy about the news regarding Osama binLaden.
True.. he was like Earl in the Dixie Chicks song – he had to die.
(A May basket has flowers and small treats – see US traditions here for info.)
TJBM has danced around a May Pole before.
True when I was little
TJBM is going to take a shower and go to bed
False – I’m already at work though not doing much work yet
TJBM has a day off
False. Today is one of my last days of class before exam week. And I have an oral exam for my Spanish class today. Wish me luck!
TJBM hates exams.
TJBM has a dental appointment this week.
Nope. Not this week.
TJBM is bored.
TJBM is celebrating something this week.
Yes, but I don’t know what yet!
TJBM really needs to clean their keyboard.
Probably true.
TJBM’s eye itches.
No, but my nose does.
When TJBM says “TJBM does…whatever” they are really talking about The Jelly That They Am!
TJBM has large feet.
False. Size 4 (UK)
TJBM used to watch Ugly Betty.
TJBM is excited for a season finale of a TV show that they watch.
True. Sort of. I don;t watch TV but, I am waiting on the release of Dexter season 6 I think.
TJBM likes watching clouds
TJBM likes watching paint dry.
Oh hail no! I don’t like to watch water boil either…I’ve done it. Very boring.
TJBM wishes this country would get stable again.
TJBM believes there will be a time where the entire world is at peace.
False – unless there are no humans around I cannot imagine we’ll achieve world peace. (Though I still wish, dream and hope for it..)
TJBM works in their pajamas.
TJBM works in big yellow rain boots.
TJBM like to jump in puddles
Yes I do! I like splatting melting snow puddles, too!
TJBM has met a celebrity.
False, the closest I came was watching Bo Bice (American Idol alum) signing autographs after a concert.
TJBM ate bacon over the weekend.
False. But I did throw out the Ham carcass in the woods. The Easter Ham is Coyote bait now, maybe they will get sick enough to not eat my cats. Have some rancid pork Wile. E. lol
TJBM is making a list and checking it twice
Well, unless Christmas is around the corner, then no.
TJBM likes oatmeal cookies.
True, as long as they have raisins and a touch of cinnamon. :D
TJBM is fluthering when they should be doing something else.
True, homework.
TJBM has exams in two weeks…
TJBM has had a cavity before.
true, they suck
TJBM has climbed into a tight cavity before
…I’m just not going there.
TJBM had some weird dreams last night.
If I did, I don’t remember them, which is too bad.
TJBM hasn’t slept well in a while.
TJBM did some Spring cleaning this past weekend.
TJBM wears cheap cologne…
I just use deodorants during cooler weather and antiperspirants during warmer weather. Sometimes I might put on too much, so I’ll ask my wife for a reality check.
TJBM wears expensive food.
I’m not Lady Ga Ga, so no I don’t.
TJBM is doing some home renovations.
False, but my dad is. He always is, all year round.
TJBM is tired of living on construction sites all their lives…
False. I live in a 30 year old money pit that NEEDS home construction but isn’t getting it just yet.
TJBM has the greenest lawn around…
True – i live in rainy Scotland where the grass is always green. Though maybe false since everyone else around has green lawns too. Help, I need to do a scientific study using a GIM tool. Anyone got one?
TJBM had green eyes
No, they’re brown. I hated them when I was younger and wished I had green eyes though. Now I’m fine with them; I’ve been told that they’re interesting.
TJBM likes going to the eye doctor and getting their eyes dilated.
False. Never have had to do that, yet.
TJBM is thinking of a quick weekend gettaway
wish I’d been quicker – i loved it when my eyes got dilated. Trippy!
False – staying at home,and owning a caravan does not make for quick weekend gettaways
TJBM can do the Cobra move in yoga
False. But I do a mean downward dog.
TJBM cannot touch their toes.
TJBM can do more than 5 pull-ups.
Not anymore. My lower body weight is too much for my upper body strength. lol
TJBM has a dog
TJBM knows the term for fluthering while on a mobile while driving over 60mph
True. Twat.
TJBM received a phone call that made them smile today.
False, at least, not yet. My grandpa called yesterday, though.
TJBM is hungry. (I know I am!)
False, just had Arby’s.
TJBM can do at least one pull-up.
Dude! Whats with this obsession with pull ups? NO..I can’t! lol ;-)
TJBM wants to know how many PULL UPS Erich can do? haha
False, I already know: about 15.
TJBM thinks they can beat me in a pull-up competition.
False, false false, and false again! lol
TJBM can do PUSH ups!
True, I can
TJBM has seen a three wheeled car before.
I saw one for the first time today
yes. they are awesome!
TJBM wants a car like that 3 wheeler to take into the elevator to work once they get there
False, But I’d love a classic Jag.
TJBM likes my new little neigh-bor in my avatar, hee haw, yep, his daddy was an ass. lol
True. I like farm animals and woodland creatures
TJBM blushes easily
TJBM can do more than 20 push-ups at once.
No, no, a thousand times NO! lol
TJBM is expeieincing a power outage. projection, the old battery on the laptop is fading
TJBM can do more than 10 push-ups at once.
False – more like 2
TJBM enjoys a cup of tea
False. I’m a coffee nut, but do like green tea on occasion.
TJBM loves the big cats. Lions. Tigers, Leopards, Cougars.
True. Cheetahs are my favourite.
TJBM has been to a zoo recently.
TJBM got a new pet recently.
Does a month or two ago count? My dad decided to buy new fish for our tank, and all hell broke loose and they went cannibalistic on each other. Now we only have four fish total. It’s really lame. :(
TJBM hates pet fish that eat the new fish in the tank.
TJBM is in a video that you can currently find on YouTube.
TJBM has done a stupid stunt.
TJBM can bench 10 pounds.
I think anybody can
TJBM is new here
Hmm, False I think.
TJBM can do 15 push ups and just the two pull ups…
True, pull ups are so difficult.
TJBM needs to eat dinner but is to lazy to go make some
False I already ate
TJBM had something yummy for dinner tonight
TJBM went to the gym today.
False. My ‘workout’ was finishing the last re-writes on a couple o’ pieces and sending them off for submission. Now I am drinking Champagne. lol
TJBM loves Champagne!
False – prefer Cava, tastes the same but is 10% of the price
TJBM voted today
yes, I voted for a great espresso.
TJBM has a tablet device
False – Tablet has a whole different meaning in scotland. though we do have the computer kind too
TJBM drinks eight glasses of water a day
TJBM recently had a physical done.
TJBM has big biceps…
False. My hard body has gone soft these past few years.
TJBM has recently cut themselves with a knife projection, yep, wine and slicing and dicing ended up slicing my finger, ginsu girl falters under the influence. lol
TJBM would like to be a lighthouse keeper.
False. I’d rather be in a watch tower for forest fires.
TJBM has some BIG money going out the door today. Gah…make it stop! lol
TJBM thinks that @queenie has a thing for Jeremy Clarkson.
True, that is a little creepy
But anyways, Jeremy Clarkson is awesome
TJBM has completed their first week of training for a job
I did, and I’m so happy
@shego :D
TJBM is still wondering how reijinni knew about me…
I was messing with you, @queenie. I see that you like my little game.
TJBM likes my jokes.
TJBM still can’t figure out how he knew though….
TJBM thinks this has gone on to long and is just annoying now.
LOL! True.
TJBM is annoyed with :P
True ;)
TJBM is the same as TJAM
TJBM is going to have a party tomorrow! Projection, a double mothers day/B-day party over here!
Lol! False. Mothers day went by ages ago here.
TJBM likes pomegranite juice.
True, I love it
TJBM likes to eat pistachios.
every once in a while
TJBM has reinstalled their OS at least once.
Never. Always a way to resolve it.
TJBM loves spring rain.
True, Infact, I am hoping we get a bit tonight after a big day of weed eating and mowing.
TJBM loves olives of all kinds. Hi, I’m Coloma and I am an olive addict
AHHH Blah! No
TJBM is wondering why the over reaction?
False, I know lots of people that hate olives.
@Coloma Me too :D
TJBM prefers black olives over green ones…
True, I love black olives I can’t stand the green ones.
TJBM Spoiled themselves today.
not really
TJBM hates working the tiller.
False, I love yard work
TJBM is a night owl
TJBM likes butterscotch
I used to. For some odd reason it’s not as appealing lately.
TJBM already knew that because he is pshizzle
False, it’s me.
TJBM likes wolves :D
Likes… that is false! Try loves, feels connected to, and wants to be part of a pack!
TJBM is still up even though they probably get some sleep.
False. It’s morning.
TJBM has a bicycle.
TJBM has ridden their bicycle in the bike lane in Ocean City. It’s fun.
False, never been to Ocean City
TJBM will give their mother a hard time today.
False. My mother is dead.
TJBM likes M&M’s.
Meh ~
TJBM hates chocolate
False. Love it.
TJBM loves wolves.
True. They are amazing and my favourite animal by far :D
TJBM will tell us what their fav animal is…
True. Black bear.
TJBM loves bears.
Yes!!!!!!!!! The power behind their massive paws!
TJBM Loves sharks
True! Favorite aquatic inhabitant!
TJBM thinks turtles are cool.
True :)
TJBM thinks Tigers are awesome.
TJBM wants to go on a jungle safari.
True :D
TJBM loves M & M’s….
like me
TJBM loves skittles.
TJBM likes the sour skittles more than the rainbow ones…
not really.
TJBM will know what the Jelly below him will ask.
of course.
TJBM has over 10K lurve
Nope, not yet.
TJBM had a fabulous Mother’s Day.
i did. its always good to be around Mom.
TJBM can’t believe its May already
True! I only have one more final and then I’m done with my first year of college! Where did all the time go?
TJBM is putting off doing something important.
False. On top of stuff over here, for the moment. lol
TJBM is exhausted this morning. projection, whew, 3 days of intense business, I need rest!
True, not much sleep the past few days.
TJBM is still a little confused from the FRINGE season finale.
false, never watched the show.
TJBM wants to know about @erichw1504‘s stupid stunt.
Why not? If he wants to share.
TJBM likes ice ream cake.
TJBM likes macaroni salad.
True, Infact making a killer pasta salad today.
TJBM is still waiting to hear Erichs stupid stunt. lol
TJBM bought lemonade from a kid’s lemonade stand before.
More than once
TJBM is still recuperating from the weekend, I am. I drove all over the place on Saturday and Sunday ( 750 miles ). My butt is sore.
True. Saturday I went to a graduation ceremony, then two graduation parties. Sunday I got up early to make breakfast for my wife, her mom, and her grandmother.
TJBM has played ladder golf before.
TJBM lives by a lake.
TJBM lives near a football stadium…
Nope. Where I live is rather rural. Today Alpacas broke loose from a neighboring farm and invaded the school playground during Kindergarten recess. THAT is how rural I live.
TJBM can tell a llama from an alpaca.
Nope. Alpacas are more furry? Like a sheep, maybe? Llamas aren’t so fuzzy like an afro? I have no idea.
TJBM has visited Hawaii.
Negative. :)
TJBM likes B-Movies.
True! and I can tell the dif. between a llama and an alpaca. Alpacas are much smaller.
I have both in my rural zone too.
TJBM knows that Mules are sterile and cannot reproduce.
True, now I do!
TJBM likes decaf coffee.
Not really, but will have some if I want coffee later at night.
TJBM has gone deep sea fishing
Many times when I was a much younger.
TJBM is going to go out to lunch/dinner today.
TJBM thought the roasting question was good and would like to see it come back.
True. It got nixed pretty quickly. Good try!
TJBM has rejected someone that wants to date them recently.’s my boss!..Nooooo!
Nope. :/
TJBM likes to dance to Miley Cyrus when no one else is around.
True False.
TJBM owns more than 10 music CDs.
TJBM still has a magazine subscription from college.
TJBM has a cassette player in their car.
Umm, False. I had to check to make sure.
TJBM still has some old cassettes. An old teacher of mine recently gave me a Bowie concert cassette. I played it and the quality is still good! What a stroke of luck!
Nope. Never bought a single one. Vinyl and cd only.
TJBM still has some 8-track tapes.
False. Not since about 1985 lol
TJBM is having a good humor day projection, I’m all smiles and for no particular reason
TJBM will experience above 90 degree weather today.
False. We have a snow watch.
TJBM got to sleep in.
True. Kind of. I was wiped out yesterday, went to bed at sunset around 8:20 and slept til 6. I needed it!
TJBM likes to write poetry
TJBM has been to the theatre recently.
TJBM has blacked out before.
Medical problem and blood pressure drop.
TJBM can’t see the Sun today.
TJBM knows how to type in this font.
TJBM has a name that begins with J.
TJBM has hairy legs.
not telling.
TJBM will dress his son in a skirt and call him ‘Sue’.
TJBM thinks part 19 should be created soon.
TJBM knows I am funny but will never admit it.
False…? Crap…
TJBM was set up.
HAHAHAHA, gotcha! ;)
False, but you were.
TJBM just got his butt kicked.
False. And I’m a ‘her’...but the day is still young and I am surrounded by hooved animals…may get a butt kicking yet.
TJBM goes to Panda Express projection…dinner is served haha
No Panda Express for dinner, an hour and half to closest one.
TJBM is going to buy / already has an e-book.
True, I have one.
TJBM is exhausted from work
I am! You must be telepathic. Got to be done though hey?
TJBM is feeling the urge to start a new hobby?
False. I have enough hobbies. lol
TJBM is eating dinner right now
False, getting ready for bed.
TJBM just woke up.
Nope. I have been up (sadly) since before 4am and am now in a library (supposed to be) working.
TJBM has beautiful handwriting.
True. Or, at least so I’ve been told.
TJBM is an old soul.
Very true. I like to think so anyway. :-)
TJBM wishes they could see how green my grass is
not really.
TJBM goes to water parks just to take baths.
TJBM is using Windows 7.
Not OS 10.6.7 Mac
TJBM remembers / owned a Commodore 64.
TJBM remembers/owned a Windows 95 system.
Probably but that would be a loong time ago now. lol
I have Vista in the moment.
TJBM is about to go out somewhere projection
TJBM likes watermelon.
True, true TRUE! Love it! Soon it will be time. :-)
TJBM has an allergy headache right now
True. False.
TJBM thinks Conan should grow back the beard.
True. His face looks so naked without it! The scandal!
TJBM once had the Princess Diana haircut.
True False.
TJBM thinks Pippa should do porn.
umm she has….
TJBM thinks Pippa should do them.
@blueiiznh since when?
TJBM thinks Pippa should do jet skiing.
TJBM has been on Omegle.
False. I’m outta the loop, never heard of Pippa or Omegle I am a hermatage writer type in the middle of almost nowhere. lol
TJAM forgot to make a TJBM statement.
TJBM would love to have a personal trainer.
Nope. Not anymore, now I’d rather have a live in cook and housekeeper, preferably a Thai chef that did laundry too. lol
TJBM loves to play in the water, pool, hose, river, hot tub, bath tub, lake…..
True, and the closet thing I have is a swimming pool that’s not even open.
TJBM is happy to say they’re in love.
False. I’m still looking for the one.
TJBM loves the band “The Dodos”.
TJBM knows what today is.
True. Today is Saturday, 14 May 2011 at 1.12 am. Yesterday was Friday the 13th and I survived!
TJBM has a great cure for insomnia.
Friday the 13th! Uh Oh..maybe I shouldn’t have my lunch party, I don’t know how to do the Heimlich maneuver. Well..screw it…if we drink enough we probably won’t choke on our food. lol
TJBM is having a party today/tonight
TJBM has done the Mentos in a Coke bottle trick.
Nope. But, vinegar and baking soda blows up well too. stuff us 60’s kids did
TJBM loves animals
Absolutely. I have muy favourites but I don’t think there are any animals that I don’t like/find interesting.
TJBM actually likes bugs (or at least finds them fascinating!)
TJBM heard some thunder last night.
TJBM was born before the Rocky Horror Picture Show came out.
Yes and I did see Meat Loaf coach a girl’s softball game. Twenty years ago.
TJBM can find due north “right now”.
False, I don’t have a compass on me right now.
TJBM is a good navigator.
TJBM has to work today even though it’s saturday.
False. I do work weekends sometimes, but not today. I’m excited, big T-storms coming, so, a great day around the homestead. :-)
TJBM likes cinnamon raisen toast
False, I don’t like raisins on it.
TJBM dislikes raisins very much…
false, love raisins
TJBM would love to give their cats a bath.
False, I don’t have a cat :(
TJBM loves cats
True. Have 2 new guys ( adopted last spring & fall ) Marley & Mia. Love dem kittehs!
TJBM had something great happen to them today projection, my boss offered me a partnership in ‘our’ store. :-D
False, not much happened today
TJBM thinks @reijinni is annoying :P
TJBM thinks @queenie is annoying.
False. If you don’t like someone, just avoid ‘em. No need for a public lynching.
TJBM is easy to get along with
TJBM thinks @Coloma is annoying.
Woke up on the wrong side o’ the bed this morning Erich? lol ;-)
True/false…sure, sometimes I annoy myself!
TJBM likes rice pudding
True but only if it is loaded with sugar otherwise I find it boring.
TJBM has a very busy week ahead of them.
TJBM is looking for a job.
TJBM is an avid dabbler.
Not sure what that is.
TJBM is a Fluther addict.
It comes in cycles. The last 2 days, full blown relapse. lol
TJBM loves trees yep, I’m a tree hugger
I guess. Trees are cool because they give off oxygen.
TJBM enjoys Facebook.
False, I never use Facebook.
TJBM loves red wine more than white.
False, don’t like wine at all.
TJBM loves dark beer more than light.
I don’t do beer.
TJBM knows a lot about beer and coffee despite consuming neither.
TJBM claims to have ESP.
Yes, and was proven in high school. Called twenty-five, in a row, flips of a coin correct. That’s 33,554,432 to one of happening by chance.
TJBM knows what I’m thinking.
TJBM has only changed their avatar once.
TJBM knows what “planking” means and thinks I’m silly for not knowing.
False. I have no idea what it means, unless it has to do with tripping over a plank.
TJBM will explain what @blueiiznh‘s meaning when he says “plank”.
I did. I live in Brisbane but hadn’t actually heard of the death but did catch a news story a while ago about this practice. I just didn’t connect the two things.
TJBM doesn’t want to go to work today.
So true, I’m sick and tired of my supervisor already and I’ve only been working for a week and a half
TJBM loves their supervisor.
TJBM is going to walk the plank.
False, though you are. har har me hearty!
TJBM is standing on a plank and feels me prodding them with my sword…
False. I am not, and have no desire to be a pirate.
TJBM is going to see the new Pirate’s movie.
no desire to see the movie, no desire to see the others either.
TJBM smells my wind as they stand behind me..
phooey! Yes, unfortunatley I do. Did you have onions today?
TJBM stinks
False. I bathe daily, and use cologne and deodorant.
TJBM takes a shower every other day.
TJBM has had a gun pointed in their face before.
TJBM has a Twitter account.
no twitter here.
TJBM hates txting.
TJBM knows I will shoot them if they get too close…
True, I’ve seen it happen.
TJBM owns a Nerf gun.
TJBM owns an XBOX 360.
False, I’m not much of a gamer
TJBM is eating dinner
TJBM frequently goes to the library often.
you know that doesn’t make sense right?
TJBM loves meatballs
TJBM loves spaghetti.
TJBM loves Italian food
Is that the same as Doritos? Then yes.
TJBM likes salsa with their Doritos
Absolutely. I could live on salsa, almost.
TJBM is having a rainy day in May
TJBM lives in a hot country
False, or at least here in colorado its not too hot but it depends on where your at.
TJBM lives in a cold country.
Hot & cold
From summer heat waves to snow!
TJBM likes Raspberry Jam
I do. Although my favourite is strawberry.
TJBM wants to paddle in the ocean.
False. Just a little to much water for me;)
TJBM has been waiting for Part 19 and will go there.:D
TJBM has to make a pee-pee.
nope, but my dog does
TJBM may never go to part 19
False, already have.
up for 7 hours…still foggy
tjbm has a ton planned for today
False, not a lot.
TJBM wants to snuggle up in bed
tjbm has a hammock
TJBM has a four poster bed
i did…not anymore
tjbm loves their kitchen
True, heart of the house :)
TJBM is eating
No, but I can smell toast and now I want some.
TJBM lives in an earthquake prone zone.
TJBM lives in a hurricane prone zone
Sort of. They can travel this far down the coast (we call the cyclones) but it hasn’t happened while I have been there.
TJBM is scared of monsters under their bed.
TJBM is off to bed.
see ya :)
nope….out to the pool
tjbm is starting their day now
Nope, just had pea and ham soup for lunch. It is quite cold here today.
TJBM has a busy day ahead of them.
A very busy day on the schedule. Done a lot so far too.
Tjbm thinks it feels like a different day
TJBM just had an ice cream
False but I did have Gelato today
TJBM will start a new Are you the jelly? thread
tjbm knows someone who holds a political office
True, my father is friends with a state senator, and our previous governor.
TJBM doesn’t like to get involved in politics.
False, I’m quite interested in politics
TJBM likes debating in school
I’m not in school. I don’t even think my school had a debating team…
TJBM gets really cranky when other people eat things out of the pantry and don’t replace them or put the empty packet back in the pantry or fridge or freezer.
OMG that bugs the shit out of me. ooops sounded like my father.
tjbm will eat the last piece of whatever is there
True :D
TJBM loves green jelly beans
Eww, no. I like the red ones and the black ones though.
TJBM needs to buy a new book to read.
False, I just got several books
TJBM believes in the dairy fairy
true, she works at the dairy queen
TJBM will tell us their fav ice cream flavor
White Vanilla :)
TJBM loves cheesecake
Yep, and snowboarding
TJBM has gone skiing in June. I did just got home.
jealous. but yes
tjbm has had a snowball fight in the middle of summer
False, @queenie it’s just that there has been some storms passing over the mountains, leaving enough snow for winter fun in June, and a few of the resorts opened back up
TJBM likes cheese crackers.
TJBM is regretting something
No. Not that I know of. Today is Sunday and Sunday is a lovely day.
TJBM is going on a family outing.
TJBM wishes it would be sunny tomorrow
Oh, HAIL no, @MilkyWay! We’ve broken 100+ for over two weeks in a row. It’s so dry and hot that lighters left in the car are exploding. The leaves on some of the trees are dying. It almost looks like fall. We’re praying for rain.
TJBM noticed that I haven’t been around and playing this game for a long time!
TJBM is has butterflies in their tummy
I did for a minute when I thought it was going to rain.
TJBM is looking forward to going to work tomorrow.
TJBM misses someone
True, everyday. I miss my mom
TJBM has something to be happy about
very much so
tjbm has something to be sad about
TJBM wants to curl up and die
not so much
tjbm wants to run across the parking lot nekked
False, it’s too chilly.
TJBM wants to sleep
nope, got a 20K party to attend
tjbm is still looking for a kitty to snuggle
TJBM knows where to get one.
True, I live about a 10 minute walk from the local animal shelter
TJBM wants a hedgehog
TJBM wants a fluggle
Gives @MilkyWay a HUGE Fluggle… you aren’t feeling too hot hey?
TJBM needs a bit of TLC at the moment I think.
TJBM has a kitten lying upside down on his or her lap, biting her arm. OW!
I wish I had. I love it when cats/kittens play-bite you :D
TJBM is going to give me a good night kiss
Gives @MilkyWay a goodnight kiss and says “glad you are still here even though it means your trip is a bit messed up for now”. Nite nite, sleep tight.
TJBM loves hand made chocolates.
mmmmmmmmmmmm (face covered in chocolate)
tjbm loves dipping strawberries into something
True, chocolate.
TJBM likes drizzled chocolate over their strawberries :D
False, I’d rather not waste chocolate on a fruit that I don’t like.
TJBM is cleaning house today.
TJBM had a hearty meal today
true…..very yummy
tjbm was in air conditioned air today
No. It’s winter here so we aren’t using the air con much.
TJBM is going to for a bike ride this weekend.
nope…even after a 50 mile bike ride today, i am still going
tjbm ate a pickle today
False, but I ate a pickled beet.
TJBM would rather eat a brussel sprout than a lima bean
a toss up
tjbm likes a tossed salad
TJBM likes to eat fruit salads
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