What is your band's name and first album title?
Here’s what you do:
1. Go to Wikipedia and hit Random Article. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2. Go to Quotations Page and hit Random Quotes. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3. Now post your bands name and first album and desribe what kind of music your band plays based on it.
Additionally you can go to Flickr, scroll down to the bottom and click “the last seven days”. The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. Use Photoshop (or an online app like Picnik) to put it all together. Then upload it online (Photobucket or Tinypic) and link to it here.
You can do more than one if you so please.
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57 Answers
Twinkle – Move Up To Obscurity
We play pop-disco music that is all about glitter and unicorns, with a bit of weirdness thrown in! LOLz, totally!
Yuri Tyukalov-Gives the leader new strength.
We support the president of Russia!
Rhytida Otagoensis
The Impersonators Would Be Dead
I’m already signed to a record deal, too. We’re now looking for a hot-looking female vocalist with low intelligence, loose morals, low self-esteem and no personal standards whatsoever.
Moneymaker Effect – to let your mind think
We play alternative music with our kazoos. We for the people with broken hearts and broken wallets. Come see us every sunday at the local bar for a session of some depressing, heartbreaking tunes. yes please.
Tuck Everlasting – What is the Use of Worrying?
I am a one-man band. I play the drums, guitar, and vocals. My music is preppy and up-tempo with a bit of cowbell thrown in.
Tatuagem – I approved of it
Soft Rock
The End of Silliness – Major Stresses of Your lives
Ultra emo, depressing music. Listen to us and you’ll be garaunteed to dye your hair black and slit your wrists.
Hot Nuts Band
Song: Picking Goober Peas
Orpikowo - Aimed Rather Low and Settled For Very Little (We’re David Hasselhoff’s back-up band.)
Band: Zumarraga Samar
Album: You may both be wrong
Style: A five piece thrash/death metal band from Tibet that only play acoustic instruments
@RareDenver 5 piece thrashers with acoustic instruments – when do tickets go on sale?
Legal Aid Department – Nuclear War is Unsettling.
We’re a an anti-war band, singing about peace and legal stuff… yeah! Our genre is post-pop.
Band: Signoria di Carrara
Album: more urgent indeed than having
Style: Spanish hip-hop duo with far right political ideals
Unstrange Minds- Who can help you
Psychedelic sludge. Eyehategod meets Pink Floyd.
Things to Come – Learn to Labour and to Wait.
Futuristic bluegrass with techno beats.
Band: Juno Award
Album: I could have worn
Style: Transvestite country and western ensemble from Oklahoma
Vixen – Dare to Be Yourself
An all woman hair-metal foursome that lets it all hang out on stage.
Band: The Derby
Album: Honey, Funny Bunny
Country folk hicks from Kentucky.
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Midway Road – Pretend That Isn’t the Case
The band is something along the lines of Rascal Flatts.
Freedom Trail – until I decide to Take Them Back
We’re a band with a Bahston accent and stuck in the 60’s.
Band: José María Flores Burlón
Album: and obedience into duty
Style: A band made up of ex-Nazi’s in hiding in South America that play Bavarian folk music in a Reggae style
Overstone, Northamptonshire – To Make Them Fit Our Goals
We’re a pretentious post-new wave emo-core band that only ever sees airplay on college radio stations. And not even very often.
Sieve of Sundaram – The Best Part Under Ground
An underground math-metal band.
Clay Modeling – Trouble Is Part Of Your Life.
Well, since we are Clay Modeling, Lucille is definitely in my band and we sing cover songs of Frank Zappa, John Lee Hooker, Norah Jones and Pink Floyd. Her on the banjo, me on the harmonica.
La Provinciale – Just Because You’re Outnumbered!
A terrible old-school punk rock garage band from Northern Ontario in the mid-90s.
Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile – I Felt Like Poisoning a Monk
We’re a hardcore Swedish death metal band that dress like vikings and use weird instruments like a hurdy-gurdy and bagpipes.
Lacanobia Mongolica – He Doesn’t Know What He Likes
A science-metal band consiting of three gay men. Hit song is title “Rainbow Moth”.
Morphogen – They Are Extinct, They Are Extinction.
Huey Lewis and The News cover band.
Nyctibatrachus beddomii Pretend to be Sane
A band of 30 nerds that like to random keyboard sequences while yelling at the top of their lungs about various specimen.
Crawford Library – More Often Than Not, Unconsidered
A band of librarians that are lonely and bang book together to make their music.
Dizz Knee Land—The Weird Turn Pro
A small group of prepubescent boys that run around wearing tight pants and Hello Kitty merchandise as they rap about anime and stealing their sister’s capris.
All Pakistan Music Conference. Self-titled.
Fissini Street Archeological Collection – Anything you Fully do is an Alone Journey
A one-man Greek band who plays the bouzouki.
Hamburger Bahnhof—I Didn’t Talk For a Year
A group of self-loathing fat men who spend their time writing poetry about food and creating dreary songs about it.
Washington Initiative 692 – A State-Controlled Manufactory of Echoes.
Jug-band bluegrass. With panpipes.
OOh I did this before and I mocked up an album cover for it:
Out of Middle Age – by Green Monday
It’s a British indie/post-punk revival band inspired by bands like Joy Division, Echo and the Bunnymen and New Order. They’re currently not touring because the lead singer is banged up for posessing heroin. ;)
St. Dominic’s Fair – Like Flies on a Summer Day
An Irish thrash-metal band that wails about all over the stage. They all have red hair.
@downtide We have our first album cover image!!! And it’s a good one. Thanks!
Morris Possoni – Sooner or Later
I like the band name, but the album title is worrisome. I suspect Morris Possoni is a rather forgettable shoegaze band, or worse, mid 90’s adult contemporary.
I like the bands I invented better.
Michael Gleason—Mad at Me for Saying That.
We’re a band that takes songs you love from the old days, that is, the 1920’s, and throw down fat beats on them. We’re one of those remix bands that no one really cares about except to say that they sound really misogynistic, like 3oh!3.
Name: Hugh Montgomery
Album: I have erased this line
Style: All women’s Bluegrass band :)
5532 Ichinohe ( the name of an asteroid belt)
Backwards and in High Heels
Alternative angry GRRL rock!
I really like this!!!!
Clondalkin That should be secondary
Semele The Dancers Hit Each Other
We’re sorta folky, progressive, psychedelic, that sort of thing, experiment with weird sounds and relying on simple guitar chords mixed with wild tangents, with a large amount of influence from groups like Buffalo Springfield, The Doors, and Bob Dylan. Our lyrics are deep but obviously have no cause, which seems to counteract the deepness to the lyrics, but it totally works. We all have long hair, tight pants and a naive wisdom about us.
San Ramón Municipality
Backwards and in high heels.
It would be like Pitbull but having a woman singer with high heels doing the moon walk… SWEET!
Litvillingane Rocks
…to have us forget summer
Any more hipster and I’d have to be savaged by Bieber fans as a punishment.
Charlotte Mühe – The Same Good Things For the First Time
Reverb-, delay- and tremelo-soaked guitars cast atmosphere over funky drum machine and synth bass beats. The xx meets Galaxie 500. With post-ironic references to continental existential philosophy.
Telephone Numbers in Panama – Every Partridge, and Fox, and Squirrel
A Gary Busey tribute band. We play anything from classical to hardcore-metal-punk.
Eightfold Way – Nobody Spots a Phony Quicker Than a Child
A folk sestet accompanied by spoons and a saw, whose songs each consist only of one rhyming couplet in iambic pentameter.
Irish League 1895–96 – Guilt is a Rope That Wears Thin
A folk band that plays emo-punk music.
There are more than a few of these I’d want to listen to.
1630 AM – Applying the Wrong Remedy
Mariachi band that plays in the nude. No one listens to the music.
@fundevogel – Me too!
Quack – Being Terribly, Terribly Deceived
An impersonation band of many different popular groups.
El Factor
The Day Before Was Wrong
Cacaphonous, discordant and jarring techno-pop trash, unfortunately. Even more disappointing, it’ll be a great hit. Here’s the cover art.
Prince Yamashina Kikumaro – Wrong Job in the First Place
Alternative rock with techno beats. We only sing in Japanese. Here is the cover to our album.
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