How can I get rid of muscle pain in my legs?
I was on my knees for a great part of the weekend and now my legs feel like they have taken a beating. My muscles are so sore and I can’t even stand up very much. I have to perform tomorrow and I really want to know how I can soothe them before then. I don’t take medicine for these problems at all. I like to keep away from it.
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11 Answers
You can use some ice.
You can take a hot bath (especially with epsom salts).
Aspirin would help with the inflammation.
I second the hot bath with epsom salts.
go for a long run (if you can, that is), then take a good good stretch after.
I agree with @marinelife Epsom salt is great. If you can’t stay in a tub for a long time than warm some water and add the epsom salt and then dip a towel in it and keep wrapping it around your legs. Also raise your legs to help reduce the swelling.
I third the hot bath with epsom salts and if you know some one who has a whirlpool bath or a hot tub with a whirlpool feature maybe you could ask them if you can come over and use it. Though no epsom salts in your friend’s hot tub though:-)
Have you tried any heat creams, like ben-gay or icy hot?
Not the heat ! That feels great while you do it but whatever is feeling sore (lactic acids and by-products from breakdown of muscle tissue) works its way into relaxed tissues, and it will be harder for it to get out when you cool down to normal temperature.
Ice and gentle stretching and ibuprofen/aspirin.
Jump in the hot tub after your performance and notice how good that feels and then how it feels the next day.
Wintergreen or arnica oil are also good. Just rub them on. Unless you’re even against those medicines.
Watcha’ doin on your knees? ;)
@incendiary_dan I actually have a bottle of wintergreen oil that I thought was pretty pointless, but thanks. I realized how bad that sounded after I posted the question. Oh well!
No judgments however you want to spend your time. :P
I used to use wintergreen oil for sore muscles. Considering that I’ve been digging up new gardens all week, I should probably get or make some.
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