“They inject hormones and other nasty stuff into meat, so meat is bad for you” is spurious reasoning. That just means hormones and that other nasty stuff are bad. Also, the idea that you can eat too much meat is bullshit. Many human populations have subsisted primarily or entirely on wild meat, and have been way healthier than anyone in our society. Like @WestRiverrat said, the source matters. Wild and free range meat is extremely healthy, particularly if you remember to eat the organ meats and make bone broth. Check out the Weston A. Price Foundation website for more about how traditional diets high in animal fat are good, and how eating cholesterol is actually good for you.
And before anyone else tries to bring up statistics proving, well, whatever they feel like about meat eating, I have several points:
1) All of the studies that have been performed “proving” vegetarians are healthier have been conducted on industrialized humans. To contrast, the health of the Inuit and Masai (who eat mostly or all meat) is impeccable, and they have no signs of diabetes or cancer. Well, that’s not entirely true. Inuit people eating their traditional diets started to come down with cancer when carcinogens from industrial pollution made their way up the food web. But it took a lot of pollutants.
2) The studies never control for class, because America pretends to be a classless society. An extremely high percentage of vegans and vegetarians are middle and upper class (and white), and therefore have access to generally higher quality foods and medical care. They’re also more likely to be fed sufficient quantities of high quality protein (read: meat) as youths, and therefore set the stage during those extremely important developmental times.
3) The studies do not differentiate between types of meats, lumping in processed meat with unprocessed meat. Many processed meats in this country are made with sodium nitrite, which is a known carcinogen. That has drastically tainted the results. Luckily, newer studies have been conducted and show, not surprisingly, that those who only eat non-processed meat are extremely healthy compared to those that eat a lot of sodium nitrite.
4) They also do not make any distinction between what the animals eat. As Lierre Keith, author of The Vegetarian Myth, says factory farmed meat is sick meat. The nutrients normally in wild or grass fed meat are generally reduced greatly in CAFO animals. The balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids is greatly thrown off. Once again, studies show by comparison people who eat free range and wild meats are healthier than their counterparts eating factory farmed meat.
5)Race and class are inextricably intertwined in this country. Unfortunately, people of color tend not to live as long, particularly black people, due to interrelated factors such as predatory economics, ghettoization, and a War on Drugs used as an excuse to jail and politically disempower people of color.
6)More people who choose vegetarianism and veganism as a lifestyle do so because of a perceived interest in health. Therefore, they’re more likely to avoid processed food than the average meat eater. Nobody will say processed food is good for you.
In short, remember this one short phrase that I learned in college and which has served me extremely well since: correlation does not equal causation.