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takeachance's avatar

Why is my period late?

Asked by takeachance (701points) April 28th, 2011

There is no chance of being pregnant and my period is over 2 and a half weeks late.
Any reason?

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30 Answers

Winters's avatar

My ex was three weeks late one time so it could be you have a similar case. Also you might be pregnant (just saying).

Also, are you taking any sort of meds, pills, etc., that could interfere with your menstrual cycle?

takeachance's avatar

Nope I’m not taking any medication (cant take tablets) and also I’m 15 and a virgin so not pregga’s…

EtherRoom's avatar

Stress, high levels of physical exercise, hormone imbalance.

EtherRoom's avatar

Stress can make you miss your period…also sometimes it just comes late for no reason… It’s happened before… But to make sure see a doctor :)

Stinley's avatar

Have you been on a diet recently, changed your exercise routine, felt particularly stressed, anything like that? It’s usually caused by something going on in your life that’s putting a stress on your body. Your body thinks “not a good time to be having babies” and shuts the system down. It happens a lot but if it’s causing much worry then go to your doctor.

takeachance's avatar

I havent had a change in diet but i do have depression, could that have anything to do with it?

Lightlyseared's avatar

Being overweight, being underweight, some medications, change in schedules, some illnesses can cause it.

Yes depression could cause a late period. It would be worth mentioning it to your doc.

Stinley's avatar

Depression could do it for sure. I just looked up a couple of websites and they both mention that emotional disturbances can cause absent periods. Although technically it seems that you have to be without periods for 6 months for it to be diagnosed. It may be worth mentioning it to your doctor next time you go but I would have thought there is not really anything the doc can do. Unless you have any other symptoms or anything else that’s wrong – even not related to periods etc. If so then you should see your doc sooner as it could be another underlying health problem causing it.

takeachance's avatar

The weird thing is I have had and have (at times) the normal feelings I get just before i get my period like cramping, mood swings and alot of dis-charge…
and I am not on any medication for depression..

nebule's avatar

I thought it was fairly normal for teenagers to have irregular periods…the settling in phase I think… how long have you been having periods for?

takeachance's avatar

over 2 years now

Stinley's avatar

I didn’t think you would be on anything as there isn’t a lot of medication approved for children and adolescents for depression (assuming it’s the same in UK as Oz). If you are feeling premenstrual that’s good – period is probably on its way. It may be that the depression is causing you to worry unduly about things which make it all worse. I’ve had a couple of bouts of depression and I know that thoughts take over and actually get worse when you’ve got something ‘concrete’ to worry and obsess over. Have you seen someone to talk to about the depression? It’s important to get help because although it is a ‘mental’ illness, it does cause chemical changes in your brain that can affect you longer term.

takeachance's avatar

Yes i have seen the doctors and im currently doing councelling for the depression, buts it around the 10th of each month im really really upset (the 10th is the date my really good mate died at age 13) and thats the same date (around abouts) when im due.

creative1's avatar

I have something thats called pcos (polycystic ovary syndrome) which causes you not to get regular periods, I would go sometimes months without getting a period, at first is started out as weeks but then weeks turned into months. I would see your doctor if this persists who can either run tests or can send you to a reproductive endocrinologist if she suspects there is a problem. This can turn into alot of issues as time goes on where you have imbalances of your hormones and they can put you on medication they give to diabetics that correct the whole issue. I didn’t get diagnoised until my 30’s because they didn’t know much about it and I had lots of issues by then and weight gain and infertility is part of them. So now everything is working fine with the medication, but if you continue to be late or miss periods it can be a sign you have it and would want to talk to your doctor.

Pandora's avatar

@takeachance, I agree with @nebule. It is often quite normal with teens since your hormones will fluctuate a lot during this time. I’ve known plenty of people to have irregular cycles till they were in there late teens or even early 20’s. I found this to happen more with people who either get their cycle early (around 11 or younger) or late bloomers.
Now, my niece was irregular and she turned out to get cysts on her ovaries, but she would get really bad cycles when they did come and severe pain near her cycle time and during. If you start to feel severe reactions than I would document it and go back to the doctor. But for the most part it can be pretty normal.

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JLeslie's avatar

I don’t see how a period can come around the 10th of every month unless you have periods that are usually 30–31 days apart? It’s possible to be 30 days apart, but I hear young people make statement about the date they usually get their period, and you cannot go by date unless, again, you run about 30–31 days apart. I was always 26–28 days apart, which meant if I was the 10th one month, I was the 6th or the 8th the next, and then over 6 months time I wound up getting my period at the end of the calendar months, etc.

I will assume however that it has been 6 weeks since you last period and you really are late. Maybe you did not ovulate this month and will skip a period altogether this month. You have had some stress regarding that boy who is treating you badly, plus the depression you mention. If you have lost a lot of weight, or have been eating a lot candy and sugars you might not ovulate.

cazzie's avatar

You are 15. Your periods might not even out for a while. Stress, extra exercise, diet changes can all mess with your rhythm.

I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend. Sorrow, depression and difficulty with the day-to-day can mess with our hormones like no pill a doctor can prescribe. When we’re feeling upset, we can have a build-up of a chemical in our systems called cortizone. Our bodies produce it when we have that ‘fight or flight’ response and when it happens too much, it builds up in our system and it will actually stop our reproductive cycle.

What @creative1 and @ Pandora are talking about would be the case if your periods were painful. Are they?

@JLeslie is actually wrong in her assumption that by not ovulating you won’t have a period. Not the case. You will still shed the lining of the build up of blood/fluid in most instances even if you don’t ovulate. The build up and shedding of the uterine lining may be stopped by factors that also stop you from ovulating, but one is not mutually exclusive to the other, if that makes sense. In fact,most women suffering infertility have no idea because they get regular periods until their doctors tell them (through a blood test of their hormones at two specific points during their cycle) that they are not actually producing an egg.

If you don’t have a fever or are experiencing sweats, shaking, sleeplessness, side effects of a drug or have painful periods normally, or having a smelly discharge of some other sort (though you mentioned you were a virgin so I’m ruling out a whole mess of things), I’m assuming the missed period is from stress.

I’m an over 40 woman who has had years of fertility and hormone problems and had to learn all sorts of stuff. I’m not a doctor. If you are truly concerned about this you should go talk to a professional like your family doctor or even a nurse or someone at family planning (I don’t know where you are or what health care system you are living under). I think you have enough on your mind that you should do something to ease your worry about this.


janbb's avatar

Talk to your doctor; we can speculate til the cows come home but you need to talk to your doctor.

GracieT's avatar

Listen to @cazzie- I’m older than you by about 20 years and I still have most of the problems she mentioned. I’m infertile and also have something called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I think that it sucks having a period even though I’m infertile! I do, though, also agree with @janbb. None of us can know exactly what you are dealing with except for your doctors.

JLeslie's avatar

@cazzie I just said maybe she did not ovulate, not that she must have not ovulated, neither was I saying if you don’t ovuate you definitely don’t bleed, and I was not saying a skipped period means you didn’t ovulate. However, people with PCOS who do not pop out an egg tend to skip periods, but not always of course, but it is one of the things that clues doctors to the diagnosis. But, I am certainly not saying she has PCOS just because she missed one period.

JLeslie's avatar

Although, it is worth saying that PCOS people also sometimes have longer cycles, which would explain getting a period around the same date (althoug some women just have 30 day cycles and are completely normal). If it stays urregular for the next few months I say get some hormone tests. If the doctor says she is going to do blood tests just any day of the month, don’t do them and see a doctor who does the test fay 2 or 3 of your cycle. The first doctor does not know what she is doing.

JLeslie's avatar

@takeachance are you very tired, have very dry skin, or is your hair falling out? Can be thyroid. Do your nipples have any discharge? Can be pituatary.

chfarr's avatar

I had a similar incident when i was a teenager my dog died and my period skipped a couple of months. (about three/four months) till i got another dog really. At the time i blamed it on the stress i was going through (im very emotional) however it also turns out that i too have PCOS which i discovered later on the years as i started noticing certain symptoms so its worth getting it checked

filmfann's avatar

@chfarr My wife skipped several periods because the rabbit died.

Stress is a common cause.
It is also not unusual for a young woman not to be in a rhythm yet.
It can also be when a woman is living with another woman. Their periods begin to syncronize, and they suffer at the same time.

takeachance's avatar

It’s all good, it came today (:

JLeslie's avatar

Make sure you write the day in your calendar and really track how far apart your periods are, don’t leave it to memory.

takeachance's avatar

@JLeslie dont worry i always do (:

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Lightlyseared's avatar

@georgefranklin9 Just out of idol curiosity what the fuck has idoits complaining that they they don’t know how to deal on the foreign exchange market got to do with a disturbance in someones menstrual cycle?

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