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What does the president expect speculators to do?
The president and his AG recently stated that they are going to look into the rising prices of gasoline, by focusing on price manipulation by , among others, oil commodity speculators.
Speculators don’t know why the gas costs $4.00 a gallon. All
they know is that it costs $4.00 They are nothing but the bearers of bad news.
They are only trying to protect their money from being diluted by inflation.
The person to talk to is Ben Bernanke.
He and the Keynesians at the Federal Reserve are doing it. They’ve increased the monetary base by 160% in less than three years.
Speculators are reacting to that. If I knew anything about it, I would become a speculator too.
Wouldn’t it be more presidential to blame the source of the problem, instead of a straw man?
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