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mazingerz88's avatar

Will you play the "Fight For The Kingdom of Flutheria" role playing game?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) April 28th, 2011

For the game to work, the rules MUST be followed. ( pretty please? )

With each posting you must CHOOSE first the role you want to play. You can choose the same or differently each time but you must not deviate or add to the list of roles listed. You may however make up a different name or keep using one that you like.

Here are the only ROLE options in the Kingdom of Flutheria,

Comical at all times. He or she always performs tasks in hand in a funny way.

Ready to fight the good fight with his or her weapons all the time. He or she is known for aggressive ideas and bold speech.

He could be naive or wise beyond his years. He could be idealistic or non-committal towards a cause.

She could be innocent and nonchalant or daringly assertive.

The only ones who wield powerful magic in the kingdom. Can join in battle or use their powers in more subtle ways.

[ These roles may only be taken by the MODS in Fluther ]

NEXT, after choosing your DESIRED role, you scan the posts to see if there’s a CAUSE/FIGHT/ISSUE specifically requesting your character. For example, if the player before you indicated he needs a warrior and you are a warrior, and you prefer to join his cause, you will answer that call.

[ As an alternative step, you may scan the posts first and based on the cause/fight/issue you may choose to take on, you then pick the character you wish to play. You may have been a jester before but now you are a wizard or a warrior ]

Sample format of a posting :

” I am Cremithor the Wizard! I say yes to Princess Kate’s wish to transport all the world’s smartphones to the moon so our kingdom of Flutheria would be quieter. I also despise that self proclaimed troll king of Libya, therefore I call on a great warrior to do battle with his well paid army!”

[ A cause/fight/issue could be ANYTHING and the Kingdom of Flutheria is of course a metaphor of our own world. As much as possible posts must be fantastical by nature. Thanks for playing! ]

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21 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

IMPORTANT NOTE : Sorry but I forgot to add to the rules that players NEED NOT wait for their turn in answering a call. More than one player could answer the same cause/fight/issue but each post must end with a new cause/fight/issue EVERYTIME. Other threads indicating other causes/fights/issues could be started at anytime.

” I am Cremithor the Wizard! I say yes to Princess Kate’s wish to transport all the world’s smartphones to the moon so our kingdom of Flutheria would be quieter. I also despise that self proclaimed troll king of Libya, therefore I call on a great warrior to do battle with his well paid army!”

KateTheGreat's avatar

I am Princess Kate! Of course ;)

I demand that we begin the creation of high tech robots to be sent to the moon to begin constructing a facility for retired warriors! I am also in need demanding an opera singing jester to sing to me before every meal!

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m the Prince. Even though I’m a girl, I relate to him better.
I’m sorry Princess Kate but I am not a very good opera singer…

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roundsquare's avatar

Wizard: ‘Tis far too quiet these days. Where is the jester to make some noise?

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roundsquare's avatar

“you must not deviate or add to the list of roles listed”

“With each posting you must CHOOSE first the role you want to play”

So you can alternate if you want…

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incendiary_dan's avatar

Call me when there’s a ranger character.

mazingerz88's avatar

My name is Pavarotti the Jester! I shall sing for Princess Kate in the morn, noon and nighttime! I will now sing opera style the song “My Sharona”

Ooooo my little pretty one, my pretty one, won’t you just give me my sharooooonaaaaaaaaaahhh!

I loathe the very cruel tornadoes that just hit the kingdom of Alabama, may I implore a sorceress to hunt this evil force of wind and send it to the pits of hell?

roundsquare's avatar

Wizard: Foolish jester. ‘tis the sorceress herself who created this disaster. Her power is so great there little other than the suffering of lesser beings to amuse her. Perhaps if you were to find a joke to make her laugh she might consider a temporary reprieve.

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roundsquare's avatar

Wizard: A wizard never lies! Say that again and I shall tornado you!

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roundsquare's avatar

Ah, see how I didn’t tornado you? Thats proof that I didn’t do it. Ah, the power of wizard logic.

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mazingerz88's avatar

The Roundwizard accuses a sorceress not from the kingdom of Flutheria, perhaps from the kingdom of Facebucco?

But Maherbill the Jester here with a joke so awful it will drive the tornado sorceress to insanity…

Why do farts stink? So deaf people may enjoy it too! ( now does that really make sense? )

I beg a warrior to slay the Geico lizard and barbecue the annoying darn thing…and yes that duck as well!

roundsquare's avatar

Jester – if ye fart now I shall tornado you out of spite.

Sorceress – ye think ye have won don’t ye?

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