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MilkyWay's avatar

(NSFW) When did you lose your virginity?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) April 28th, 2011

Are you willing to tell? ;)
When did you lose it? Where was your first time? At what age?
You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to…

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80 Answers

SofaKingWright's avatar

I’d tell you, but I think my Dad may occasionally lurk on Fluther. I wouldn’t want anyone finding out everything I actually got away with when I was younger! Let’s just say, it was on a sheepskin rug.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Not going to say when.

But I did lose it with a very great guy when we went camping together.

tedibear's avatar

1983, at an outdoor party in a sleeping bag, I was almost 19.

Blackberry's avatar

16 in my girlfriend’s bedroom. I don’t see why it’s such a controversial question, everyone has sex for the first time at some point between 13 and 18 usually.

Axemusica's avatar

It wasn’t special or any of that. It just happened… Don’t know what else to say, lol.

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choreplay's avatar

24 with my fiance, she turned out to be not the one. My wife was 30 on our wedding night and she is an attractive girl that had many opportunities.

Vunessuh's avatar

I was 20 and it was in my bed, then my bathroom, then my living room, then back in my bed.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Michael_Huntington I don’t believe you ; P

Vunessuh's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille That’s awful. I’m sorry, Banana.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@queenie You’re right. It was oral, so it doesn’t count.
@lucillelucillelucille Sorry to hear that.

Earthgirl's avatar

I was 18 and it was nearly the first week of college (the second week of being 18, lol) It was in my boyfriend’s dorm room and it was nothing special. Not bad, not good. I didn’t think it was that important for some reason. I mean, I liked him and all, but I didn’t think he was the love of my life. Afterwards, he said I should have told him it was the first time and he would have tried to make it more special. Like, why wasn’t he trying to make it special when he thought I wasn’t a virgin???

DominicX's avatar

I was 17 (just a couple weeks away from being 18—August 1st) and I was in Las Vegas on a trip with my new boyfriend. :)

knitfroggy's avatar

I was just a few weeks past 19. It was terribly awkward and embarrassing.

crisw's avatar

I had just turned 19, it was late at night after coming home from a D&D game, in my room. November of 1982 :>) He was my best friend from college, and it was the start of a long and very fun friends-with-benefits relationship.

josie's avatar

I don’t remember.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Season_of_Fall @Vunessuh @Michael_Huntington -Thanks but I’m fine.I feel sorry for him.

jonsblond's avatar

I had just turned 15. It was a popular boy I had a crush on. I was insecure and let peer pressure win. The guy used me.

@lucillelucillelucille I’m sorry to hear that. My second experience was rape. It was hard to trust guys after that. It took me a long time to get over it. :(

AmWiser's avatar

Many many, many, many, many, many many moons ago.

josie's avatar

Sorry to hear it.
Who is it. I’ll make him regret it.

ratboy's avatar

Any day now, I hope. And people think being a nerd is glamorous.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

A few weeks after turning 19, with a really great guy, and I had a really great time (he already knew what the hell he was doing, despite only being 1 year older).

J0E's avatar

21 yrs old. While camping.

wundayatta's avatar

I was 20. I met this girl on fall break on an outing club trip. We were both virgins and new to any kind of serious relationship. When we got back to school and had some privacy, we tried. It didn’t work well. She was scared, I think, and didn’t get wet. But the deed was done. After what seemed like a gazillion years of hoping, it finally happened.

That relationship lasted almost two years, but she broke it off with me when I graduated. I was so devastated, and I didn’t get past her for at least another two years, even when I connected with my next girlfriend, her best friend.

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ragingloli's avatar

he was drugged

JustJessica's avatar

12, I was raped by a perv…. But the time I count as my first was at 14, with someone I thought I loved, it sucked!!!

deni's avatar

I was 17, with my boyfriend, while watching Star Wars. It was awesome.

JustJessica's avatar

@deni I can imagine with the Star Wars theme song in the background!!! HOT!!!

Trojans40's avatar

17. In the woods in a small dip in the forest, it was full of fresh leaves, she said it was special as it was her first time as well.

Ladymia69's avatar

15. New Years Day around 2 in the morning. I got on top. :)

Trojans40's avatar

I got on bottom. Then later got on top. I like having a balance in a relationship.

JLeslie's avatar

15, a few months short of 16. I was in 11th grade.

everephebe's avatar

Both too late and too soon.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I was 17 and was talked into giving it up to a pathetic 29 year old who wasn’t enough of a man to “pop my cherry”. I later found out he was a pedophile and wound up in prison when he got busted diddling a little boy.

I didn’t have sex again until I was 18 and in love. I still had my hymen, so it felt like giving it up all over again. That time was with a lovely man who treated me with tenderness and respect.

Facade's avatar

At 18 to my current SO. It was lovely; he was lovely.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I just turned 16 when I lost my virginity to a boy. I slept with a woman for the first time and lost my virginity in that way a couple of years later.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

In 1984 to another virgin. It wasn’t at all arousing, it was awkward and PAINFUL! I was terrified to try it again for some time but I’m glad I did. Several friend of mine paired off and decided to get rid of our virginity because we thought we were the last ones left in our crowd. It was a stupid thing to do because not one of us felt any pleasure and in fact, we rode home in silence and avoiding eye contact.

Cruiser's avatar

Finally at 18 in college and I laughed out loud!

bob_'s avatar

October 26, 2003. My bedroom. I was 18.

Randy's avatar

I was 16 and pretty drunk. She was 21 and not very attractive. I got made fun of but, she taught me quite a bit (and I don’t think she even knew it). She didn’t know she was my first and she seemed satisfied enough that I wasn’t going to tell her any different. I figure that first boost of confidence turned me into the lover that I am today.

augustlan's avatar

I was 15, my boyfriend was 18, and we were both virgins. We weren’t in love with each other, but we were in a serious, monogamous relationship and made a very rational decision to lose it to each other. We planned ahead for weeks and then spent a whole day at it. Later on, I discovered it was much better when there was passion involved. ;)

Allie's avatar

19, after a party. Neither of us were drunk. We had crushes on each other and hooked up a bit after that, but he was here for school and soon after he moved back home. So it goes.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

Hahaha I would tell you honestly, but since I’m still young and lustful I haven’t yet! No…I’m not marking a date for when I wanna lose it!

nikipedia's avatar

16. He was 18. We stayed together for a couple years, and are still good friends. I love him like family, now.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I was 19 years old and it was in the back of my boyfriends car. Despite the unromantic location I lost my virginity to the man I love and I don’t regret it at all.

Seelix's avatar

I was about a month past my 15th birthday.

erichw1504's avatar

I was nine years old.

majorrich's avatar

Band Camp

tranquilsea's avatar

I was 17 and was at my first party where I drank. I, surprise surprise, drank too much and knew I was going to be sick and I wanted to go home. My designated driver didn’t want to drive me home so she “found” a guy who was willing to. He, instead of driving me home, drove me to some house…I was passed out by the time he got there. I came to as he lifted me out of the car and then passed out again, then came to when he was on top of me and then passed out. I remember him dropping me back into his car and I ended up being deposited on my front step.


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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

You know, I think if rape were my first time, I’d figure that I get a do-over – loosing my virginity with my consent.

tranquilsea's avatar

@noelleptc No kidding. Worst “friend” I’ve ever had.

tranquilsea's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs after that experience I latched onto a guy I didn’t really care about and screwed around with him for a couple of months and then walked away. It was my way of taking control.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@tranquilsea I did that, too, after my rape. Couple guys, actually. Didn’t really give a damn about either, and it was far from good sex, but at least I could then say “the last time I had sex, it was consensual.”

augustlan's avatar

@tranquilsea and @MyNewtBoobs That was how I was for most of my teenage years, after having been sexually molested during my whole child hood. My way of taking back the power.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@augustlan @tranquilsea Theory: this is a common way for people who have been raped to take back power.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve talked to many abused/raped women about this, and it’s usually either the way we behaved or frigidity. Either way, it leaves its mark, doesn’t it?

wundayatta's avatar

I know a number of women who have been raped who also do similar things. I’ve found that many of them, at one point or another, manage to get their selfhood back. For some it takes many, many years, but it also can be much quicker.

What I’m wondering is what happens or how it happens when women who have been raped get to the point where they can trust a man as a person instead of as a thief. I hope this question makes sense. I’m also wondering if I should ask it as a question, but this is why I am reluctant to. It is such a private thing and I know there are a number of women her who are reluctant to talk about what happened to them. Any advice?

tranquilsea's avatar

@augustlan it sure does

@wundayatta I had a second incident happen that completely destroyed my sense of trusting men in any way. It took marrying a great guy, having a major breakdown and working through hours and hours of therapy to finally trust again. I asked my husband just yesterday why he stuck around through the worst of those years and he told me that he loved me and vowed to love and support me through thick and thin. Many guys would have run but he didn’t.

jonsblond's avatar

@wundayatta I think it would be a good question to ask. I’ve noticed many of us here that have been raped are willing to talk about our experience. It’s helpful for me to talk about it here because I never had anyone (other than my husband) that I could talk to. I will answer your question later if you decide to ask.

augustlan's avatar

@wundayatta I’ll answer, too.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@wundayatta I’ll answer 3, and I think many more might be willing to PM you.

lookingforwhy's avatar

15, on my bed at 6 in the morning.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m saving mine for marriage.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That’s not what you were screaming last night, baby.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You took advantage of me after the alcohol. What was I to do?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Riiiiiiight. But YOU took advantage of me BEFORE the alcohol! Explain that one!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m good, what can I say?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

<snort of derision>

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate There’s gonna be some payback for that. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Come and get it, studbucket.

MilkyWay's avatar

Yes, go and get it. But in another room eh?

xStarlightx's avatar

I had just turned 18 and me and my best friend were drunk (He’s gay btw)
Needless to say it wasn’t glamorous or fun for that matter.
To this day me and him don’t speak a word of it.

Lets just say that we pretend like it never happened.

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