Social Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

How much would the media have played up the royal wedding had Prince William married a Steve or Joe instead of a Kate?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) April 29th, 2011

Apparently only six percent of Americans cared about the royal wedding. It seems like almost anyone not working or busy this morning has some comments about the wedding of which it seems they’ve watched.
As usual, the media did a great job of drilling the wedding into people’s heads, so of course they have to watch.
How do you feel our media would have covered the event, had it been a same-sex marriage?

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13 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

I think it would have been an even bigger story, if that’s even possible. There would be both fanfare and outrage.

cazzie's avatar

Well, the thing is, as first in line to the throne, William has the responsibility to produce an heir, by blood. He’s free to be as gay as he wants in the background, but he would have to still marry a woman and produce a child or he’d have to abdicate (like his great uncle did when he fell in love with that hideous Nazi sympathiser). It’s in their constitution. The royal family are also wardens of the Church of England, so he can’t really come right out and say he’s atheist, either (or become Catholic for that matter…. NO Catholics can become King or Queen of England.)

filmfann's avatar

I think Stevie Nicks and J.K. Rowling are too old for him.

ucme's avatar

I’d loved to have seen two queens marry, absolutely fabulous darling!

erichw1504's avatar

What if Prince William had married a Tanisha or a Shaniqua?

cazzie's avatar

@erichw1504 what’s a ‘Tanisha’ or a ‘Shaniqua’?

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Well, it used to be taboo for the heir to the throne to marry a “commoner”, but as the royal family become less and less relevant, and no one cares anymore, William managed to marry a commoner with no problem at all. The idea that his blood is any different than everyone else’s is an ancient idea that no one believes anymore. After all, my blood line is identical to his, starting with Constantine, and all the way to King Henry III. Then his line goes with the eldest son of Henry III, and mine is from a younger son. Someday, a thousand years from now, William’s descendants will be sitting on the throne and Harry’s descendants will be car mechanics and secretaries in Idaho. Ha-ha.

answerjill's avatar

@cazzie – My guess is that he is offering examples of names associated with urban (and often poor) African-Americans.

Harold's avatar

Steve or Joe wouldn’t have looked as good in a wedding dress, so there wouldn’t have been as much fuss….................

mrrich724's avatar

I’m guessing a ton of people would still have watched it, but for different reasons.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I really don’t think that would have happened. The Royals would not have let it.

Too bad I’m not that Kate :( He’s sooo dreamy.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Very good question. It would be very surprising if they let them wed in any church, let along Westminster. Do you think it would have sacrificed William the throne? Personally I think it wouldn’t have been allowed, that he would have to just remain a bachelor.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Hmm but they didn’t bring the cameras into the chapel of Edward the Confessor, where the register and paperwork was signed. Maybe Kate’s brother James was actually the one marrying Will, and kate stepped in for the televised part! I mean, their balcony kiss was pretty lame. I think we’re onto something.

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