Social Question

Does it ever seem like you just can't get a break, can't get ahead, no matter how hard you try?
Man. When I knew a divorce was imminent, in the late 80’s, I decided to finish my college education so I would have a “skill.” I was awarded a degree in Education in 93. I assumed I’d get a teaching position quickly, then spend the next 25 years teaching, and saving up for retirement. I found my self on the sub-teacher circuit for 3 years, working full time and supporting the kids on my meager income.
In 1996, out of the blue, I was offered a customer service position with Rubbermaid. Teaching was my heart, but the Rubbermaid position meant a sure check every two weeks, 401K, retirement, benefits….it was a no brainier, so I accepted.
One year later later they transferred the customer service department to Ohio.
In 1998 I was offered a customer service position with Cellular One. I accepted. Saved, 401K, you name it, I invested in it.
Four years later they sold out to another wireless company. That company didn’t have a job comparable to what I was doing, so I was out again.
I bought the shop. Slaved there for four years, got nowhere, so we got out in 2006.
At this point I was married and Rick landed a good job so I was not as destitute as I had been in the past but..I still had nothing. No retirement, nothing.
In 2009 I got a sweet job with Edward Jones. EJ offices are two person offices. The Financial Adviser (my boss) and the Office Manager (me.) The guy who hired me worked out of the back of a well established EJ Adviser until we could get our own office. Started 401 K again….
Long story short, my boss got fired two months later and….there went my job.
In 2010 I actually landed a job back in the teaching world. As soon as I became re certified (which will happen at the end of this semester) I would be eligible for a salaried, $30,000 + position. More than I’ve ever made in my life.
Well…anyone seen the news lately? I’m the least senior teacher in the program. It looks like I may lose yet another job due to budget cuts.
I work my butt off, I’m a great employee, dependable, always on time, always ready to go the extra mile….but shit completely out of my control keeps happening, and have nothing to show for any of my work…why does this keep happening?
I’m bummed.