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Dutchess_III's avatar

Does it ever seem like you just can't get a break, can't get ahead, no matter how hard you try?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 29th, 2011

Man. When I knew a divorce was imminent, in the late 80’s, I decided to finish my college education so I would have a “skill.” I was awarded a degree in Education in 93. I assumed I’d get a teaching position quickly, then spend the next 25 years teaching, and saving up for retirement. I found my self on the sub-teacher circuit for 3 years, working full time and supporting the kids on my meager income.

In 1996, out of the blue, I was offered a customer service position with Rubbermaid. Teaching was my heart, but the Rubbermaid position meant a sure check every two weeks, 401K, retirement, benefits….it was a no brainier, so I accepted.

One year later later they transferred the customer service department to Ohio.

In 1998 I was offered a customer service position with Cellular One. I accepted. Saved, 401K, you name it, I invested in it.

Four years later they sold out to another wireless company. That company didn’t have a job comparable to what I was doing, so I was out again.

I bought the shop. Slaved there for four years, got nowhere, so we got out in 2006.

At this point I was married and Rick landed a good job so I was not as destitute as I had been in the past but..I still had nothing. No retirement, nothing.

In 2009 I got a sweet job with Edward Jones. EJ offices are two person offices. The Financial Adviser (my boss) and the Office Manager (me.) The guy who hired me worked out of the back of a well established EJ Adviser until we could get our own office. Started 401 K again….

Long story short, my boss got fired two months later and….there went my job.

In 2010 I actually landed a job back in the teaching world. As soon as I became re certified (which will happen at the end of this semester) I would be eligible for a salaried, $30,000 + position. More than I’ve ever made in my life.

Well…anyone seen the news lately? I’m the least senior teacher in the program. It looks like I may lose yet another job due to budget cuts.

I work my butt off, I’m a great employee, dependable, always on time, always ready to go the extra mile….but shit completely out of my control keeps happening, and have nothing to show for any of my work…why does this keep happening?

I’m bummed.

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12 Answers

yankeetooter's avatar

All the time…just when I start to put by a little extra money, my car has something go up on it…etc.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m thinking your history tells me you’re tough and a fighter. Life has dealt you some bad hands but you keep finding something to try again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @Adirondackwannabe. I am tough, and I am a fighter but…how much longer can this go on? How many times can I start over? People around me are starting to retire, or talking about retiring in a few years and I got….nothin’. And it takes at least 10 years to get something….

lillycoyote's avatar

Well, you haven’t been laid off yet. Some people just can’t get a break. My next door neighbors are like that. I’ve known them forever. I call them the Jobs (as in the Old Testament Job) or the Job family because they just can’t seem to get a break. It’s unbelievable really, but they keep soldiering on. I don’t know how they manage sometimes, how they keep it together sometimes. It’s the mother my friend, that keeps it from spinning out of control. I don’t know why some people have such long strings of bad luck.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@lillycoyote And SO many people look down on people as being lazy or stupid, instead of recognizing the simple bad luck…and their own simple good luck.

You’re right…I haven’t been laid off yet. Crazy tho…I teach a high school diploma completion program for adults. We have two people in our office, only need one. I thought I was going to bite it come summer….but the teacher who teaches in the jail is out for who knows how long for medical leave so….I’m in jail now! Starting this week. She may never come back, in which case I’ll be OK…but it sucks. She’s a young woman. She shouldn’t have the problems she’s having, and I feel so bad.

Also, on the other hand, the gal that I work with in the 2 person office has applied for a teaching position with the school district as a music teacher to replace one who is retiring, and if she gets that I’ll be sitting perfect. However… has it that the schools will not be replacing teachers who leave. Due to budget cuts.

I feel like I’m in a whirlpool of sticky chocolate.

bob_'s avatar

Life is like that. Only thing to do is to keep going and going. I wish you the best.

Seelix's avatar

Think about it this way: You’ve been dealt some blows in the past, and you’ve been able to bounce back and make things work. You’re resilient. If you do get laid off, you have a ton of other skills to help you find employment.

All the best!

jonsblond's avatar

People that have it easy are boring. :P

We’re living paycheck to paycheck right now with no end in sight. You do what you have to do and try not to let it get to you. I left my job as a travel agent 12 years ago to stay home with the kids. I hope to return to work when my daughter is older. Who is going to hire someone that hasn’t worked for 20 years? It’s not like travel agents are in high demand either. thanks internet I have a feeling I’ll be a Walmart greeter when I’m 80.

Keep your sense of humor @Dutchess_III. And best of luck to you. Things will work out somehow.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks so much for the encouragement, guys.
@jonsblond…you know, much of my past came about because my kids, and having the time to be with them as much as possible, was my #1 priority. I could have gotten some high-profile job that required me to travel and work mass overtime…but that just wasn’t going to happen. I even turned down a job at Koch industries in their legal department because Koch is in Wichita, an hour away. I would have loved that job though, I think. So…I need to stop feeling so bad, and remember that my #1 goal was accomplished..I raised my kids and I was there for them and they’re all in good places now because of it. Too many kids raised in the socio-economic status that my kids were raised in crash and burn.

@bob_ sniffle.. can you give me a samwich? Then I’ll really be fine. sob!

jonsblond's avatar

@Dutchess_III I agree with you. I wouldn’t change a thing. I could be making some good money right now if I stayed at the agency I worked at. I had a good relationship with the boss at the time (though she had her mother working for her and her mom was a major bitch. I just didn’t think that stress was worth it). I wouldn’t have the wonderful memories with my children though, and I think a good part of why they are doing so well in school is because I was there for them. You’re a good mom. =)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jonsblond thank you! Best compliment I could ever receive! Especially thank you for helping me get off my pity pot, getting my shit together and getting my head screwed back on right…...o dear. That brought up some images, didn’t it!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I feel like that often, I hope this feeling passes for you soon.

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