Social Question

lillycoyote's avatar

Do you or have you ever had a posse, an entourage or minions?

Asked by lillycoyote (24875points) April 30th, 2011

I don’t and never have.

If you have, what’s it like?

And you don’t, and would like to, what would your expectations of your posse, entourage or minions be?

I don’t think I would care for it, except maybe having some minions, it they didn’t pester me too much and hang around all the time.

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19 Answers

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downtide's avatar

No. And I never belonged to anyone else’s posse either.

rock4ever's avatar

I call them my puppets. They do as I say with no question and don’t even know they’re my puppets. Everyone I know is my puppet except for a very select few people. I have puppets from all over the world doing many missions for me every day. Some of my puppets are also friends.
What is it like… it gives a sense of power. A sense of superiority. A feeling of having the whole world at your fingertips. It can feel good if you do good with your puppets or it can feel horrible if you just use them. And if you are one of the puppet masters who doesn’t form real human relationships it can be devastatingly lonely.

tedibear's avatar

I haven’t, and I’m not sure what I would tell them to do except housework! Oh wait, maybe that’s not such a bad idea. Minions, brownies, elves, really just anyone who would like to keep this place cleaner.

rock4ever's avatar

Can I ask what sparked this question?

lillycoyote's avatar

@rock4ever Nothing really sparked this question. It just popped into my head and I am such a bad asker that I thought I should ask because maybe I had a good one. :-) Most of my questions get modded for one reason or another, like I said, I’m kind of a bad asker.

And @tedibear If I had minions I would not ask them to destroy my enemies because I don’t really have any, maybe I do but they would be people who don’t like me rather than people I don’t like and I don’t waste my time with that. The closest thing I have to minions or elves is that last year I finally hired a yard service!! God bless them. After mowing my own lawn and shoveling my driveway, etc. myself, my whole adult life it is like having my own army of elves! Particularly in the winter as I have them clear the snow from my driveway and sidewalks. That is really like having elves. They get there very early in the morning and by the time I’ve woken up the snow has all been cleared away. Yes, my army of snow clearing elves. I love them!

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I apparently do now. I’m trying to get rid of them, but I’m the one in the group with the boobs, so I guess that makes me the leader (their words, not mine).

lillycoyote's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs So let me get this straight, you are now the leader of a group of women whose boobs are smaller than mynewt? Even minuter than mynewtsboobs?

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@lillycoyote No – I’m the only woman in the group, the only one with boobs of any size. Well, one man does have some man boobies, but…

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Berserker's avatar

Not me, but back when I was living in Winnipeg, I knew these dudes that were referred to as the ’‘Trenchcoat Mafia’’ by quite a lot of people, because they always wore trenchcoats, even if it was all hot outside. They were a bit intimidating, so people imagined the worse I guess, and were obviously a big group of friends, most of them self procklaimed devil worshipers. I remember two of them being in the paper for having caused heavy damage to a church in the area.
I spoke to a few of them, usually for exchanging cigarettes lol, and while they just seemed this ragtag band of local troublemakers, there did seem to have a bit of a systematic thing going on. Like how every person in that clique had some kind of unique job, but I’m probably reading way too much into character presentation at that point, since I never really got to know any of them personally.
One guy kept the fingernails on one of his hands hideously long and painted them black, he seemed to be the ’‘group leader’’. Scary looking bugger too, but most of them were. It’s like they all did the most they could to stand out in a crowd.
Anyways, from what I may have observed, which is admittedly not too much, people didn’t follow his ’‘orders’’ or anything, but just seemed to go along with anything he said or did. It was actually kind of fascinating sometimes. Other people I knew in that part of the hood despised him, but he was known.
All those fuckers stood out, whether one had long ass hair and the other looked like a skinhead, or one had long fingrnails, but they all had those ugly trenchcoats they never seemed to wash, and were obviously some clique, and someone in there, my guess is the long fingernail guy, had his own minions.

At that same time, there were also all the ’‘gangster’’ wannabees that weren’t actually gangsters. This one guy nicknamed ’‘Taz’’ was obviously some sort group leader. That guy I told you about earlier, with the Freddy Kruger hand, Taz hated him. Once I’m walking around, and he accosts me, asking why I talk to that ’‘Alden dude’’. I don’t remember the conversation too much, but it involved me not knowing who ’‘Taz’’ was, (until that evening) and he was all like, YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF TAZ?? Seriously so many people liked this guy. I’ll never know why though, he was such a fuckup. Maybe Alden and his dumb buddies went around busting shit up and scaring people, but they never hurt anyone physically.
So based on that, I don’t think I’d want to be some type of figurehead, not in that way. Either everyone wants to kick your ass, or nobody knows who you are when you think they should lol. Too much hassle for what it’s worth. I wonder if any of those peeps from my teen years became politicians lol.
I guess you weren’t asking about gangs, or feeble attempts thereof, but it’s an interesting question I felt like answering, with something that’s at least somewhat relevant.

If I had my own posse though, we’d just sit around watching low budget zombie movies all night haha.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@noelleptc Then why haven’t we been in charge the whole damn time?!?!?! ::sobs::

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wundayatta's avatar

Do groupies count? Because if groupies count, I have a story to tell. In fact, this question was forwarded to me by one of my groupies. I don’t want to brag, but I have a lot of groupies. All of them are jellies. Female jellies, of course.

When I say a lot, I mean A LOT! In fact 99% of female jellies are groupies of mine. Not you of course! The other 99%. And don’t bother asking. They are all sworn to secrecy. Not a one will admit to it.

Now you may think I’m blowing smoke here, what with my clever way of making it impossible for you to be sure that this is true. I assure you it is. And it is wonderful! But you already knew that.

The female jellies here are probably the finest group of women anywhere on the planet: beautiful, smart, wise and funny! I am totally honored they have chosen me as the “Grouper.” Not that I’m a fish by any means, at least, not a cold one.

Nope. It’s warm fish for me, if you know what I mean. Nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean? Nod’s as good as a wink! ;-)

My groupies’ job is to take care of me. Make sure I’m always happy. They are exceptionally excellent at that job. So my advice is to get yourself some groupies. Posses and entourages are too high maintenance. Groupies are just perfect.

But if you do get yourself some groupies, don’t try to find them on fluther. You’ll never find the 1% who do not have the good sense to follow me. You haven’t got a ghost of a chance with the rest.

lillycoyote's avatar

@wundayatta, of course, groupies count and how do you know I’m not one of your groupies? We may have butted heads, or maybe we didn’t, I can’t remember for sure because I’m as old as dirt and my memory is kind of hit and miss; I hope you understand. Or maybe you think that I’m not beautiful, smart, wise and/or funny enough to be one of your groupies? I’m apparently old enough, at 103, at least, to be one of your groupies.

wundayatta's avatar

@lillycoyote If you’re one of my groupies, that “you” did not apply to you. It only applies to the one percent it applies to. Or something.

Anyway, you look beautiful to me. You’re smart and wise and funny. What else could a thousand year old man want?

lillycoyote's avatar

@wundayatta A thousand year old man who is willing and able to flirt with a 103 year old woman like myself is more than frisky enough for me. ;-)

wundayatta's avatar

@lillycoyote “Frisky” is my middle name. Definitely keeps me in trouble.

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