First I think we need to define “prostitute”.
Is a crack addict that sucks dicks to get money for crack a prostitute? No, at least not to me. Just like a crack addict that steals car stereos to pay for their fix is not a sound system dealership.
To me, a prostitute is an adult that has made a decision to sell their body in a professional manner, stricktly for financial gain. Just like a mechanic needs a garage and tools, so does a prostitute need tools and a place. A mechanic without a garage and tools is not a mechanic, rather just an amateur or a cowbow, and neither of those things qualify as a profession.
Yes, prostitution has a dark side. Some prostitutes use drugs, but so do some mechanics and some roofers. I my self work in a hotel, the bar is staffed by 7 people, 5 of whom do drugs.
Some prostitutes have diseases and spread them to others, and so do bus drivers, chefs and doctors.
There may be drugs, violence and disease in prostitution, but these things are not exclusive to prostitution. If you stop prostitution you wont do half as much to stop AIDS as if you instead funded sexual education in certain parts of Africa.
So yes, some prostitutes have AIDS and they are only doing it to fund their drug habbit. However, some prostitutes dont have AIDS, some dont do drugs. Some prostitutes will cost you $5,000.00 for a 1 hour trip out to sea with them on their private million dollar boat. Some have a big apartament and have a really good life in exchange for 3 hours work a week.
If we stop prostitution we will not stop disease, drugs or violence by proxy. Just like stopping the Olympics wont stop steroid use, and just like stopping restaurants wont stop food poisoning.
Now, where do I really stand on this?
Should crack addicts be able to suck some dick for crack money if they want to? Yes. Should they be allowed to call them selves prostitutes? No.
Should prostitution be legal? Yes. Should it be totally unregulated? No.
Should pimps be allowed to force people in to prostitution? No.
Here is my position:
Prostitution has its down sides, but it is not as bad to have prostitutes in your socciety, as it is to have a socciety where politicians are allowed to decide what private citizens can do with their own bodies.
This position pretty much applies to everything, from drugs to abortion to euthanasia. My body, my choice, and this right trumps all other opinions and priorities.
ps. I have never been with a prostitute, and have even donated to charities that help get women out of forced prostitution.