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Berserker's avatar

What's the most fascinating sea creature?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) May 1st, 2011

Being a horror fan, it’s inevitable that I’ve watched a whole bunch of eco horror about sea creatures. When I watch movies, I often like to look up the movie online after, and I often stray into different sites that deal with the real life subject matter that a film may have used for its concept.
I find that great white sharks are pretty awesome, although they’re nowhere near as deadly as the movies depict them. Most shark attacks are actually accidents, when it mistakes a human for an animal. They also ’‘smell’’ by biting, so there’s that too, that may incite a curious shark to bite a person. I think I remember about certain types of tiger sharks which constantly need to remain active and hyper in order to live. The ones that chew on everything they find lol.
I’ve also learned about the Megalodon, a gigantic prehistoric shark that was so badass it probably played a major role in how sea creatures would act in protecting themselves and forming communities and stuff. So I think sharks are cool.
I also like squids, they look all creepy and cool. There are so many kinds though, I wouldn’t know what information to give about them. I do like the giant and the colossal squid though, those rock.
Angler fish are also quite funky, with all those teeth and that lure on top of their heads, used to attract prey. (a fishing fish, lmao)

So, what’s your favourite sea creature, or, which one fascinates you the most? Why do you think that, and what can you tell us about them? The question has the word sea, but feel free to mention things that live in rivers and lakes, too.

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53 Answers

Berserker's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate That elusive bastard. I really wonder what it is though, if it’s real.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A gulper is very fascinating.

Berserker's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Wow…a fish eel that can swallow stuff larger than it. Seems that people don’t know too much about that creature, maybe because it lives so deep in the sea? Awesome, that thing kicks ass.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Humans are animals. They’re fair game for carnivores.
The deep sea creatures that have their own flashlights are way cool!

chyna's avatar

Octopus. All those tentacles reaching, grabbing, with suction cups… Um, where was I going with this?

mazingerz88's avatar


and Aquaman or Namor if they do exist, uhm, Ariel The Little Mermaid?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Symbeline -Ok…just one more.
I think these eat you when you start sinking to the bottom.:)

Berserker's avatar

@mazingerz88 She’s hot.

@Dutchess_III Things that glow yeah, those are neat. Haven’t ever seen or read much about them though, any names?

@lucillelucillelucille Damn that is one big ass mytha. Awesome.

creative1's avatar

@mazingerz88 I was going to say seahorse…. what other animal is there that the male gives birth Info on the seahorse

lucillelucillelucille's avatar


Berserker's avatar

@Brian1946 DAMN I have to see this lol, looks awesome.

@Dutchess_III Oh yeah, those are neat lol. I wonder how they glow like that.

@lucillelucillelucille Humboldt squids are all cute and funny looking. :D

HungryGuy's avatar

I’d say the Sea Anemone. It looks like a harmless little plant on the ocean floor tempting inexperienced divers to pick it up and go “Awwww! How cute!” but it’s really an animal with a deadly poison at the tips of it’s tentacles.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Probably somewhat like fireflies do @Symbeline….

tinyfaery's avatar

Nudibranches There just so cute.

Berserker's avatar

@HungryGuy Yeah, I read about those long ago, not a good idea to touch them.

@Dutchess_III When they get horny? Not sure how fireflies work either lol.

@tinyfaery What the f…lol cool, those are neat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

IDK. Mebee so’s they can see?

Brian1946's avatar


I’m glad you like the trailer!

One thing I like about it is that the beast trashes a US city, instead of picking on poor Tokyo like all those grade B reptiles do.

dxs's avatar

@mazingerz88 I don’t know if you knew this, but for seahorses, the male delivers the offspring. just a funfact
The ocean is amazing, and the fish are more amazing! I can’t name just one, and I hate naming some because there are other I may forget! Sea sponges and urchins and coral are all really cool. So are flying fish and all those weird deep-sea ones. Too many!

Berserker's avatar

@Brian1946 Heh yeah, good point lol. I like that part where one tentacle crushes a whole bunch of people in the street lol.

mazingerz88's avatar

@dxs and @creative1 thanks for that weird info on seahorses, wow!

Ok what about the BlowMe fish, err, Blowfish!

Berserker's avatar

@mazingerz88 Mah skilled hands ah BUSY!!

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline Wha-?

Gawd that got me thinkin what if there’s a fish out there that sucks on male genitalia…would men frequent the seas more?

Berserker's avatar

Well, I heard about this tiny fish that lives in jungle marshes. When an animal is urinating in the water, much like a salmon, it climbs up the stream and goes inside the penis. It’s a type of parasite, and while mostly animals get the treatment, humans pissing in the water have been known to become a host. However, I have no idea how true this is. :/

And that last thing was a Simpsons reference involving blowfish lol, inspired by ’‘blowme’’. XD

Brian1946's avatar


“It’s a type of parasite, and while mostly animals get the treatment, humans pissing in the water have been known to become a host. However, I have no idea how true this is. :/”

I used to think that was true until I read this.

Berserker's avatar

Visual tracking…so it’s true, but it really isn’t. XD

mazingerz88's avatar

So does this finger of mine similar to that male genitalia invading parasite but only with the opposite sex?

amujinx's avatar

Cuttlefish are my personal favorite.

mazingerz88's avatar


@iamthemob YES! My favorite romantic character, Madison! Waited to see if someone besides me would make the same connection. I wish Tom Hanks and Ron Howard would make a sequel but darn it, John Candy’s gone!

ucme's avatar

Oh, I like the scary bastard with big ass teeth & a light on it’s head! As you can see i’m an expert when it comes to fishy names. Piranhas are cool too.

markylit's avatar

Jelly fish. They look so nice and cool but they are deadly.

downtide's avatar

I think octopuses are amazing because they’re so incredibly intelligent.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

If the story is true, then Bin Laden is now the most fascinating sea creature…. :P May he be digested and shat out by sharks.

Brian1946's avatar

Osama Bin Sharkshit?

dxs's avatar

@creative1 Sorry I stole your fact! I missed your post.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Those are angler fish. :)

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Well yeah, mine sounds far more glam though.

Berserker's avatar

Well yeah, in fact that’s what they should be called. Scary bastards with big ass teeth lmao.

ucme's avatar

Imagine if they evolved into land based critters & were the size of a small family car!! Actually, i’m not going to picture that horrific vista after all, coz i’ll shit my pants & everything! :¬(

Dutchess_III's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I remember that avatar!!....Is that the one I gave you?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t remember. It’s been about 2 years and I’ve slept and taken Xanax since then, LOL!

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK then..yes! That’s the one I found for you! And it was a lot longer than two years ago. It was about a month after you called me a twit!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Ahhh, okay. Well, thanks for the sexy avatar, you twit!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Watch it or I’ll give you a fat lip to wear!!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’ll just kiss you smack on the mouth and make you run away screaming…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Running away screaming NOW!!! runrunrunrunrunscreamscreamscreamscream!!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Good girl, dahling, good girl.

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