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iamthemob's avatar

Reports are indicating Osama Bin Laden has been confirmed dead...what are your reactions?

Asked by iamthemob (17226points) May 1st, 2011

I hate to say it, but I was happy. So, if your reaction is the same, don’t be afraid of honesty. It’s human.

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30 Answers

chyna's avatar

I’m happy. He was evil.

naivete's avatar

He might be dead, but he has a lot of followers. You can’t kill one person and expect their ideas to die with them.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I don’t know whether I believe it or not.

jrpowell's avatar

I dug out some old bottle rockets I have that were in a box. I’m going to light up the sky tonight.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’m happy and really hopeful that it’s true. I can’t wait to hear what the President has to say and see what information comes out in the next day or two about this.

Bellatrix's avatar

Ding Dong the bastards dead. (I hope it’s true).

josie's avatar

You can run but you can’t hide.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’ll really laugh if he sends out a tape tomorrow confirming he isn’t dead. Sounds like something he’d do.

yankeetooter's avatar

Don’t believe it…

AmWiser's avatar

The POTUS better hope BinLaden is really dead, it won’t look good on his record if he’s not.

AmWiser's avatar

I vaguely remember Obama saying BinLaden would be captured or killed during his presidency. Will have to research some transcripts.

bkcunningham's avatar

A part of me wants to see his body and spit upon his face.

iamthemob's avatar

@bkcunningham – I think that any of us affected, directly or indirectly, by 9/11, if honest with ourselves, has a part of us that wants to see and do the same.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@iamthemob Me too. @bkcunningham I actually just said something similar to my husband. I won’t repeat it here because it was really bad… but it involved stringing his body up at Ground Zero and letting people throw things at it. (Absolutely horrible, I know, but I lost a good friend on 9/11 and it does feel pretty good to know we finally got this done.)

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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I’m glad that it may offer people some closure, and I believe that it was something that needed to be done. I don’t feel like celebrating or jumping for joy, though. Frankly, I don’t feel comfortable relishing in the death of any human being, no matter what horrendous things they have done.
Of course I’m not judging anyone that is happy, I just don’t see myself jumping on that bandwagon. Doesn’t feel right to me.

creative1's avatar

I will wait and see what happens, they still have to prove dna didn’t they report this once before and it ended up being a relative??

Hibernate's avatar

How can one enjoy someone’s death ?

In any case if he’s dead you guys will never know. If you weren’t able to catch him in ‘01 what makes you think you can now [ even after his faked death ]

augustlan's avatar

What @ANef_is_Enuf said, pretty much exactly.

ucme's avatar

Couldn’t care less….. & i’ve never been afraid of honesty!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Great. Can we leave Afghanistan now? It was the reason we went there in the first place, right?

Hibernate's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus not really Some were sent there for political purposes [ and others with the ” let’s keep the peace ” ]

Cruiser's avatar

My reaction is I won’t be flying, taking a train or bus anytime soon!

downtide's avatar

I’m relieved in one sense but also anxious because I think there will be retaliatory attacks.

I’m also uncomfortable about him having been buried at sea. I know rationally it’s so there cannot be a martyr’s grave, but there’s a fine line between “buried at sea” and “dumped in the sea”, and I’ve no way to know which side of the line it was.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Ah, gee. Lied to again. I guess I’ll just have to keep taking the bullshit ‘cause me and 300 million other Americans just don’t give enough of a damn. More shit please. We’re number one. We’re number one. We’re number one. We’re number one. We’re number one…

etignotasanimum's avatar

I felt shock, mostly, and conflicted. I mean, I’m glad that he’s no longer considered a threat, but as @ANef_is_Enuf said, I don’t feel comfortable celebrating someone’s death. My first thought was actually wondering what will happen after this, politically. Then I was kind of marveling at the concept that I was old enough to know what was happening on 9/11, but that he had sort of been a shadowy presence in the news for most of my childhood, and now he’s dead. It just seems rather strange, for some reason.

chyna's avatar

^What will happen after this? Gas went up 20 cents within hours of the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death.

iamthemob's avatar

@etignotasanimum – I think “conflicted” is how most Americans, as well as people generally I think honestly, should be feeling.

I liked Jon Stewart’s post-news show – where he admitted to being far too close to the issue to approach it in any rational sense. It recognized that it was okay to feel what you are, as long as you recognized that you would, eventually, be called on to think about the issue.

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