He was not the “leader” of “al-Qaeda”.
In fact, he didn’t control, command, fund or advise even a significant fraction of it.
He was just portrayed as such by the American establishment, because they need to maintain icons of hate and fear in the minds of the American people, in order to bend their collective will to their ends.
Without these aggrandized icons, there could never be “victories”, which is another thing the establishment feels the American people “need” putting into their brains.
I don’t know how the Americans expected to get away with befriending, funding, training, using, deceiving, betraying, abandoning and demonizing a man like Osama (he wasn’t called a terrorist when he was an American ally, but he had exactly the same agenda), but they didn’t get away with it, and he got his revenge in 2001.
Then, 10 years later, the most powerful military and intelligence services in the world finally manage to shoot a single man in the head, and the Americans get their chance to dance in the street chanting U.S.A. U.S.A. as if their country is actually good for something other than manufacturing & selling weapons and creating financial disasters. But, in lieu of freedom, equality, peace, good health and consciousness, I suppose that’s what the establishment felt the people needed.
An good old, all-American celebration of Death.
Well, if it makes them happy, I suppose it’s easier than actually raising the standards of living or creating a peaceful, equal society.
But the reality is, of course, that Al-Qaeda is not the headless chicken post-Hitler Nazi Germany was, because al-Qaeda is more a hydra…