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john65pennington's avatar

The Four Seasons vs. The Bee Gees. Were they equal in their music?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 2nd, 2011

Someone asked me, “what vocal group do you believe was the best between the Four Seasons and The Bee Gees?”. Both groups had many No. 1 hit songs. Both groups musical timing was perfect for the public and needless to say, both groups made a lot of money. Each newly recorded song of The Four Season always had its own sound….different from their other recordings. So did The Bee Gees, but not as much as The Four Seasons. Question: its the battle of the vocal groups….The Four Seasons vs. The Bee Gees. How are you voting and why?

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9 Answers

Vunessuh's avatar

I prefer The Bee Gees.

picante's avatar

I’m a fan of both, but my vote goes to The Bee Gees—without any science to back me up, I’d say that their music has appealed to more generations. The “Saturday Night Fever” soundtrack certainly gave them broad appeal.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m definitely for the Four Seasons for no reason I can easily define.

marinelife's avatar

I love the Four Seasons.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Though I like The Four Seasons, I favour The Bee Gees because I prefer dance music to straight-up pop. Lyrically, they’re about equal, I think.

Kardamom's avatar

I think the Bee Gees would win this contest. Their musical style changed pretty dramatically over three periods. First they were a wonderful vocal group in a similar vein as The Beatles, then in the early seventies, they kind of switched to a more adult contemporary, mellow style, and then in the late 70’s they exploded with what could be described as the best of the best disco dance music of all time.

I like the Four Seasons, but to me, they seem like a 1950’s era vocal group, and I love them for that.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I always found a bit of irony in Frankie Valli’s falsetto in Walk Like A Man

filmfann's avatar

Both would give me butt-cheek hickeys, since both suck-ass super hard.
However, given the choice, I would say the Brothers Gibb had more hits, and were able to cross genres.

Emcee_13's avatar

Great question! Different eras, different music styles. One way to compare them is to compare how many records each group sold over the years. Another might be based on how many #1 hits they produced during their years together. While I’m a big fan of both groups, and choosing one in answering this question is very difficult, I have to lean toward the 4 Seasons.

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