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Dutchess_III's avatar

What kind of person goes nuts if a celebrity happens to show up at the same place they are?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 2nd, 2011

I’m afraid I’m not asking this question very well…If I were in, say, LA at a restaurant and Tom Cruise walked in, I honestly don’t think I’d have any reaction at all, other than noticing it was him. Whereas others might get to squealing and poking their partners and going, “There’s Tom Cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Why do some people go all ape over something like that?

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25 Answers

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Because-Oh my god! Megan Fox just passed by my house!

erichw1504's avatar

Well, it depends on how much you worship like the celebrity that you see. And it also depends on the type of person you are, some get more star-struck than others.

erichw1504's avatar

@Michael_Huntington If Megan Fox was just a mile away from me, I’d have to change my pants.

Vunessuh's avatar

People get excited and act differently in situations they wouldn’t normally experience on a regular basis or that they have perhaps at some point in their lives accepted would never/rarely happen to them. I highly, highly doubt if Tom Cruise was in your vicinity, you wouldn’t have some sort of a reaction, even if it was just, “hey, I think that’s Tom Cruise”. We see them in movies and on television, but it really is a different experience in person.

wundayatta's avatar

I think it is mostly young girls who this happens to. I think that it happens more often when they are in the presence of other young girls. They get this excited energy and sometimes they’ll even faint because they’ve got themselves so worked up, there’s no blood in their heads any more.

I think it has to do with powerful men and the kind of built in desire of young women to throw themselves at this guy in hopes of gaining a huge amount of status. I think it takes over their minds, as if they are in a trance, and they’ll do anything for their star. He becomes a god for a little while.

The feeling of letting go of yourself is probably fantastic. To throw yourself completely off the edge of the earth in hopes of being caught in the arms of this fellow must be amazing. You no longer care what you look like or who you are. All you want is to be inside this person (or have him inside you). Some kind of esoteric merging anyway.

There are other forms of the idol worship, with other genders, but I can’t go into that now.

marinelife's avatar

They are shallow.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Vunessuh I did say that I would notice. I just said I wouldn’t go apeshit. I’m wondering…what personality type does.

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JLeslie's avatar

I might tap my husband or friend and say, “hey, there is so and so, or send a text that I just saw Isabella Rosalini in Grand Central (that really happened to me a few years ago, she looked amazing). But, I am certainly not falling over myself or all goo goo ga ga. In NY, I see people all of the time, I have never seen someone approach the person to get an autograph or have some sort of big crazy reaction.

I guess if it happens it is more likely to happen when it is set up to happen. Like whe Justin Beiber was in town I happened to be at the hotel he was staying. Because I was attending a wedding there. I guess the information was purposely leaked, and so there were people hanging around hoping tomcatch or glimps or something I guess? Those people have imposed some sort of weird thing onto the person they are worshipping or excited about that I don’t understand.

There are very few people who would bowl me over. I definitely would never be “nuts” over meeting someone, but I could see feeling a little in awe or very appreciative to be in the presence of someone I admire.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

@JLeslie Agree with all! I would be especially thrilled to see President and Mrs. Obama!
My sister and her husband found themselves in a hotel elevator with Kevin Costner once, here in Wichita. There was some baseball hoopla thingy going on. My sister was on crutches!

Cruiser's avatar

I think it depends on who this celebrity is behaving at the time. I saw Eddie Murphy at a hair convention my girlfriend at the time was modeling at. He made a big deal about his presence so people got all star struck and fawned all over him. He turned out to be a pompous ass as he asked my girlfriend to go with him in his limo right in front of me. She told him to fuck off. The look on his face was priceless! XD

erichw1504's avatar

I thought I saw Robin Williams at the grocery store the other day.

Vunessuh's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’ve lived in Los Angeles for four years and have rarely seen an ape-shit reaction. It really isn’t as common as most people think. If someone does react that way, they’re probably a mega-fan and live vicariously through them and/or really want to be noticed by them. The paparazzi and tourists are mostly those that crowd their space though.
Yes, some people are shallow and place a lot of value on celebrities and get excited because they have the lives we mistakenly think we want.
Others just don’t know what to do with the adrenaline they feel for experiencing something that never happens to them or that they thought would never happen.

Facade's avatar

I wouldn’t go ape, but I’d definitely be excited. I’d try my best to stay cool though.
I think the people that go crazy when they see celebrities are the same people that worship them.

FutureMemory's avatar

I saw Richard Gere once in Manhattan, and a few seconds after making a point of saying “hi” to him I said ” if I know you..”. We both laughed.

Aster's avatar

To go “nuts” you’d have to be very young, I think. If I saw Kevin Costner in person I’d hyperventilate but no one would know it. lol I’ve seen Bob Hope at an airport, Sinbad (alone outside our mall) Pat Boone (he waved to me) Dick Clark (we sort of chatted) and Dallas Cowboy Bob Lilly (who would know me if he saw me I think). I’d post our picture but my printer stopped scanning!!!!

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yankeetooter's avatar

There are no celebrities I can think of who would make me react in this way. There’s really only one person who gets me all excited when he’s nearby, but he’s no celebrity…:)

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve met a few of my faves before, but most of the time it’s been in settings where it was OK or expected, like an autograph line or outside of a stage door. I’ve always acted very calm and polite, because I don’t think it’s very nice when people get loud or grabby or demanding or draw attention to these people, because they are people, not commodities.

That’s not to say that I didn’t have immense butterflies flying around in my stomach. In most cases, I’ve also been able to politely ask for an autograph and get it. My worst case of the nervous jitters came when I met Davy Jones of the Monkees, but I managed to go up to him, say hello, have him sign a picture, get a photo with him (in an autograph line, not on the street) and then after I walked back out of the building, I almost wet myself and me and my friends started laughing and crying and hugging each other. A couple of girls screamed when they walked into the building and saw him and another started bawling hysterically. He just took it all in stride.

I also met David Crosby, in the parking lot of the venue where he was playing. That was the only time I actually thought that I might faint. But I held it together, said hello and got an autograph. He was very sweet. But I’m just so in awe of his talent, that I was overtaken. For me, it was like meeting the God of music.

I would love to meet Fran Drescher, I bet she’s really nice. But if I ever happened to see her in a place where she wasn’t expecting to be meeting fans or signing autographs, I would just swoon inside and not go up to her or pester her or draw attention to the fact that she was there. Then I would find a computer, get on Fluther and let you all know that I finally saw her!!!

If I ever saw Alan Rickman on the street, I would probably implode. But I wouldn’t pester him, I would try to discreetly drink him in with my eyes. Then I’d run and find a computer and get on Fluther and let @bunnygrl know that I saw him.

yankeetooter's avatar

Hey, @Kardamom, count me in too…Okay, I guess I lied when I said there were no celebrities I would get excited about meeting…

mattbrowne's avatar

Severe lack of self-esteem and self-control.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have I told you lately that I love your answers, @mattbrowne?

mattbrowne's avatar

And I love your spirit @Dutchess_III !

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