What some of the greatest and worst world events that have ever happened in your lifetime?
There are many world events that have changed our lives. What are the best and the worst that have ever happened in your life?
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38 Answers
Does the landing on the Moon count as a world event?
9/11 was the worst….the end of the Vietnam war was a goodie!
Worst : Probably the Boxing Day Tsunami
Best : I guess London hosting the 2012 Olympics is pretty awesome
the best: The destruction of the reptilian homeworld 392 earth years ago.
the worst: The cowardly attack of the reptilians 416 earth years ago against our research station in the star system humans call “Ross 128”.
@ucme I am so excited! Sochi, Russia is holding the winter olympics in 2012! I am so happy!
Worst: when Alderaan was destroyed
Best: The destruction of the death star and the Imperial empire’s defeat.
@ragingloli You never cease to amaze!
Best – the use of space shuttles for space missions. Awesome!
Worst – child prostitution
Worst – The assassination of President Kennedy.
Best – The Moon Landing.
@KatetheGreat Fantastic, i’m certainly looking forward to next summers games.
Worst – The Rwandan Genocide
Best – The revolutions in Eastern Europe in 1989
Worst- 9/11
Best- fall of the Berlin Wall. One of my sisters was stationed in Germany when it happened. She had some amazing stories of the event.
Ones I remember – seeing Nixon resign (I know I’m dating myself). I was about 6.
Seeing the Vietnamese hanging onto the planes as they took off from Vietnam (1972 or 3?)
when Elvis died. I was about 10.
when John Lennon got shot. I was like 13. I was not a big Beatles fan (before my time) but I remember how upset people were on the news.
When the Challenger exploded. I was at work as a temp when I heard.
When Chuck and Di got married. I was 13, visiting an aunt in Florida.
When Di got killed. I was coming home from vacation in Cape Cod. It was so shocking I arrived home around 4 a.m. and just watched it on TV all weekend.
This royal wedding that just passed. They only come along every couple of decades or so.
Well, the September 11th thing happened on my birthday.
Oh yeah, 9/11. How could I forget? I was away in Albany for training for my job and we heard, and my mom worked in NYC and I went and watched it on TV there at the training place. Tried to call my mom, all the phone lines were busy, which never happens. I was very upset about my mom. We left the training for the day and went to the hotel we were staying at, they had free food in the bar – you had to pay for drinks but we ate and drank all day and watched TV in the lounge, and everyone was contacting their loved ones. It was so much better than being at work. We were like “Who’s Bin Laden?” because we had never heard of him before. It was a new name to us at the time. I found out later my mom was fine – she walked from her job north over 100 blocks. Anyway, the training ended temporarily and we had to return another time. We all said we will always remember when we heard about 9/11 we were all together in training, and made the best of the opportunity by all being together.
One more – the Yarnpocalypse, Easter Eve, 2011.
I was in Chemistry class in high school when the Challenger exploded…I will never forget that…
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Tse_Tung , the rule of Mao Zedong ”..is believed to have caused the deaths of 40 to 70 million people”.
The eradication of smallpox.
The development and distribution of polio vaccine.
The establishment of civil rights for black people in the US.
The ending of the Vietnam War.
The emergence of British and black music in the 1960’s.
Give us some lurve, Kate!!!
@ladymia69 I am, I am! I’m trying to do 12 bajillion things at once!
Well, I was not even one year old yet, but both Martin Luther King Jr, and Bobby Kennedy were shot a few months after I was born.
I remember very clearly when the space shuttle challenger exploded.
Reagan being shot was a big deal.
Berlin wall came down. At the time I was not sure what to think. Many around me thought it might not be the best idea.
The USSR broke apart.
Hurricane Andrew was pretty big for me, although hurrican Wilma was the hurrican that really damaged my house. But, not sure if those are world events really. Therre are bunches of natural disasters around the world that could be named.
The internet.
Use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, assassination of JF Kennedy, assassination of Martin Luther King, assassination of Robert Kennedy, Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah building bombing, Kobar Towers bombing, bombing of the USS Cole, bombing of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01, the Challenger disaster, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I lived through all of these, although I was too small to realize about the atomic bomb use.
@KatetheGreat I never knew you had so many fingers and brains…heehee.
@ladymia69 I’m an octopus! With multiple brains! Call the scientists quick!
Well, I’m just going to copy and paste from some of you guys!
…assassination of JF Kennedy, assassination of Martin Luther King, assassination of Robert Kennedy, Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah building bombing of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01, the Challenger disaster, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from Cap’n Harley, to which I will add landing on the moon, Watergate and Vietnam.
From @JLeslie Reagan being shot was a big deal. Berlin wall came down. The USSR broke apart.
Osama got kilt.
Wow! Reading some of these makes me feel like a baby! The biggest things that I actually remember are Columbine, 9/11, the recent wars, and the deaths of Hussein and Osama. It’s so cool to hear from those that were alive during some of the most pivotal events in American History.
If it’s not too much, what kind of feelings did you have during some of these times? How did they impact your every day life?
Worst: Kennedy Assassination and 9/11 (tie)
Best: Moon Landing.
@KatetheGreat Yeah…you ever see Apollo 13? When 12 (or 11, I forget) makes the moon landing they called their kids in to watch? That’s exactly what our folks did. “Kids! You have to come see this!!” I was just exactly the same age as the young teen girl in the movie. I had exactly the same kind of leather purse. That whole movie just rings a bell with me.
I remember JFK mainly because…well, I was 5. My little sister and I were outside playing when JFK’s funeral came on. I went running in the house to see it, my little sister right behind me. We had a screen door that was on a pneumatic hinge…it would close slowly until the end when it would “SNAP” shut. Yeah. My sister, running in behind me, got the tip of her pinky cut off in the hinge side of the door when it snapped shut. Totally RUINED JFK’s funeral! So, yeah, that’s how come I remember JFK’s funeral…I have the sight of the flag draped coffin all mixed up with a blood curdling scream and ensuing panic!
Worst: Twenty Thousand men women and children starve to death every single day of the year.
Indonesian Tsunami of 2004 and the latest Japan earthquake and tsunami
Best: besides Yarnpocalypse, Easter Eve, 2011 Humans in space.
What is Yarnpocalypse? Some sort of Japanese pregnancy health issue?
@Dutchess_III I have watched Apollo 13! I bet that was one of the most exciting times to be alive. I would have LOVED to be there.
Also, the Yarnpocalypse was when quite a few of us jellies took @YARNLADY‘s avatar that she had up for Easter and we used it as our own. Then we posted random questions and answers about yarn, knitting, and squirrels (which is a totally different story), and we created mass mischief and chaos across Fluther.
I think how old you were when things happened has a lot to do with it. The JFK assassination hit me like a ton of bricks because I was old enough to understand it, but had never been through something like that before ( 16, I think ). I remember crying like a baby when I watched the funeral on TV.
@KatetheGreat Damn! I missed that! Hey…I’ve been collecting bits of yarn for years because Yarn Lady Needs Yarn!
@CaptainHarley Me too. Cried like a baby….but for different reasons. I was responsible for a mutilation. Sort of. It was an accident. But I cried for the Space Shuttle…
Wow…..I hosted a bob_ avatar day on another website oncet! I wish I’d been there for Yarnpocalypse!
Ummmm! Sniff. So many people just don’t understand how a social networking website, such as this, can have you falling out of your chair, and hopping around the house, and suddenly giggling to yourself on the way to the store…so many folks just don’t understand. I don’t know why the whole world isn’t on a social site like this! And Wisdm! ‘Cause Facebook just don’t party like this!
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