Social Question

How can I create "no impact"?
On thursday I’m having lunch with “No Impact Man,” Colin Beavan. I’m part of a Gaia Sustainibility Collective at my school (pretty much a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle club) and Colin will be giving a talk to our whole college about his year of having no impact and how others can start a similar process in their own lives.
Right now I’m in the process of making lots of flyers to advertise around campus (we plan on using the backs of pre-used papers which were tossed in the recycling bin). I’m hoping to make a flyer for each area of our campus that applys specifically to that environment and how one can create “no impact” on it. For example: if the flyer is in a dorm bathroom, it will have a list of things you could do, such as, “turn the water off when you’re brushing your teeth,” or suggestions for products that are better for the environment.
Anyway, these are the following places I’m looking to put flyers up, and I was wondering if you could help me come up with other ideas to put on them:
dormrooms (maybe there might be a difference between boys’ and girls’ halls?)
dorm kitchens
dorm rec rooms/living rooms
public bathrooms (for those with no shower-related events)
laundry rooms
cafeteria/dining hall
gym/locker rooms
computer labs
we really don’t have any other buildings besides that, since our campus only has 550 students, but feel free to suggest other places as well. Thanks!