What would put a smile upon your face?
Have you known a person that always had a smile on their face?
A lovely man I knew for 15 years always had a smile when I saw him. He just passed away, with a smile upon his face.
Do you envy people that smile all the time?
What makes you smile?
Do you smile enough?
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25 Answers
I smile all the time because I have enough reasons to be smiling.
Not to mention that in my hometown people smile on the street [ around 80% of them ]
There are plenty thing that make me smile :P
I smile lots. Life is too short to be miserable even when you are miserable!
Today, I would smile in a very big way if I didn’t have to drive home in the big storm that is out there. I don’t like driving in heavy rain. Truly though, if that is the extent of my problems, I don’t have any right to not smile do I?
I’m not a smiler. I’m shitty that way. Hate it.
@jonsblond, I didn’t want to spoil your happy thread by answering first, but I would be suspicious of anyone who smiled all the time. Suspicious and uneasy. I feel the same way about anyone who’s nice-nice-nice all the time, too, whether they’re smiling or not.
I think smiles are mostly for an audience. How many people actually smile when they’re alone? I can feel perfectly wonderful inside, as happy as I am apt to get, and yet my expression would probably be neutral. Mildly pleasant, perhaps, certainly not a frown, but not a smile either. Not unless there’s someone present to whom I want to communicate my emotional state.
So then—if this is true—does every smile (other than those of babies, who do smile spontaneously when alone) have in it at least a modicum of self-conscious contrivance? If so, then suspicion is not without foundation.
@jonsblond Thanks but to clarify what I hate is NOT having to smile a lot.
Smiles are okay when their authentic.. How can you tell? Take a trip to a used car lot and look at the smile on a salesman’s face (who always looks like their smiling all the way to the bank) then you’ll know what an ‘authentic’ smile looks like.
I should smile more often. I have dimples. Lot’s of things make me smile. Seeing an old couple hold hands and such. Thats makes me really smile. When people are polite and courteous, I smile. Seeing something amusing or delightful, I tend to smile. I don’t envy people that smile all the time. That’s silly. Though I agree with @chewhorse that some have fake smiles. Whatever. It’s easy to see through a fake smile. That doesn’t effect me. I think if you don’t smile enough maybe you should look at life differently. Even through tough times a smile can be a lifesaver.
A gorgeous naked woman offering free beer, money & lots & lots of stress relieving sex! Look maw, i’m smiling….. i’m smiling :¬)
I do smile quite a lot. I smile when I am dressed nicely, going to a class that i enjoy, past my tests, my friends are around, my parents are all healthy, everything is going well.
I am very smiley person. Its very rear when you can see me not smiling.
My cousin’s nickname is ‘Smiler’ for the obvious reasons.
Someone who smiled all the time would freak me out. No one, and I mean no one, is happy all the time. A constantly happy person would make me very uneasy.
to find out my ex didnt cheat on me..
to have Will back :/
My mom is that person…I need to go see her smile soon!
I have known people who were upbeat most of the time and yes, it was always nice to be around them. I think they learn to go with the flow instead of swimming against the current, makes life so much easier!
My dog always brings a smile to my face. I have owned and handled thousands of dogs in my career and there have only ever been a couple that steal my heart completely and this is one of them!
Oh yeah, my husband too, hehehe well most of the time anyway!
My mother was like that.I’m pretty smiley as well ;)
I smile a lot. My husband makes me smile. I have a few friends who always make me smile. Sometimes I can be just sitting doing nothing much, and suddenly feel very happy that I feel good, and can do whatever I want in that moment. I feel free, that makes me smile.
I usually smile when talking to people, even on the phone.
Ha, I was just thinking that sometimes my husband will ask me, “why are you smiling?” because it seems from nothing. Sometimes I tell him it is because I am happy to spend time with him, which is usually true. But he also is quick to tell me when I have a sour pus.
sorry guys. I shouldn’t have asked this with what I’m dealing with. Going to stop following. Thanks for answering.
Seeing my daughter again would put a smile on my face (she lives abroad.) I miss her.
I tend to look cheerful and content now (maybe because I am). People ask me 1) Have you lost weight? 2) Did you just get a new haircut? and then say 3) You’re looking well.
It’s just as easy as looking dour, glum,“woe-is-me” and “poor me” and costs nothing.
I have not been spared some life-changing tragedies (at my age no-one has ) but I still am one of the lucky ones.
The fact that I am sticking to my guns and helping my self. Just thinking about that..
I knew a guy who seemed completely happy all of the time, and I never knew how he managed that. I smile sometimes, but not enough or as much as I’d like to in life. What makes me happy like that? Helping other people find their own joys.
I tend to think that people who smile all the time are either oblivious or in a different world. Which is fine. But it’s not for me. I know, pending some freak accident where I bleed out slowly to my death, I will die with a smile because I have had a hell of a life and I’ve no regrets.
@Jeruba I understand a little of the people you talk about, but there are also people that battle life threatening illnesses and diseases and know that life is too short to let the little petty things in life bring a frown upon your face. My friend that just passed battled brain cancer for twenty years. He was 28 when he was diagnosed, and given just 6 months to live. He fought his cancer, fathered two children, and made sure he was there to watch them grow until they turned 18. He had an amazing turnout at the funeral last night. Why? Because he was nice and friendly to everyone he met. He was one of those people that didn’t take life for granted and cherished every moment. One of those people you never forget. So many young people, old people, teachers, people from all walks of life came to give their respect to this wonderful man. I doubt I could say the same for someone who was cold hearted. (I’m not talking about fake happy people like you are, and yes, I’ve met people like that. There are truly kind, wonderful people out there. I hope you get a chance to meet more of these people and not assume they are trying to be fake for everyone.)
and when someone says “I didn’t want to, but” or “I’m sorry, but” is a crock of shit. Be honest. If you really didn’t want to spoil my happy thread, you wouldn’t have. I should have known better to come to Fluther when I was emotional and sentimental and ask a question. My fault. I’ll stick to real friends when I want to remember the good people that have touched my life. Your timing was awful. The day I had to say goodbye to a friend, but, this is Fluther, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Shame on me, I should have known better.
Watching little kids play and be free for a while.
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