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ucme's avatar

How would you mark the distinction between accident prone & clumsiness?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 3rd, 2011

Is there even a difference between the two? I certainly wouldn’t consider myself as accident prone. I’ve never broken any bones or suffered any serious injury as a direct result of carelessness on my part, or otherwise for that matter. However, I can be clumsy at times, so the wife keeps telling me, again & again &...... Minor stuff like breaking the occasional glass or plate, easily enough done if you’ve got two left hands! So, what do you think? Are they one & the same thing? Or entirely seperate entities as it were? Do you consider yourself to be either/neither or maybe both?

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9 Answers

yankeetooter's avatar

I’m clumsy, but I have really good reflexes at the same time, so it kind of balances out…

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Well,how often do you wear a helmet?

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Oh, every time the wife gets her “lady cramps,” you know how it is! ;¬}

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme – No,for I am “Sweetness and Light” :)

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Yeah, I believe you….

bobbinhood's avatar

It seems to me like being accident prone requires having regular accidents, while being clumsy is simply a general lack of coordination. So, if you are accident prone, you tend to get injured and/or break things, while if you are clumsy, you tend to fall, run into things, drop things, etc. without any lasting consequences. Essentially, the actions are the same, but the results are very different, so I suppose the difference between them mostly comes down to luck.

Personally, I’m pretty clumsy whenever I get insufficient sleep. I had a friend growing up that was one of the most accident prone people I’ve ever met. She regularly ended up on crutches or in the hospital. I’ll take clumsy over accident prone any day.

JLeslie's avatar

They can be used interchangeably I think. But, if I had to be picky about it, I think clumsy is when people have little awareness about where their body is in a space. Like you say, a bull in a china shop. Accident prone means to me the person gets hurt a lot. A third category is “not careful.” I find this to be people who tend to have a personality that things won’t go wrong. They leave their glass at the edge of the table, the handle of a pot sticking out off the stove, get food stains on their shirts, get crumbs everywhere, and so on,

ucme's avatar

@bobbinhood & @JLeslie See, now that’s what i’m looking for, good stuff!
I actually thought this was a pretty good question & look….it just got rode all over, poo!! XD

yankeetooter's avatar

I consider myself a Weeble Wobble (anybody remember these?). I wobble but I don’t fall down…

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