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6rant6's avatar

Nsfw - What would you do if you found out your SO had set up a nanny cam to watch you?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) May 3rd, 2011

Imagine that you found a cameras set to record you. Perhaps it was intended to watch you when you and your SO had sex. Or perhaps it was to watch you and discover if you were having sex when your SO wasn’t around.

Obviously, you could confront them. Are there more interesting alternatives?

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19 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Set up to catch me cheating, then I guess I have nothing to say, I’m cheating.

Video tape me to see if I am on fluther too much during the day. I’m pissed!

ninjacolin's avatar

Set one up for them to find that you’ve been recording them.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Leave them. If they don’t trust me, and have to resort to spying on me, they don’t respect me and we don’t have the founding basics for a healthy relationship.

Hibernate's avatar

Ask them where’s the trust.

But before that a small prank to be recorded

Pandora's avatar

Get a sex toy, go to town. Then when he watches it, and wants some sex, I say I have a headache. Then he will either insist that I’m playing with those toys too much and I will deny it and when he says I am lying he will either have to tell me about the recording or just be satified with the tapes. Either way he loses. Once he produces the tapes I will destroy the tapes and his recorder and tell him he better become familiar with my toys because that is as close as he is coming to me for a while. Plus I’ll let him know I knew all along.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

Ask what the hell is this, then talk it out.

Haleth's avatar

Dump that asshole! This is worse than cheating, a major violation of trust, and way over the line. Also, it’s just massively creepy and controlling.

chyna's avatar

I’d be really upset about this. Why is he recording you? Is it going to be on the internet someday? I don’t consider this a prank, but an invasion of privacy.

wundayatta's avatar

Find where the video is being recorded and substitute a porn video. Preferably one that is really nasty.

snowberry's avatar

Could it be that this guy has someone they’re doing on the side, and is recording those sessions? There are all kinds of nut cases.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Dress up like a giant fish, then have a vicious argument with the sofa. spin around in circles for a few minutes, jack off, re-arange all the furniature, then put it all back where it was, and just leave the footage there to be found.

Jude's avatar

I’d be pissed.

She has recorded our “goings on”, but, I aware that she pressed record. To not tell me about it is creepy.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

That would disturb me and I would have to rethink whether I want such an untrusting and/or weirdo as my SO.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Deal breaker. Id just leave a note in front of the camera that says “its over”

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Have a conversation with my best friend on the phone about how I’d much rather be with Phillip right now (who’s Phillip? Does it matter?) and that I’m so glad my plan to get pregnant without my partner knowing worked. That ought to get him asking questions.

In reality, I wouldn’t do any of the above. This would NOT be okay by me.

Buttonstc's avatar

That would be the end of the relationship. Period.

Trojans40's avatar

Maybe he or she is trying to improve themselve by watching themselves fucking. It could be something they themselves want to improve by watching the clips and see if they could make learn more on how to please their partner.

Hibernate's avatar

For better performances use some damn mirrors.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I would not be amused. First I’d think it was creepy then I’d be wondering who else was privy to the recordings… and why. This is just not something I think an SO would have a good reason for, I am hard pressed to think of an excuse or explanation that would be okay with me enough to keep on in the relationship, thinking of it as I had been before the discovery.

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