What is something you wish everyone in the world understood?
Asked by
Facade (
May 4th, 2011
Anything at all– serious, funny, weird, gross
Remember to give GAs where GAs are due, and let’s try to keep the bickering to a minimum, please =)
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91 Answers
If you have your physical health, and have your mental health in check, you’re going to do just fine.
It’s crucial that we try to understand the other. Especially those who seem the most heinous.
That some of the boys here at Fluther spew out lameass jokes. :)
To all get along and accept people for who and what they are no matter their differences..
How to make a decent omelette.
That some people have a higher sex drive than others
You can’t use ever-growing amounts of energy and resources on a finite planet and keep doing it forever.
And @everephebe stole the other part of my answer.
The value of life in all forms no matter how big or small.
A little boob never hurt anyone
How most indigenous hunter-gatherer-gardeners actually lived/live, rather than the stereotyped tropes people have of “stone age” life.
You can’t live above your means all your life….. it will catch up with you in the end
Success is not equal to the amount of money you make or what kind of job you have, but how happy you are and how little you hurt those around you.
@Facade: But a lot of boob can be deadly.~
Why no one ever thought of looking under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer.
That stupid never solved anything.
That stupid is as stupid does.
That life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re gonna get.
We’re tiny, insignificant pieces of dust floating on a slightly-larger piece of dust in a universe that doesn’t appear to be designed for us. We’re here for a blink of an eye. And we’re lucky for having this chance. It seems criminal to waste our time here on hate and ideology. All of your enemies and loved ones will one day die. Enjoy their company now and stop holding on to grudges or trying to emphasize our differences.
What the hell Charlie Brown’s teacher was saying all those years!
What Donald Trump’s hair is made out of.
Sometimes in life SHIT just happens and there is nothing you can do about it except accept it
Yarn. Something so lovely yet so misunderstood for it’s sheer greatness. Yarn is the new sexy!
The importance of washing behind your ears.
Natural does not necessarily = healthy (and vice versa).
I wish that they understood that not all Christians are dirt bags. Some of them are awfully nice delightful people, fun to be around, and a blessing to all they know.
@JLeslie I know quite a few who have this mindset
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I wish more people understood that we’re much more similar than different. I wish people risked more for love. I wish less people tolerated injustice and were less cowardly.
@JLeslie There ARE some people who think that. I have met quite a fair number of them on Fluther. If you don’t totally buy into the “collective mindset”, if you dare to think outside the box of the establishment here, you might find yourself in for a flaming. I know because I’ve experienced it and watched them drive people less resilient than me from Fluther.
Oh good God, lets not get into a religious debate here like everywhere else.
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That one armed bandits do in fact know their arse from their elbows.
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@noelleptc Yeah, I got that. I still thought it was stupid. I’m sorry. I wuv you.
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@snowberry Christians who are against gay rights, ignore science, want to put religion in to government, want to convert everyone, sure, pretty much fluther dislikes those Christians, and a lot of the US population does too. But, to say ALL Christians is a ridiculous overstatement. Many times the word Christian or Christian right is thrown around in disgust, but that is NOT generalizing all Christians, not by a long shot. I don’t think I could live in a country where I hated 80%+ of the population, and that would also be 90% of my friends. If you are one of those religious right wingers, then yes, many people are frustrated by the religious right wing. But, the Jews and probably the Muslims too in the extreme are annoying on these same topics. It is more about religiousity than which religion. It just so happens the Christians are more vocal and more powerful, because they have larger numbers than the other groups.
Make Love Not War, Happiness Not Sadness
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I wish everyone in the world knew real pain and real happiness.
Wish people would understand love better .
I have having a hard time choosing…
1 – The Golden Rule
2 – How to drive
3 – That other people do not want to smell your body odor – sweat, pits, feet, breath, gas, ass, oily hair
When you put yourself on a dating website, it means you want to actually meet people and date them not just lead them on.
That happiness is an inside job.
@stardust nailed it. I change my answer to hers.
That when you’re walking around in public, you’re supposed to look where you’re going.
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Know yourself, Question EVERYTHING!
Be self aware…it’s the only path to healthy living and relating.
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Don’t form negative judgments about entire groups of people by whatever unpleasant interactions you’ve had with some of them, or by the publicizing of bad acts by a few of them.
Also, I’ve got hand baby, so this better be the summer of Brian!
Watch out for those invitations on the steps, @Brian1946!
Breeding is more of a responsibility than a right.
Well, we’ll see if I do when I take my course this summer, @SavoirFaire.
That not everything in the world is about them.
How culture and language shape our minds and how we think and that this is the number one cause of misunderstandings.
emails and im’s can easily be misunderstood if that is your only way of communication.
I wish everyone understood, not just heard of, the quote “Be kind- everyone is struggling.”
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Not quite everything.
Most things, yes.
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@JLeslie Yep, that’s exactly what I mean. I don’t attack you for your beliefs and lifestyle, but if I were to state mine here, would you attack me? There are quite a few here who would. Are you one?.
And no, this is not about religion, or anything else. “Tolerance” is a big buzz word, but it occurs to me that it means so many different things to different people, it’s lost its meaning. That, and some folks cannot stand people who who aren’t just like them, or don’t agree with them.
@snowberry No, I don’t attack people who think differently than me, I get pretty upset when they want me to live by their belief system though. One of my closest dearest girlfriends is a religious Catholic, my husband’s family is Catholic, theists, his parents go to church at least once a week, have fairly conservative views for themselves, but don’t expect others to live as themselves.
You can believe however you want. It is interesting that you also say That, and some folks cannot stand people who aren’t just like them, or don’t agree with them. Do you really feel like a gay person is saying a straight person must be gay? Or, an atheist is saying we must tell children there is no God? Or, that liberals want to close down churches? In fact liberals fight for freedom of religion. Sure on fluther their might be religious arguments, that is the point of the site, discussion, but atheists are not fighting to call or promote America as an Atheist nation. I saw Rev. Graham recently in an interview and he said secularism is the same as removing Christianity, that it is an attack on Christianity, that it should be in our government, and America is a Christian nation. As long as there are Christians who believe that, they will feel attacked. But, in my mind, leaving religion out of the public sector means you get to practice your beliefs exactly as you want in your home, in your church, and teach to your children. If we start to say what brand of religion is right for American, then one day the brand might change, and we also move away from the very reason our founders came to America.
Just because you know a person’s name doesn’t mean you know their story.
Not so much understand but I wish people would question more. Question the way things work and such. This is a stupid example but a couple days ago I was wondering how exactly a toilet flushes like when the plunger is pushed and it releases the water from the back does it create some sort of siphon or something to wash the water down the toilet instead of it just overflowing everywhere. So I asked a couple people at work and they all looked at me like I had 10 heads. It got me thinking most people have no clue how anything really works that and they use these things on a daily basis. I think we should be questioning the how common objects we use in our life more.
egh “questioning the how”. ignore that the. and after objects add how I was writing a diff sentence changed my mind and forgot to erase it and add a how
It’s not my responsibility to try to manipulate anyone into believing as I do. I do reserve the right to pray for anyone (I don’t have to make a scene to pray for you, you know). And I will protect my children from anyone I deem unfit to be around them, just as any concerned parent would. That means if you’re an atheist, or a lesbian, or whatever, and you don’t want your kids playing in my Christian home where we pray at the table and for other reasons, it’s your job to keep your kids out of my house.
Anyway, I have personally been attacked by one atheist here whose agenda was to flame anyone who dared to declare their religious beliefs. It’s very interesting that his post was not deleted, even though I flagged it. I can only assume that there is favoritism here among the Mods.
@JLeslie said “If we start to say what brand of religion is right for American, then one day the brand might change, and we also move away from the very reason our founders came to America. Actually I agree. Can you believe it?
@snowberry I believe it :). I agree with what you said also. Don’t let one hyped up atheist bother you. Maybe he feels attacked constantly and over reacts. As athiests it is easy to feel on the defensive. There are huge crosses on the side of the highway where I live, and billboards about Jesus, and constant religious language. But, it is no excuse for someone to attack you or your beliefs.
Look on the bright side of life ;)
Disabled does not equal dumb or bitter and not every person living with a disability let’s it define them.
While we’re at it, quadriplegic does not equal Christopher Reeve.
That not all people are out to do you harm…some really act on their best intentions.
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