Social Question

Is there a conspiracy to generate conspiracy theories?
Now it’s the conspiracy to fake bin Laden’s death. Evidence? The administration took several days for everyone to get their stories together. They won’t release the photos of the “dead” bin Laden. Why did they “bury” him at sea? There’s something very strange here.
Then there are the Birthers, the Death Panel “Deathers” not to mention to bin Laden “Deathers”, the 9/11 Truthers, the Global Warming Deniers, the New World Order Bilderburgers, the Mooners (moon landing was faked in the Arizona desert. And what really happened at Roswell? What’s the government hiding there anyway.
Seems more and more Americans trust no evidence; but know two fundamental things in their hearts.
One—All governments are completely incompetent and can do absolutely nothing right. Everything government touches immediately comes unraveled and fails.
Two—Every really BIG thing that happens is a massive conspiracy pulled off flawlessly by one or more world government. When it comes to Global Warming, that’s done by Al Gore with the collusion of all the governments of the world and virtually the entire scientific community (with the exception of geologists and chemsits working for big oil).
So there MUST be some dark, secret force out there causing all this mayhem and forcing inept governments to suddenly become brilliantly covert and skilled at controlling global forces and hiding the mountains of evidence of their interference. What could the real story be? Is it true that the Greys have a group of ships hiding in the Bermuda Triangle and use invisible. undetectable satellites to project through control rays on Earth? Surely there is a conspiracy to push conspiracies. This couldn’t all happen just by chance.