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Jeruba's avatar

[Fiction question] A character wants to dress for the opera (now) in a really retro outfit and wear her hair in a 1969-1970 bouffant. What does her dress look like?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) May 4th, 2011

Can you show me a picture of it?

Or—what if she wants to dress to current fashion and still wear her hair piled a bit high. What do her hair and dress look like?

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11 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

To match the hair-do, perhaps a Chanel suit with the chains and a matching pillbox hat.

In 1969–1970, I wore minis up to what my grandmother used to call my “pupik.” (It means “belly button” but you see the point she was trying to make.)

Jeruba's avatar

Let me clarify a little bit so we don’t range too far afield. My character wants to wear her hair in some sort of inflated style to annoy the man who sits behind her. And she wants her outfit to justify the look so she’s not transparently obvious about her passive-aggressive hairdo.

Judi's avatar

@Jeruba ; How about one of the hats that were worn at the royal wedding?

WestRiverrat's avatar

Suede and mini skirts were in fashion at that time. Maybe a big afro for the ‘hippie’ look of San Fran.

Judi's avatar

If she had a style like This, she could wear something like this

cazzie's avatar

I think any of these dresses would have captured attention at the opera and could see her sitting there…. with her big hair and loud dress, annoying the hell out of him, and having to say nothing.

Haleth's avatar

I think @Kardamom is definitely on the right track. An updo is a glam 1960s look, not a bohemian one. I’m picturing something like Christina Hendricks in Mad Men.

Sunny2's avatar

As a long time opera goer, I always noticed the ladies who dressed as if they were in the opera. Madame Butterfly brought out lots of brocades and up-dos. Friday nights were dress nights and people got as dressed up as they pleased, formal gowns and tuxes were not uncommon. Hair dos could be whatever the lady wished regardless of the fashion of the time.
So use your imagination.

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