The Jelly Below Me just hit 10,000! Who wants to party for Amwiser?
Asked by
janbb (
May 5th, 2011
Let’s raise a glass to one of our most consistently dedicated, playful and thoughtful Jellies.
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51 Answers
I do, I do! Congrats AM!
TJBM wants to party, too.
It’s a great day to be a part of Fluther!
Congratulations @AmWiser!
How much fun are you, @Amwiser? Congratulations , both for joining us in the mansion (cookies are almost ready, c’mon over here and we’ll gorge!) and for starting such a fun phenomenon!
TJBM is figuring out something funky to say!
We are all a bit wiser in your presence. Congratulations to a very special jelly!
A Magician With Insecurities Still Erases Rabbits.
Congratulations @AmWiser!
And I am wiser for having experienced @AmWiser’s presence here.
Congrats on 10K!
As one of TJBY, my answer is false!
Congrats to the creator of one of the, if not THE most successful thread series here!
When I saw you sitting at 9997 for almost two days, I thought you were contemplating a Zen approach to your Flutherian existence. ;-)
TJBM is filmfann.
Congo Rats and WTFG! You rock!
TJBM has a not-so-secret crush on AstroChuck.
(She also gives answers that I completely embrace!)
I feel old because I am having a hard time placing who this jelly is. Welcome to the club. I’ll keep an eye out for you in the execuitive club house.
Congrats Amwiser. Welcome to the mansion.
@augustlan thanks much and for keeping this site on “q”
@wilma yes! it is a great day. Thank you
@JilltheTooth, okay cookies for now, wine for later:)
@picante, thank you
@Jude, thanks!
@erichw ¿ ¿ Tank You!
@aprilsimnel ssuuuurrrre, and thank you:0)
@Brian1946 Awww! & thanks for your encouragement.
No Zen here. I was away from my computer for a few days.
@filmfann, thank you.
@Judi I’m the quiet one in the corner sipping wine.
@Adirondackwannabe, Thanks! I thought I would never make it.
♥ to all
Congratulations. Now you can prove that you are wiser!
Woohoo! Congratulations :)
Well this is just awesome news! @AmWiser is just an awesome jelly!
somebody take the wine away before I get all emo and cry
Congratulations, @AmWiser! Well-deserved.
Congratulations! Buy you a glass of wine?
Ginormous congratulations, AmWiser! I think I can truly speak for the collective when I say: WE LURVE YOU!
@AmWiser : w00t! That’s wonderful news. Congratulations!
@AmWiser Congratulations on 10K, that is just awesome, awesome, awesome!!!
Congratulations on the 10K!
You are so much wiser than me! Congrats!
So happy for you @AmWiser! Mwah!
CONGRATULATIONS! You’re one of my Fluther favorites!
Congratulations @AmWiser, everyone’s a little bit wiser with you around! :)
Congrats on the 10k. We’re all wiser. TJBM just attended AmWiser’s party.
Congrats on the 10 grand!
Party in the mansion! Woo Hoo! Booze in all the rooms, food is out by the pool and it is time to PARTAY! Congrats @AmWiser.
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
@wundayatta, maybe I should consider a new moniker:)
@shego thanks! That’s my kind of drink.
@FutureMemory, Thank you.
@stardust, Thanks.
@Leanne1986 Thank you.
@Blueroses, yes it is awesome and I’ve been emotional all day.
@josie, why yes! a glass of wine will be fine.
@WillWorkForChocolate, awwww! so sweet!;-)
@Facade, thanks for coming to the party. Clean shaven, I sure:D
@hawaii_jake, thank you.
@creative1, Thank you.
@Seaofclouds, thanks again.
@sakura ThAnK YoU!
@Buttonstc Thank You.
@ladymia69 Thanks…don’t count on it:D
@queenie, I’m happy for you too! 5K! Great job.
@mangeons, that’s debatable..but thanks for sayin’.
@worriedguy, thank you.
@Lightlyseared, Thanks!
@Cruiser, Thanks. If only it were 10 grand (money):D
@chyna, Thanks. My kind of partay.
@lucillelucillelucille, Thank you X3
@tedibear, Thank you.
@zen Tanks!
Congrats, @AmWiser! Welcome to the Jungle (I mean mansion).
So sorry I am late, I was at the cheese mongers shop. I just finished cutting up these little cubes of cheese and sticking those fuzzy topped toothpicks into them. Please help yourself while I go rustle up the Funyuns and the wine coolers.
And be careful if you go down to the pool, me and @queenie filled it up with rice pudding earlier.
Congratulations, @AmWiser, from one middle child to another! When you’re at 10K, the whole fluther smiles with you!
TJBM sz….IDK. I don’t know who the Jelly Below Me is gonna be!
Congrats Ami!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Am indeed Wiser. Well done!!!! Happy 10k and enjoy the mansion. Hope they have lots of champagne and a big party for you and Cazzie.
How the hell did I miss THIS yesterday?
Cheers my wise friend, I always look for your answers and, btw…love your avatar!
Come on over to my Ashram, we’ll meditate in happy brownie bliss!
Congratulations! Namaste!
The jelly below me wishes you all the best on your 10k!
And, uh, so do I. :D
Great job!
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