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Shouldn't the President and his minions be given a little bit of breathing room after the Bin Laden mission?
I did NOT vote for the president, and if given the opportunity I will not the next time either. And I am no great fan of Hillary Clinton.
Having said that, his administration made a tough call, and managed to kill Osama Bin Laden. Difficult decision, risky mission, good outcome.
But now there is all this bullshit.
Was OSB armed?
Where is the picture of his body, absent the cranium?
Why did Hillary Clinton have her hand over her mouth while she looked on in real time while edgy, tightly wound commandos shot there way through a strange building in a foreign land.
It was a kill mission, for heaven’s sake. It doesn’t matter if he was armed or not. But killing is sobering business, I do not care who you are. If I had been there, and I didn’t have a rifle in my hand, I probably would have had my hand over my mouth too! And if you have ever witnessed death in that context, you are probably not that excited about seeing more of it in pictures.
So what is it that makes so many in the press (and it isn’t just Fox, my friends) want to approach this as if there is anything more to know. The guy’s dead. Death is ugly. Mission accomplished. Be patient. There will be a book.
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