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mazingerz88's avatar

What is the quickest way to your heart?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) May 5th, 2011

How would anyone make you fall in love with him or her in the shortest time possible?

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34 Answers

Porifera's avatar

A big nice sweet honest smile and great sense of humor. Love laughing :)

marinelife's avatar

Touching me and saying sweet things to me.

Michael_Huntington's avatar


Blackberry's avatar

Michael took my answer :)
There’s no quick way to my heart, I’m not easily deceived.

MilkyWay's avatar

As it says in my profile, I’m a goner as straight as someone makes me laugh. I can’t help falling for that person. :)

athenasgriffin's avatar

Every girl wants a guy who makes her laugh. That is the first step.
But for love, you need much more than that. There is no quick way to fall in love, not for real. I like people who aren’t afraid to be themselves. Confidence is key.

creative1's avatar

Mentally stimulate me and make love to me over and over again!!!

6rant6's avatar

Tell me you love me.

MilkyWay's avatar

Aww.You made me smile @6rant6.

gm_pansa1's avatar

Eyes, smile, heart, mind. Oh, and I have a thing for hair these days. Yes, hair plays a role too.

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Blueroses's avatar

Don’t mindlessly agree with everything I say if you don’t agree. Give me new things to think about. I like a good discussion as much as I like a good laugh.

gailcalled's avatar

Take over the litterbox, hairball and nail clipping duty for Milo.

tedibear's avatar

Via my ears. Talk to me about what’s important to you, tell me what you like about me even the little stuff, tell me what’s in your heart. I’ll work it out from there. ;)

Joker94's avatar

Communicating well and a good sense of humor. Also, scratching my head.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Intelligence, quirkiness, and a sincere love for life.

BeccaBoo's avatar

Do something unexpected and nice for me….....the washing up, hoover…I will love you forever!

stardust's avatar

Simply seeing me

dxs's avatar

Express their musical abilities, whether advanced or amateur.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Show kindness, a sense of humour and intelligence all at once. Bonus points for looks.

jonsblond's avatar

Tell me the story of The Three Little Pigs while sharing a bottle of vodka with me.

oh wait, that only worked for Blondesjon :D

King_Pariah's avatar

there are too damn many to list especially since half of me is a hopeless romantic, but the cynic in me helps me ignore it, I’ve found that more often than not, relationships cause more pain than they are worth.

Kardamom's avatar

Put on a Charles Shaugnessy mask and ask me if I’d like “ena-thing” whilst wearing a kilt and offering me a plate of fine cheeses.

sliceswiththings's avatar

The quickest way to my heart is through the Scrabble board. I want someone who will challenge me. If a potential BF proves to be a terrible Scrabble player, it’s over.

yankeetooter's avatar

sense of humor…reacting kindly when I’ve had a rough day, without me having to tell them I’m upset

AmWiser's avatar

Doing the housework and cooking while making me laugh and showing/telling me how much I am loved. whoosh!

wundayatta's avatar

Smile at me like I’m the only person you’ll ever be able to see clearly for the rest of our lives.

Adore me, and make me believe that you adore me for the best reasons—reasons I can believe in.

Make love to me utterly passionately—like you crave every part of me. Like nothing about me is disgusting or off-putting.

Do that, and you’ll have me following you around as if you had a leash on me. Not only that, but I’ll do anything for you. Including laundry. If my wife turned up the adoration and passion levels a few notches, I doubt if she’d ever have to touch the washing machine again.

King_Pariah's avatar

Make me feel comfortable enough to show every aspect of my personality without fear of judgement, I put up an extremely tough shell to protect a delicate, fragile, emotionally devastated, 6 year old child of which about half of me wants to kill and the other half try and get those tears to become a smile.

Cruiser's avatar

A smile…a kiss…and birthday cake! ;)

ucme's avatar

Any woman who isn’t afraid to wear her bra as earmuffs while out shopping has cast her spell over me…......irretrievably! If she accessorises by stuffing a scatter cushion down her trousers, thus creating the impression she has a “loaded rear end” then boy, i’m hers for keeps.

ddude1116's avatar

Basically, somebody I can talk to, dig spending time with, who also has a slightly wild side within the realms of sensibility. And somebody persistent with a lot of conviction and determination for no other reason than that I put a lot of fortifications around my heart (don’t ask me why, I’m starting to think it came that way) so it won’t be reached easily.

ducky_dnl's avatar

By giving me your credit card information, lol. I’m just playin’.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Be a woman?

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