(VERY NSFW) What should I do about this situation "down there"?
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May 5th, 2011
Okay, so basically me and my girlfriend had sex, she was tight,She hadnt had sex in a long time, my first but I didn’t think it was that big of an issue, and it went great. Now a while later, it turns out that I tore her. She’s in a lot of pain from it, what can she do to make the pain less and heal up faster. Is there anything else I should know on this subject?
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76 Answers
She should take some Tylenol. It should pass after a few days. Try to go a little slower next time. Spend some time cuddling. You are using birth control?
@BarnacleBill Didn’t have anything this time, but I didnt finish in her. We did go fairly slow, and I fingered ehr for quite a bit before.I guess that wsnt enough though. We do spend a lot of time cuddling.
We plan on getting BC and condoms
Has she ever torn her hymen before during sex? Has she bled before from sex?
I had sex with 2 previous boyfriends before my current boyfriend. The past ones were smaller (3’’ or less) though. My current bf is like 7’’. After we had sex for the first time, I bled (which I didn’t do when I lost my virginity) and I was in a LOT of pain. More than my first time.
What I did was I just gave it some time. Now I can have all the rough sex I want with him. :)
BC is the best. I wouldn’t have sex without it. I don’t trust condoms but I trust BC.
It’ll heal. Its part of the stretching process sometimes. It’s happened to me before. Just don’t have sex again until she’s completely healed.
I get that. I’m just wondering if she has torn her hymen before or has bled during sex, like her first time or something.
If you’re larger than previous people she’s been with, you could have ruptured her hymen.
Ask her.
Don’t have sex again without BC. You can get her pregnant even if you don’t finish in her. The first month she’s on the pill, use a condom.
Go easy on her, big guy!.
@seekingwolf Her previous relationships haven’t been withe the ebst people, and she doenst liek talking about it, but based on her reaction I might be
@FutureMemory lol, I didn’t figure that I was that big, then again, does anyone truly feel confident about their size?
@BarnacleBill I know, the moment just was right and the mood struck us lol. amazingly, she gets horny over the tiniest things, she’s worse than I am XD
Sounds like you may have ruptured her hymen then.
Once she heals up, she should be fine.
What worked for me was using some Vagisil (to keep it moist) and just taking it easy for a while. I continued to have a lot of sex but I don’t suggest that to people unless they are SURE that they will be okay. To be on the safe side, she should wait 2–3 days or so and she should be fine.
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Well it’s up to her but if she feels ready on Saturday (only she can decide) then proceed with caution!
Make sure to do lots of foreplay. I think what also helped me (and I don’t recommend this unless you’re both 21+) but when I drink a little (not even to the point of being tipsy) I am more easily aroused. I think that’s what made it easier for me to have sex again despite being in pain and bleeding from it just a few hours before. It was fine for me.
Quite a few women don’t fully tear their hymen until childbirth. Sometimes it’s size, other times it’s more of an angle/roughness issue. Happens to me for the first few times I have sex after not having it for awhile. Every damn time. It hurts to pee for a couple days, and then it gets better. No biggy, although it is an open wound, so be more careful if STDs are an issue.
@seekingwolf We’re under 21. We usually hump/grind, and finger for quite a while.This si the first time we went all the way.
Be sure to buy the magnums dude.
Have you guys done oral yet?
Going down on a girl is a sure way to get her aroused.
@XOIIO I think if you make a point to not just finger her, but push down on her hymen towards her perineum, that may help stretch her a bit more.
@seekingwolf She hasn’t really… groomed the forest that much, I’m not sur eif thats why but she turned that down. If we do, I read up on a great technique that involves humming—lol-
@MyNewtBoobs I’ll definitly try that next time, I did try to get all areas I could reach.
Just give her time to heal completely. She’ll be fine. It happens.
I love the answers on this question. Such productive sharing for sex. (As cats outside are making sex noises at each other). XOIIO, hopefully she understands she’ll heal and be okay and not feel traumatized—ladies would that be common?
@jlelandg Yeah, she says it hurts like a bitch but she has no regrets, she isnt traumatized or anything. I hope I’m not that big lol
Yeah she may be feeling self-conscious a bit if she hasn’t shaved.
BTW, Humming is kind of overrated. One of my previous boyfriend did that and maybe it was just him but it wasn’t that awesome. The key is to stimulate the clit and really know how to use your tongue. Encourage her to tell you what feels good and what to do. Incorporating fingering with oral is AWESOME. My boyfriend knows where my G-spot is so he’ll stimulate that during oral and it’s like omg heaven
@jlelandg After I bled with my current boyfriend, I literally freaked out. I too thought I “ripped” myself. I ended up calling my father later that night after my boyfriend went to sleep (yes we have a close relationship) and telling him that I was afraid that he “ripped me” but my father is a doctor and told me what was really going on and told me not to worry.
Once you know what’s going on, it’s easy to not be scared.
after it happened, I am always telling my boyfriend “you’re beastly big! my god, how do you get your pants to fit” and he just beams like a schoolboy, hehe
@seekingwolf Yeah, I can flick my toungue pretty good. One thing si that I can humm an extremely deep tone that I can feel in my shoulders and makes my whole head vibrate a bit lol
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@noelleptc Well whatever it is, it tore. She was tight on one finger though
Anyways, no bubbles burst lol
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@noelleptc hmm, thanks for the mental image there.
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@XOIIO This question has been pretty well covered, but I still have to ask: Was she well lubricated?
Insufficient lubrication can be a problem and can cause injury (though not tearing of the vagina probably) particularly when partners are mismatched in size. I’m not going to brag about my size because frankly it’s nothing to brag about. My parts, while not especially large, are large enough to have caused discomfort in many of my partners to date. I have to go slow, and make sure the lady is well relaxed, and frankly, wet before I proceed.
Again, I’m not some massively-hung porn star type. It’s not about my (or your) size, it’s about the match between partners. Even within standard deviation there is room for dimensional mismatch that can lead to discomfort. Yet a vagina is designed to pass a baby. No one in history as far as I know has had a penis larger than a baby.
I’ve gone on at excessive length (fnar fnar) but here’s the tl;dr – you probably haven’t actually torn the vagina, as many before me have pointed out. Vaginae are quite resilient and more than a match for your putative monster member. More likely, your GF is a little tense, dehydrated, under stress, taking prescription medication, or any of a large number of other things which can inhibit vaginal lubrication. She may be more into you than I am into IPv6 and still dry. DO NOT take this personally- I can’t stress enough that there are many factors that can contribute to this, just as there are many things that can cause a male to not achieve erection.
Take your time, treat her nice, make it fun. Good luck.
In addition to the condoms, get some water based lube.
Even if you get pre-lubed ones, having an extra tube of K-Y handy can help ensure that everything goes smoothly and it’s easier on her. The less friction, the less aggravation.
@koanhead Yes, my hand almost dripping, and I don’t brag about anyhting.
Wait, I’m sorry, I only skimmed this thread, but has seriously no one suggested she see a gynecologist?
Look, if she’s sexually active, she should be seeing her gyno anyway. If she is bleeding and in pain, she should REALLY see a gyno, just in case. And her gyno can solve this whole birth control thing that you seem to be somewhat confused about.
@nikipedia I don’t she si bleeding, she just really hurts.
I think if it’s been several hours and she’s still in tons of pain, then she should go, yes.
Some mild discomfort would happen but it should be VERY temporary.
And yes, please use BC.
It had only been an hour, not sure about now
And you know what, I think it would be a great idea if YOU went to YOUR doctor and talked to him/her about birth control. So you’re informed.
Agreed. There are all sorts of BC pills out there and they would need to make sure that they get her on the one that is right for her.
I don’t know, I don’t trust condoms. I wouldn’t have sex with her until you get on BC but that’s just my feeling.
@nikipedia I know most of this stuff, I can’t think of much that I wouldn’t know.
@seekingwolf We plan on using both, or finding a reliable BC pill
If you really know a lot about contraception, then you know it is a complex issue and worth discussing with your doctor.
If it seems simple and obvious, then you REALLY need to have a discussion with your doctor.
It is not just her responsibility to be informed. Do the right thing.
@nikipedia I’ve researched the reproductive system and the entire process just out of curiousity. Simple it is NOT!
Using both would be good, esp if she normally doesn’t take pills. She could forget one. It happens.
Even if a female is “dripping” wet during foreplay, that natural lubricant can dry up during intercourse. Adding some additional lube can make it more pleasant for both of you. Check the label if you’re using a condom (and you should be, at the risk of being the 400th person to say so), some sexual lubes can disintegrate a condom.
@XOIIO It’s not simple at all. Which is why there are people who go to med school for years to take care of these things. You should really follow @nikipedia‘s advice.
@Blueroses Trust me, it didn’t dry up, also, we didn’t have a lot of time, we just had a quickie in my garage while the only person home was taking nap. Don’t judge us XD
@bob_ Trouble reading today? I said that it isnt simple at all.
@XOIIO No, you said “simple it is not”. I agreed with that, and explained how that means you should follow the advice that was given before. Trouble understanding today?
@bob_ ” It’s not simple at all.” and “You should really follow @nikipedia‘s advice.” make it sound like you thought I said it was simple.
@XOIIO, if you knew enough, you would not have chosen to have sex without birth control. It only takes once and you could be dealing with unwanted pregnancy or in some cases STDs. It was only once, might be once too often. Listen to @nikipedia and @BarnacleBill‘s advice. Their advice about birth control is more valuable than any about your technique. Get that basic step right and then go for your life!
lube helps in all situations.
Here’s hoping that pulling out did the trick. That would be a major “chubby lost”. Use protection.
I’m sure this has already been covered, but there are too many comments here to check each one:
1. Pulling out is one of the dumbest things people think works. Ever heard of precum? Still has your little squigglies in there that can fertilize one of her eggs… Use condoms and birth control.
2. I still get tender after sex with my husband after 12 years. Go slow and make sure that she’s VERY well lubricated before you penetrate her.
3. If the pain lasted for longer than an hour or two, she may need to talk to her doctor about it.
@WillWorkForChocolate yes, however the second I even felt like “finishing” even the tiniest bit I pulled out, it was a good 15 seconds later I did, but I know there is still a risk
I think some of the pain might be because she is due to have her period in 3 days or so
Pulling out is not as effective as regular contraceptives.
(but it sure as hell beats not pulling out)
That full 15 seconds is totally irrelevant if even one of the swimmers in your precum already connected with an egg.
They’ve already had a good headstart.
You really should do a little research on just how many sperm cells are typically found in precum. You may be quite surprised. It’s not just a few.
Believe it or not pregnancy has resulted without penetration, from the precum around the entrance to the vagina when “grinding” or fooling around in general.
Dont take my word for that. Check it out for yourself. Admittedly it’s not common, but the fact that it can happen at all should get your attention.
Precum starts long before you enter so when you finally do, just think how high up those little guys are being deposited. The majority of their siblings may be deposited outside the vagina, but IT JUST TAKES ONE.
You are the one in control of where your sperm goes. Please utilize that control and wrap it up already. If you’re old enough to have sex, you’re old enough to be responsible about it.
You’ve mentioned elsewhere that you don’t prefer the problems of emotional entanglements. Do you have any idea what the emotional roller coaster of dealing with an unplanned can be like?
It’s not fun. Please, for your own sake and hers, use your big brain instead of the little one :)
@Buttonstc Well duh you can get pregnant from it, and to assume its just as good as a condom is foolish. But there’s probably about 100x the sperm cells in regular cum than there are in pre-cum. So at least there’s that.
You may not know this, but you can have a bead of come on the tip of your penis even beforeyou enter her. And a little bit can trickle out the entire time, not just at the end when “you get close to finishing”... Put on your “party clothes” before you even get close to her jayjay, otherwise you could be a daddy long before either one of you are ready.
You better hope that she doesn’t get pregnant. Never ever just rely on “pulling out”. That’s not a good method.
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Apparently the OP is not as convinced of this fact as much as the rest of the people responding to this thread.
My post (even tho it happened to follow yours) was NOT written in response to you, but was written to the OP since he needs as much accurate info as he can get.
If I had meant it in response to you, I would have addressed you at the beginning as I did here, duh.
Responses intended for the OP typically are not addressed specifically to that person since that’s an obvious redudancy.
Not everything is about you, ya know :)
@Buttonstc I am convinced, I’m not sure why you would think I was not. I already have plenty of information about reproduction, I simply was asking what to do in this situation along these lines, not how to avoid getting someone pregnant. I“m not sure if your reply was meant to be somewhat humorous, but it did seem a bit over the top. I didn’t flag it, I thought it was a bit too confrontational. It did have merit but I see how someone could have mistaken it for an attack or being “Flame bait” never even ehard those words before lol
The comment that was removed for “flame-bait” wasn’t written by buttonstc. Just FYI.
For a young person like you, I suggest using condoms and a spermicidal lubricant, or condoms that have a spermicide. Because she is tight, invest in a tube of KY Jelly or other personal lubricant (it’s not expensive), and use plenty of it. You want to get in there easily without hurting her, and the lubricant will greatly add to your pleasure. An effective spermicide will give you greater protection from getting the girl pregnant, something you don’t want at your age.
Yes, def use a lubricated condom. ><
I don’t use condoms with my boyfriend (I’m on BC and I am infertile due to a disease I have) but I tried using a condom with him recently just to see “what it was like”. Ugh. We got one of the unlubricated ones. I couldn’t stand it AT ALL. It hurt so badly. I had him take it off within 4 seconds.
@seekingwolf That’s too bad, or good, depends on it, I’ve often thought of the time and money I could save if I was infertile XD. we got some, I’m guessing they are lubed, and I imagine the plain ones would hurt, I know the feeling of dry latex digging into your skin >_<
Yeah my boyfriend didn’t like it either. He said it was uncomfortable. Poor guy.
Not needing condoms is nice but the drawback is that it’s very very messy.
Lubed ones may still be uncomfortable. I suggest getting a good water based lube if that’s the case.
I know I’m answering this question very very late. Can you let us know the outcome? The same thing happened to me. It took me about two or three weeks to fully heal. I think I made it worse by shaving and continuing being sexually active when I should have let it heal.
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